07-17-2003 VC B WS-MMEMORANDUM Douglas E. Smith Acting Village Manager (561) 841-3380. FAX (561) 848-3344 E-MAiL: dsmith@village-npb.org The Village of NORTH PALM BEACH 501 U.S. Highway#I North Palm Bcach, Florida 33408 TO: Mayor and Village Council FROM: Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager SUBJECT: Village Council Budget Workshop -Thursday, July 17, 2003 DATE: July 28, 2003 The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Thursday, July 17, 2003 at approximately 7:00 PM to review the proposed General Fund budget for FY 2003-2004. All Council Members were present. Acting Village Manager Doug Smith and Finance Director Shaukat Khan were present. Other staff present were: Public Services Director Kristine Frazell, Public Services Superintendent Hal Beard, Public Safety Director Duke Johnson, and Captain Gordon Wiborg. The Council entered into discussion of the proposed General Fund budget for FY 2003-2004. Staff will report back on the surplus number for FY 2002-2003. Discussion took place concerning the level of sutplus funds desired. Discussion took place conceming the level of a tax increase for next fiscal year. The target mil]age rate for next fiscal year is 6.8 mils, which requires a $1.25 million dollar reduction in the proposed budget. Discussion took place concerning increasing fees. Discussion took place concerning an enterprise fund for Sanitation. Staff will review revenues. Discussion took place concerning a public information system for the budget. A press release will be developed including information on the number of employees that the Village has increased in the last five years, improvements to facilities, that taxes have not been increased in the last five years, and that health insurance and personnel costs have increased. Discussion took place concerning alternative sources of revenues. The goal for a millage increase is one mil while doing our best to keep services the same. Staff is to bring back a budget that reduces by I mil, and also show what would need to be increased over the 1 mil to keep ceRain things. public information release will also need to include information on Country Club increases. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM. cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director