2007-068 Inventory of Properties re Affordable HousingRESOLUTION 2007-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING AN INVENTORY LIST OF ALL REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE AND IDENTIFYING VILLAGE-OWNED PROPERTY WITHIN ITS MUNICIPAL LIMITS APPROPRIATE FOR USE AS AFFORDABLE HOUSING; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Section 166.0451, Florida Statutes, requires every municipality to prepare a list of all real property within its jurisdiction to which the municipality holds fee simple title that is appropriate for use as affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the Village Staff has completed an inventory of all Village-owned real property and has determined that there are no properties appropriate for use as affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the Village Council has reviewed the list of Village-owned real property at a properly noticed public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. '~ Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts the Property Inventory List attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference. Based on this list, the Village Council determines that there is no real property owned by the Village within its municipal limits that is appropriate for use as affordable housing. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28th DAY OF JUNE, 2007. (Village Seal) AT T EST: Christine Wilcott DEPUTY VILLAGE CLERK Edward M. Eissey MAYOR "EXHIBIT B" DISPOSITION OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING INVENTORY Address Legal Description Description of Vacant/Improved Acre Size Land McLaren Road 68-43-42-04-10-008-0069 Proposed Public Vacant 0.4899 Safety Sub Station Corsair Drive 68-43-42-16-23-001-0010 Public Safety Improved 0.33 Facility US Highway 1 68-43-42-16-23-004-0000 Public Safety Vacant N/A Facility 560 U S Highway 1 68-43-42-16-23-003-0000 Public Safety Improved N/A Facility 901 U S Highway 1 68-43-42-09-00-002-7000 Country Club Improved 4.15 Buildin Facilities 951 U S Highway 1 68-43-42-08-00-000-1080 Country Club Golf Improved 146.27 Course Lighthouse Drive 68-43-42-16-00-002-0040 Lakeside Park Improved N/A 603 Anchora e Drive 68-43-42-16-02-028-0010 Anchorage Park Im roved 4.8733 603 Anchorage Drive 68-43-42-16-02-028-0011 Anchorage Park Improved 3.14 Anchora e Drive 68-43-42-16-02-028-0020 Anchorage Park Im roved 0.58 Anchorage Drive 68-43-42-16-02-028-0021 Anchorage Park Improved 8.98 Southwind Drive 68-43-42-16-02-029-0010 Anchorage Park Improved 3.20 501 US Highway 1 68-43-42-16-03-008-0100 Village Hall & Improved N/A Library Buildings 645 Prosperity Farms Road 68-43-42-08-00-000-1210 Public Works Improved .0138 Facility 645 Prosperity Farms Road 68-43-42-17-00-000-3020 Public Works Improved 1.05 Facility 705 Pros erity Farms Road 68-43-42-08-00-000-1220 Osborne Park Im roved .0156 705 Prosperity Farms Road 68-43-42-17-00-000-3000 Osborne Park Improved 1200 Prosperity Farms Road 68-43-42-08-00-000-1230 Community Improved .0138 Center/Park/Ball Fields 1200 Prosperity Farms Road 68-43-42-08-00-000-1200 Community Improved 2.65 Center/Park/Ball Fields "EXHIBIT B" DISPOSITION OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING INVENTORY 1200 Prosperity Farms Road 68-43-42-08-00-000-1110 Community Improved 9.9449 Center/Park & Ball Fields 2