07-15-2003 VC B WS-M,~ ~~~~ MEMORANDUM ~~~~~~ 'y1nLM`D Douglas E. Smith The Village of Acting Village Manager NORTH PALM BEACH (561) 841-3380. FAX (56]) 848-3344 501 U.S. Highway #1 E-MAIL: dsmi[h@village-npb.org Nonh Palm Beach, Florida 33408 TO: Mayor and Village Council 1 FROM: Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop -Tuesday, July 15, 2003 DATE: July 16, 2003 The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 at 7:00 PM to review the proposed Country Club budget for FY 2003-2004. All Council Members were present. Country Club Advisory Board member Jim Bender was present. Country Club staff present were: Country Club Director Dave Talley, Golf Course Superintendent John Morsut, Head Golf Pro John Scott, Pool Manager Dick Cavanah and Tennis Director Marcel Agnolin. Other staff present were Acting Village Manager Doug Smith and Finance Director Shaukat Khan. The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes: see attachment. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 PM during discussion on Country Club revenues. The Council will continue discussing Country Club revenues at the workshop session scheduled for Wednesday, July 16, 2003. cc: Country Club Advisory Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Dave Talley, Country Club Director John Morsut, Golf Course Superintendent John Scott, Head Golf Pro Marcel Agnolin, Tennis Director J • VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-15-03) • Account No, ~ Dept. Name o ~ L8056 Administration rrom Staff reported on use of credit cards by members. Council did not make any changes to the current system of credit card charging. L8059-34655 Clubhouse/Grounds R8M Burglar/Fire Alarm To: Staff reported that monitoring fees have been charged to this account and false alarms fees have not been charged. Staff to bring back additional detail on the difference between last year's budget and this year's budget. L8056 Administration On page 241, under Goals, add the following bullets to the current list of goals. First bullet -Continue to review the revenue structure to ensure stability, equity, efficiency and capacity to finance Country Club Operations. Next bullet - Review Country Club budgets quarterly with the Village Council to be abreast of the financial status of the facility. Under Objectives, first bullet point will now read "Review membership system." L8056-34910 Administration Advertising Funds for marketing assigned to a new account. $25,000 $1,OOD L8056-? Administration Marketing New account created for marketin 9- $0 $39,000 L8053-66430 Food and Beverage Furniture and Fixtures Addition of funding far carpeting replacement with $0 $5,000 corresponding revenues to be budgeted. L3700-? Miscellaneous Due from JDEL (Carpeting) See above $0 $5,000 L8056 Administration Travel/Training/Conference One of three conferences under CCMA to be removed with the amount to be determined. L8050 Tennis Discussion took place concerning junior tennis programs and revenues. Council directed staff to investigate means for Village to participate in tennis revenues. Page 1 of 3 Account N~ Dept. Name - Ra,„ ~ ~~ L8050 34110 Tennis Telephone Reduce the budget. $1,100 $750 L8050-34310 Tennis Electricity Change the 2003 Anticipated column from $5,500 to $7,700. L8050-34640 Tennis R8M Irrigation System Reduce the budget. $1,300 $500 L8050-35270 Tennis Custodial Supplies Under the 2003 Anticipated column, change the amount from $650 to $1,200 L8050-66490 Tennis Machinery and Equipment $0 $2,000 Addition of an ice machine, and the word "new" is stricken under the Machinery and Equipment description. L8045-66490 Golf Course Machinery and Equipment Utility Vehicle $5 500 TDB Maintenance , Walking Greensmower $11,500 TDB Fairway mowers $60,000 TDB Council's final budget for L8045-66490 is $77,000. Staff directed to investigate leasing options. L8070 Reserves 2003 Salary Adjustment Adjusted amount based on updated performance raise $72,000 $56,000 information. L8070-49915 Reserves Reserves-Raises and $36,000 $27 600 Benefits Cost of living increase changed from 3% to 2.3%. , Country Club Organization Chart On page 197, change Grounds organizational chart box from 2 full-time and 1 part-time to 1 full-time and 2 part- time. Change solid line from Country Club Director to Country Club Advisory Board to a dashed line. Strike 4 full-time from the Village Manager box Country Club Highlights Budget year 2003 On page 198, add a new third bullet under "price 2004 increases' as follows: "Increase 18 hole walking fee - $1.00". This is added pending discussion of revenues by the Village Council. Page 2 of 3 Account N_ Dept: Name Rama ~ -~ vm Country Club Rate and Fee Schedule On page 204, change the non-resident family membership for 2003-2004 from $2,768 to $2,868. Change the non- residentsingle membership for 2003-2004 from $1,616 to $1,716. These changes are made pending discussion of revenues by the Village Council. Page 3 of 3