09-25-2003 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION • OF THE VILLAGE COUNCILOF NORTH PALM BEACH HELD SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor Charles R. O'Meilia, Vice Mayor Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Dr. Edward Eissey, Councilman Don Noel, Councilman Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 10:38 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC After a brief discussion regarding the Osborne Park renovation project, the Council stated that the contract for design, as well as an ordinance appropriating funds for construction could be placed on the agenda for the second meeting in October. COUNCIL COMMENTS The Council directed that discussion of the T-1 line, as well as discussion of the telephone system, be placed on the Workshop agenda of October 9, 2003. BANK LOAN FOR SUBSTATION PROPERTY -PROPOSALS Discussion was held concerning bank loan proposals for financing the purchase of property for the north substation. The proposal of Southtrust Bank will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of October 9, 2003. Mayor Norris stated for the record that his firm does closings for Southtrust Bank, but would not be involved in this particular closing. It was further directed that staff proceed now with enrolling in the Florida League of Cities Equipment Financing Program, so that the Village may participate in it when necessary PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD BEAUTIFICATION - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Discussion took place concerning the Agreement between the Village and Palm Beach County for funding the Prosperity Farms Road Beautification Project in an amount up to $1,000,000. Various changes were made to the contract, as follows: Page 4, ¶3: insert a clause concerning "an act of God"; Page 5, No. 7: Amend language regarding the availability of reimbursement • being contingent upon annual appropriations by the Board of County Commissioners in future budgets; Page 6, No. 8: No fees for permits; Page 9, No. 16: delete language regarding termination by County for Convenience; Page 12, No. 25: reword with the Village's standard "prevailing party" clause. Village Attorney George Baldwin will make the revisions and send it Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, September 25, 2003 • back to the County Attorney for review and approval. It will then be brought back to the Regular Session for Council approval. EQUITY STUDY COMMISSION -OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING RECOMMENDATION Discussion was held concerning the recommendation of the Equity Study Commission to increase occupational license fees by 5%, with certain reclassifications. An ordinance will be prepared for placement on the Regular Session agenda of October 9, 2003 to increase the occupational licenses within the Village by 5%, as recommended by the Equity Study Commission. BID AWARD -LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AT NPBCC This item was withdrawn from the agenda. The contract for printing services and Goals and Objectives will be placed on the next Workshop Agenda due to lateness of the hour. ADJOURNMENT Having reached the curfew of 11 p. m., the meeting adjourned. / ~~ Ca hleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Cle c • 2