04-16-2003 VC SPWS-MMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL WORKSHOP • OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2003 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor Charles R. O'Meilia, Vice Mayor Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Councilman Don Noel, Councilman Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC, Deputy Village Clerk Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present except the Village Clerk and Village Attorney. The purpose of the Special Workshop was to discuss the Compensation, Classification and Benefits Study prepared by HR Management Partners, and to discuss the Village Council's goals and objectives. COMPENSATION, CLASSIFICATION AND BENEFITS STUDY Acting Village Manager Doug Smith discussed the results of the Employee Benefit Survey. Mr. Smith reported that 77 of approximately 165 employees responded. Based on enrollment by one-third of the employees, EMI estimated an annual increase of $36,000 if the Village implements a dual option health plan (EPO and PPO). EMI estimated an increase of about $32,000, if a "Wellness Benefit" of $200 per calendar year is added. During discussion of these options, it was clarified that a "Wellness Benefit" could be part of either health plan and that it would be a maximum of $200 per employee per year, with the total cost dependent on the number of employees using that benefit. Based on his meetings with Department Heads, Mr. Smith gave an overview of suggested changes to the Village's compensation program, including reinstatement of longevity, minimum COLA percentage, mid-point hiring rate, projected pay increases, and pay for performance. Brief discussion was held on longevity and pay for performance. The Council agreed by consensus to discuss these issues further, after implementation of the pay study. Mr. Smith was directed to schedule a meeting between Lorri Barefoot, HRMP Consultant, and the Department Heads to discuss the implementation of the options contained in HRMP's study. Ms. Barefoot discussed the 60th and 75th percentile options for the pay plan and the financial • impact for each option. Ms. Barefoot stated that Option A, the 60th percentile for all departments would cost $356,764.00, slightly over $100,000 more than the 50th option. For Minutes of Special Workshop Held Wednesday, April 16, 2003 • Option B, the 75th percentile for the Public Safety Department, the cost for that department would be $183,517.00. Additionally, Ms. Barefoot provided Option C, which excludes Public Safety management positions, administrative support, technology and dispatch personnel from the 75th percentile, and would cost $145,831.00. Discussion ensued regarding the 1.6 percent COLA previously approved for fiscal year 2002-2003. Ms. Barefoot added the COLA to the September 30th salary figures before calculating the cost of the proposed increase. Ms. Barefoot increased the salary ranges by 1.6 percent as well. The consensus of the Council was to select the 60th percentile option for all employees. The meeting recessed at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Council revised the list of objectives for each of its five previously determined goals. Ensure Quality of Life in the Village • Improve and maintain Village waterways as unique Village asset • Formulate traffic speed control program for all Village residential streets • Provide permanent fully staffed Public Safety station north of the Intracoastal Waterway • Update plan for Anchorage Park and continue to improve all parks • Improve Code compliance and education • Promote strict law enforcement Improve the Utilization and Operation of the Countrv Club for the Benefit of all Village Residents • Review membership system • Establish more Village events • Update and improve Golf Course • Review organization/management structure • Improve interdepartmental communications • Promote golf and tennis to all residents • Emphasize scheduling ofjunior programs in golf, tennis and swimming • Continue to promote Village residents use of Country Club facility • Continue to improve appearance • Facility and grounds • Improve and enforce dress code • Establish programs for family use • Establish family participation functions on a regular basis • Enhance financial strength • Market availability and use of facilities • Quarterly review of finances by Village Council • • Review of cash management systems by Internal Auditor 2 Minutes of Special Workshop Held Wednesday, April 16, 2003 • Enhance the Spirit and Participation of Our Community • Encourage Village resident participation in programs • Have monthly Village events at NPBCC • Investigate cable TV service alternatives • Bulk rate • Acquisition • Alternative companies • Establish 50th Anniversary Celebration committee - Ad Hoc • Establish Future Annexation committee - Ad Hoc • Improve communication with businesses • Establish teen center/programs • Participate in regional sporting events Improve the Overall Appearance of the Village • Continue high standards for overall appearance of the community • Strengthen and enhance code regarding maintenance of properties • Enhance Village entrance features and signs (Village logos) • Establish a Village Appearance Committee -House and Business of the Month • Review and update commercial landscape ordinance • Maintain high quality roads • Continue and accelerate improvements to medians • Improve maintenance, appearance and landscaping of Village properties • Plan beautification and reconstruction of Prosperity Farms Road • Develop and implement plan for Village Hall complex • Support Northlake Boulevard Task Force • Promote local art through rotating exhibits at Village Hall Improve the Operation and Effectiveness of Village Departments • Enhance Public Safety operations • Improve communication and response to public • Review organizational structure and cost effectiveness • Plan North County communities cooperative communication and dispatching system • Continue to improve interdepartmental communications • Study present athletic activities for fairness, equality and organization • Review Village budgeting process and financial controls • Formalize a management plan for all recreational programs • Review goals and objectives quarterly With~n~o f~urt~her business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Melissa Teal, CMC, Deputy Village Clerk