05-23-2002 VC REG-AVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS Edward Eissey [ ] Don Noel [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor Dennis Kelly [ ] Village Manager Joseph Tringali [ ] President Pro Tem George Baldwin [ ] Village Attorney THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2002 7:30 P.M. Charles O'Meilia [ ] David Norris [ ] Councilman Councilman Kathleen Kelly [ ] Village Clerk 1. ROLL CALL 2. INVOCATION -COUNCILMAN O'MEILIA 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - MAYOR EISSEY 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Minutes of Regular Session held 5/9/02 b. Minutes of Public Hearing (Bill 1061) held 5/9/02 c. Minutes of Public Hearing (Bill 1062) held 5/9/02 d. Minutes of Public Hearing (Bill 1063) e. Minutes of Public Hearing (Bill 1064) held 5/9/02 5. REPORT OF THE MAYOR 6. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (Citizens may speak to any item on the Consent Agenda and any mutter not on the Regular Agenda) 7. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda is designed for the purpose of expediting issues considered to be of a routine or pro forma nature such that the Council determines is not necessary to discuss and vote on each item separately. Any member of Council may remove any item from the Consent Agenda, which would automatically convey that item to the Regular Agenda for separate discussion and vote. a. Accept for file the Minutes of the Police and Fire Pension Board meeting held 2/5/02 REGULAR SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2002 b. Accept for file the Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board meeting held 4/9/02 c. Accept for file the Minutes of the Library Advisory Board meeting held 4/23002 d. Accept for file the Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board meeting held 5/14/02 e. Adopt a resolution accepting the bid of Conco, Inc., Delray Beach, Florida in the amount of $7,596.40 for landscaping the Swale area between the tennis courts and U. S. 1 f. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Interlocal Agreement tivith Palm Beach County which allows Palm Beach County to expend Community Development Block Grant and HOME funds for eligible activities g. Adopt a resolution supporting the Department of Elder Affairs' initiative to make Florida "elder ready", and to participate in a community survey to identify problems that hinder elders from living independently h. Approve waiver of Purchasing Rules and Regulations requirement to go out to bid for two used vehicles priced at $12,998 each for the Public Safety Department i. Direct staff to negotiate a new three-year agreement with the current Lessee at the North Palm Beach Country Club Restaurant End of ConsentAgenda 8. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 9. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF ADVISORY BOARDS 10. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT 1 1. EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS 12. ORDINANCES a. BILL 1065 (ORD. 16-2002) -VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION. Consider a motion to approve second reading and enactment of Bill 1065, a proposed ordinance annexing to the Village a compact, contiguous parcel of land located at 2389 and 2421 Monet Road and consisting of 2.1 acres of land, and redefining the boundary lines of the Village. Enact Bill 1065 as Ordinance No. 16-2002. ACTION 2 REGULAR SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2002 b. BILL 1066 -REZONING. Consider a motion to approve second reading and enactment of Bill 1066, a proposed ordinance rezoning a pazcel of land located at 2389 and 2421 Monet Road, consisting of 2.1 acres of land within the Village from Palm Beach County zoning district RS, Residential Single Family, to Village R-2, Multiple-family dwelling district. Enact Bill 1066 as Ordinance No. ACTION c. BILL 1067 -COMP PLAN A1dIENDMENT - MONET ROAD PROPERTIES. Consider a motion to approve second reading and enactment of Bill 1067, a proposed ordinance adopting small scale amendments 02-2.1 and 02.2.2 to the Village Comprehensive Plan, changing future land use from County LR- Low Residential to Village Medium Density Residential. Enact Bill 1067 as Ordinance No ACTION d. BILL 1068 -BUDGET AMENDMENT -APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR U. S. 1 LANDSCAPING AT TENNIS COURTS. Consider a motion to approve second reading and enactment of Bill 1070, a proposed ordinance amending the Country Club Fund budget for FY 2001-2002, to appropriate $10,000 for landscaping on U. S. 1 in front of Country Club Tennis Courts, reimbursable by Palm Beach County. Enact Bill 1068 as-Ordinance No ACTION BILL 1069 -CODE AMENDMENT -SEC. 9-19 - CCAB ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Consider a motion to approve first reading of Bill 1069, amending Sec. 9-19 of Article II of the Code, changing election of Board officers from October to May. ` ACTION 13. RESOLUTIONS 14. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 3 REGULAR SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2002 a. BUDGET TRANSFER -FIRE TRUCK. Consider a motion to approve budget transfer of additional $43,000 for purchase of new fire truck; funds to be taken from various A5812 accounts ' as listed in budget transfer dated 5/10/02 to A5812-66410 (Automotive). ACTION 15. ADJOURNMENT Next Ordinance 16-2002 Next Resolution 31-2002 If a person decides to appeal any decision by the Village Council with respect to any matter considered at the Village Council meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. 4