03-28-2002 VC WS-AVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA WORKSHOP SESSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS Edward Eissey [ ] Don Noel [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor Dennis Kelly [ ] Village Manager JosephTringali [ ] President Pro Tem George Baldwin [ ] Village Attorney THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2002 AFTER REGULAR SESSION Charles O'Meilia [ ] David Norris[ ] Councilman Councilman Kathleen Kelly [ ] Village Clerk 1. ROLL CALL 2. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 3. COUNCIL COMMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS a. PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD -STATUS REPORT. Discussion concerning status of Prosperity Farms Road project, including maintenance costs and remaining County funding. REMARKS b. PHASE II DREDGING -UPDATE. Discussion concerning Phase II of the dredging project. REMARKS c. COMMUNITY EVENTS COMMITTEE. Discussion concerning assigning Community Events Committee duties to the Recreation Advisory Board. REMARK d. ACCOUNTANT II JOB DESCRIPTION AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT. Discussion concerning Accountant II job description and salary adjustment. REMARKS e. PERMITTED TEMPORARY SIGNS. Discussion concerning amending the sign code to provide that temporary signs advertising temporary uses be displayed no more than 30 days prior to the event. WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2002 REMARKS f. PLAT AMENDMENT -HARBOR ISLES. Discussion concerning plat amendment to Harbor Isles Plat, lots 103, 104, and 105. REMARKS g. BID AWARD -TRIPLEX REEL MOWER -PUBLIC SERVICES. Discussion concerning bid award to Kilpatrick Turf for Triplex Reel Mower in the amount of $11,995.00. REMARKS h. LONGEVITY PAY. Discussion concerning a longevity pay increase in the amount of $7,500 for Captain George Warren of the Public Safety Department; funds to be expended from A5711- 11210 (Regular Pay). REMARKS i. LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT. Discussion concerning budget appropriation of $11,163.00 for Law Enforcement Overtime Pay, $10,000 of which is reimbursable from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program. REMARKS j. CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT -EMI. Discussion concerning a Consent to Assignment for Employers Mutual, Inc. (EMI) for services entered into between the Village of North Palm Beach and McCreary Corporation to furnish administrative and claim services for medical expense benefits, life insurance and reinsurance under the Employee Benefit Plan of the Village. REMARKS k. LRM, INC. -PROPOSAL FOR ANNEXATION ANALYSIS. Discussion concerning proposal of LRM, Inc. for professional services to conduct annexation analysis for Lost Tree, Portage Landing and Hidden Key. REMARKS 2 WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2002 1. VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION. Discussion concerning voluntary annexation of properties located on Monet Road. REMARKS m. ZONING CODE TEXT CHANGE - MONET ROAD. Discussion concerning Monet Road properties zoning code text change application to allow residential PUD's to be 2-acre minimum in lieu of 5-acre minimum. REMARKS n. REZONING - MONET ROAD PROPERTIES. Discussion concerning rezoning properties on Monet Road from County Single Family to Village R2 Multiple Dwelling District. REMARKS o. MONET ROAD PROPERTIES - PUD. Discussion concerning Planned Unit Development for Monet Road properties to construct 16 town homes. REMARKS p. COMP PLAN AMENDMENT - MONET ROAD PROPERTIES. Discussion concerning amending the Village Comprehensive Plan to change future land use from County LR3 Low Residential to Village Medium Density Residential. REMARKS q. OSBORNE PARK/FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Discussion concerning combined parking and drainage issues. REMARKS r. SIGN CODE AMENDMENT. Discussion concerning amending the sign code to allow sharing of signage by more than two businesses occupying one building. REMARKS 5. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT 3 WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2002 6. ADJOURNMENT This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. 4