07-21-2003 VC B WS-M~~~~~ MEMORANDUM ~,~ yP.1LM~ Douglas E. Smith The Village of Acting Village Manager NORTH PALM BEACH (561) 841-3380. FAX (56]) 848-3344 501 U.S. Highway#1 E-MAIL: dsmi[h@village-npb.org North Palm Beach, Plorida 33408 TO: Mayor and Village Council ( FROM: Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager`,~j~: SUBJECT: Village Couucil Budget Workshop -Monday, July 21, 2003 DATE: July 28, 2003 The Village Council met in Workshop Session on Monday, July 21, 2003 at 7:00 PM to review the proposed General Fund budget for FY 2003-2004. All Council Members were present. Acting Village Manager Doug Smith and Finance Director Shaukat Khan. Other staff present were: Public Services Director Kristine Frazell, Public Services Superintendent Hal Beard, Public Safety Director Duke Johnson and Captain Gordon Wiborg. The Council entered into budget Workshop discussions and made the following changes: see attachment. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 PM. The Council completed the discussion with the Community Planning budget. The Council will resume discussion of the General Fund budget with the General Services-Village Hall department at the Tuesday, July 22, 2003 budget workshop session. cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Kristine Frazell, Public Services Director Duke Johnson, Public Safety Director • • Account No. Dept. VILLAGE COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CHANGES (7-21-03) Name Remarks From: . To: Staff presented list of potential revenue increases and additional budget reductions. Staff reported on cost to increase Police and Pension from to 12% of $130,000. A0618-1100 Revenues Village Occupational Increase fees up to 5% (whatever is approved). $203,000 $213,500 License A0618-01120 Revenues Building Permits Increase minimum fee from $40 to $60 and raise other $200,000 $250,000 fees by 10%. A0618-03910 Revenues Marina Increase Marina wetslip and dry storage fee by 75%. $75,000 $133,900 A0618-03920 Revenues Marina Decal Changed fee from $25 to $50. $7,500 $18,750 A0911-4110 Revenues False Alarm Fines Increased false alarm fee from $50 to $100 for businesses $12,000 $22,000 only. A0911-04600 Revenues Ambulance Fees Raised ambulance fee to $450. $140,000 $189,000 A1704-03400 Revenues Certified Copy and Increase lien certification to $10 if possible. Research A2128-03280 Revenues Facility Usage Fees Changed fees for instructors from 80120 split to 70130 split. A2128-08999 Revenues Summer Camp Staff to investigate whether non-residents pay a higher fee. TBD Revenues Utility Tax -Water New tax of 10% (112 year of revenue . $0 $160,000 Staff to investigate new assessed value increase of $110, 000. Staff estimated $698,000 for year end fund balance (including $100,000 from current year's budget). Page 1 of 4 t..wuunc n- ~ uept. ~ Name. ~ Remarks From -~ Revenues Group Health Council will come back to review Group Health rate when new plan is added or later in budget workshop. Staff to develop informational materials on the budget far the public before the budget process is finished. Various Holiday Gifts Holiday Gifts line item to be removed from each department's budget. Public Services - Contract Labor Eliminate line item. $3 000 $0 Admin , A6018-33491 Public Services - Contractual Services Reduced the budget. $8,800 $4 400 Admin , Telephone Staff to report back on telephone budgets. A6018-34010 Public Services - Travel Removed APWA Conference. $2,100 $1 100 Admin , A6018-34260 Public Services - R&M Building and Ground Remove office remodel. $4 000 $2 000 Admin , , A6018-34660 Public Services - R8M PA & Communications Remove two Nextels Admin Systems . $3,000 $2,000 A6018-35430 Public Services - Conferences & Seminars Removed APWA Conference. $800 $40D Admin A6018-66415 Public Services - Computer Hardware & Eliminate Laser printer. $2 800 $1 Admin Software , ,400 Staff to review 5,10,15 year Capital plan for 1994 Chevorlet Caprice #15. A5519-34660 Facilities R&M PA 8 Communications Eliminate three Nextels. Maintenance Systems A5519-35217 Facilities Machinery 8 Equipment Reduced the budget. Maintenance $2,000 $1,000 $800 $500 Page 2 of 4 j Account Ni' .Dept Name RPmarlre r ~ -~ A5519-66490 Facilities Machinery 8 Equipment Eliminate Table Saw. $2,200 $0 Maintenance Sanitation Council will review later the packer truck and jittneys. Cell Phones Council will look at overall cell phone system at a later time. A7020-35221 Sanitation Tires & Tubes Anticipated number for 2003 needs to be adjusted by staff. HRMP Salaries If Council approves new numbers prior to October 1, 2003 they will be reflected in the final budget. A7321-34660 Street Maintenance R&M PA & Communications Eliminate one Nextel. $2,500 $2,000 Systems A7321-34681 Street Maintenance Street Resurfacing Reduced the budget. $3,000 $2,000 A7321-34685 Street Maintenance Street Striping Reduced the budget. $5,000 $2,000 A7321-35224 Slreet Maintenance Traffic Control Signs Reduced the budget. $8,850 $4,850 A7321-35225 Street Maintenance Fences -Alleys Fencing -Lighthouse Bridge funds removed $15,600 $6,600 A7321-35226 Slreet Maintenance Catch Basins/Grates Reduced the budget. $4,000 $3,000 A7321-35310 Street Maintenance Asphalt Shell 8 Concrete Reduced the budget. $9,000 $7,000 A7321-33190 Street Maintenance Professional Services $16,000 $10,000 A7321-33430 Street Maintenance Tree Trimming $5,000 $2,500 A7321-34684 Street Maintenance R8M Storm Drains In future, bring back replacement program. $17,500 $5,000 Page 3 of 4 AccountN~ Dept. Name ao.,,,~1.~ flVlll - treet Maintenance Staff to review dump truck in relaUOn to 5,10,15 Capital plan. A5522-35217 Vehicle Maintenance Machinery & Equipment Removed oil receiver. $1,200 $6D0 Supplies Vehicle Maintenance Construction & Major Reroof vehicle maintenance buidling will be added back as Renovation a financing item. Various Parks & Part-time Salaries/Benefits Removed summer help. TBD TBD Maintenance A8023-34660 Parks & R&M PA 8 Communications Eliminate one Nextel. $1 200 Maintenance Systems , $700 A8023-35222 Parks & Trees 8 Sod Reduced the budget. $7 000 $5 000 Maintenance , , A8023-66210 Parks & Construction & Major Removed Osborne Park parking design. $10 000 $0 Maintenance Renovation , Staff to investigate the history of the agreement on this project for the Village's participation and bring back to a future agenda. Page 4 of 4