07-16-2003 VC B WS-M_:~~~~ MEMORANDUM z~ ~h'PALM~'~ Douglas E. Smith The Village of Acting Village Manager NORTH PALM BEACH (561) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344 501 U.S. Highway pl E-MAIL: dsmith@village-npb.org North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 TO: Mayor and Village Council 1 FROM: Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager ~;~ SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop -Wednesday, July 16, 2003 DATE: July 23, 2003 The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 7:00 PM to review the proposed Country Club budget for FY 2003-2004. All Council Members were present. Country Club Advisory Board Chairman Joe O'Hagan and Board member Jim Bender were present. Country Club staff present were: Country Club Director Dave Talley, Golf Course Superintendent John Morsut, Head Golf Pro John Scott and Pool Manager Dick Cavanah. Other staff present were Acting Village Manager Doug Smith and Finance Director Shaukat Khan. The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes: see attachment. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:45 PM. The Council completed the discussion of the Country Club budget and balanced the budget. The Council will begin discussion of the General Fund budget at the workshop session scheduled for Thursday, July 17, 2003. cc: Country Club Advisory Board Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Dave Talley, Country Club Director John Morsut, Golf Course Superintendent John Scott, Head Golf Pro Dick Cavanah, Pool Manager Marcel Agnolin, Tennis Director r ~ ~ J l.+ccounc i~ L8056 Dept. ~ _.. Name Remarks Admnistration On page 241, add an additional bullet under Goals - Continue with long-term financial planning for the Country Club. L8056 Administration Staff reported on a longer term agreement for credit card equipment that had been signed during the current fiscal year. This item was not separately budgeted for in the current year budget and was not included in the previous RCA. Country Club Staff reported on part-time employee authorizations and requested direction from Council which could be discussed later. L8050 Tennis On page 221, change projected 2004 membership numbers as follows: Resident junior changed from 5 to 10, Non-resident junior changed from 6 to 10. Grand total changed from 217 to 226. Finding ways for the Village to receive revenues from tennis is not to be limited to juniors. Finding revenues from the other instructional areas is the priority, additional revenue from camps can still be reviewed also. L8056-35111 Administration Computer Supplies Adjusted computer supplies account due to purchase of new computer in the Country Club during the current fiscal year. Country Club A grant for removal of melaluka trees was discussed. Council's direction was to continue with the grant as submitted. If grant is approved, Council will provide further direction. L8056-34010 Administration Travel Reduced CCMA conferences from three to two. Golf Shop Staff to research alternatives for WGA Shotgun and make changes. L2100-05231 Revenues Golf Greens Fees Changed the 2003 Anticipated column from $340,000 to $250,000. $4,220 $3,300 $3,565 $2,700 Page 1 of 2 Account Dept. Name Remarks From: o; L2100-05231 Revenues Golf Greens Fees Adjusted Green Fees number for 2004 $334,000 $275,000 L2100-05232 Revenues Golf Cart Rental Changed 2003 Anticipated column from $995 000 t , o $1,076,000 L2100-05232 Revenues Golf Cart Rental Adjust Golf Cart Rental figure . $1,022,000 $1,108,000 L3200-07500 Revenues Driving Range Proceeds Changed pricing for warm-up bucket from $3 t $4 d o an small bucket from $5 to $6. $234,000 $260,000 L2100-06621 Revenues Club Resident Adjusted number based on current Country Club membership. $274,000 $261,000 L2100-06622 Revenues Club Non-Resident Adjusted number based on current Country Club membership and $100 increase for Non-resident family $455,000 $429,000 and single memberships. L2150-03641 Tennis Membership Resident In the 2003 Anticipated column add $28,500 to fill the blank space in that column. L2151-03243 Revenues Pool Rental Increase summer day camp fees from $2 to $3 and increase college training per person from $6 to $7. Fees $22,000 $29,000 for golf and tennis camp pool use to remain at $2 er p person. L2246-02302 Revenues Bag Room Increased bag fee by $100 . $10,000 $11,500 Country Club Staff to balance the budget with overage to be allocated to L8070-49940 Future Capital Improvements. Page 2 of 2