09-17-2003 VC SPWS-MMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL WORKSHOP • OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2003 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor Charles R. O'Meilia, Vice Mayor Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Councilman Don Noel, Councilman Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager George Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Norris called the workshop to order at 8:05 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. CREDIT CARD POLICY Discussion was held concerning establishing a credit card policy for Village Departments. The consensus of Council was to prohibit the use of Village credit cards by Village employees, so no policy was established. Any budgeted expense paid for by Village employees with their own credit cards are reimbursed within the week that a copy of the bill is submitted. No further action on this issue will betaken. The Council will discuss centralized purchasing during a future agenda. COMP TIME POLICY The Council discussed a proposed change to Section 8-Overtime of the Village Personnel Rules and Regulations. The Council agreed that Section 8.01 shall read: Overtime shall be authorized by the Manager or Department Heads. Section 2 also will state "prior approval of the Department Head or Village Manager. Regarding Section 8.03, SALARIED EMPLOYEES, the Council agreed by consensus to amend the policy to eliminate comp time for salaried employees. Comp time already earned and approved prior to the policy amendment will be honored. Acting Village Manager Doug Smith will bring back further information on how exempt employees are treated regarding hours worked. Section 8.04, COMPENSATORY TIME for hourly employees, will be changed to 60 hours to match what is allowed by the PBA contract. r1 LJ Minutes of Special Workshop Held Wednesday, September 17, 2003 • Section 8.05 SALARIED EMPLOYEES PAID LEAVE, was deleted. This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of October 9, 2003. CELL PHONE POLICY The Council discussed establishing a policy for the use of Village cell phones by Village employees. Staff was directed to bring back a complete list of phones we have now. The Council agreed that if cell are to be used, staff must present a list of employees who need cell phones and the reasons they need the phones. The Council agreed further that if phones are allowed, they should all be under the same plan with the same company, and the plan shall be one of minimum minutes costing no more than $50 or $60, with the Village paying the base price for the plan only. Employees shall pay for any minutes over those included in the base plan, regardless of whether they are personal calls or business calls. This item will be brought back to the Workshop agenda of October 9, 2003. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:41 p.m. i ~. ~t~ K thleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk C J 2