08-22-2002 VC WS-AVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA WORKSHOP SESSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2002 COUNCIL CHAMBERS AFTER REGULAR SESSION Edward Eissey [ ] Don Noel [ ] Joseph Tringali [ ] Charles O'Meilia [ ] David Norris[ ] Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Councilman Councilman Dennis Kelly [ ] George Baldwin [ ] Kathleen Kelly [ ] Village Manager Village Attorney Village Clerk ROLL CALL 2. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC COUNCIL COMMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS a. BEA INTERNATIONAL - PROPOSAL FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES. Discussion concerning proposal from BEA International for additional services for furniture for the renovated Village Hall. REMARKS b. BUDGET AMENDMENT - PLATEMAI~ER PURCHASE. Discussion concerning proposed ordinance amending the General Fund budget for Fiscal Year 2001-02 to appropriate funds in the amount of $1,500 for platemaker; approve waiving the requirement for three written proposals. REMARKS c. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM AND CONTINGENT EXPENSE ESTIMATES. Discussion concerning establishing the 5, 10, 15 and 20-year capital equipment requirement plan and a contingent expense estimate policy. REMARKS d. ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE. Discussion concerning use of Munis accounting software. REMARKS CHAPTER 15. HOUSING CODE -DRIVEWAY SURFACES. Discussion concerning review of Chapter 15, Section 307.4 (Care of Premises) and direction from Council regarding definition of driveways. REMARKS WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2002 £ PERMANENT TEE TIME POLICY. Discussion concerning changes in Saturday permanent tee time policy at the North Palm Beach Country Club golf course. REMARKS g. BUDGET TRANSFER - SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY INVOICES. Discussion concerning budget transfer in the amount of $50,000 from A5540-49911 (Council Contingency) to A7020-34340 (Sanitation-Solid Waste Disposal) to pay Solid Waste Authority invoices for the months of June through September, 2002. REMARKS h. BUDGET TRANSFER -EMERGENCY BACKUP GENERATOR. Discussion concerning budget transfer of $8,500 from A5540-49911 (Council Contingency) to A5522-34620 (Vehicle Maint.-R&M Bldg. & Grounds) for purchase of emergency backup generator. REMARKS i. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT -PERMITTED USES -LIMITED ACCESS SELF- STORAGE FACILITIES. Discussion concerning Planning Commission recommendation to approve an application for text amendment to Appendix C, Zoning, Section 45-33, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, subsection A, Uses permitted, to add limited access self- storage facilities. REMARKS j. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS - LIMITED ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES. Discussion concerning Planning. Commission recommendation to approve an application for text amendment to Appendix C, Zoning, Section 45-33, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, subsection E, Off-street parking regulations, to add limited access self-storage facilities, 1 space for each 200 storage units, plus 5 customer parking spaces. REMARKS k. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT -CONDITIONS FOR PERMITTED USES -LIMITED ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES. Discussion concerning Planning Commission recommendation to approve an application for text amendment to Appendix C, Zoning, Section 45-33, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, subsection G, Conditions for permitted uses, to add limited access self-storage facilities on properties within commercial planned unit developments, with certain conditions. REMARKS 2 WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2002 APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Discussion concerning Planning Commission recommendation to approved an application for a Commercial Planned Unit Development at 401 Northlake Boulevard. REMARKS m. AMENDMENT TO RECREATIONAL FACILITIES USE POLICY & FEE SCHEDULE. Discussion concerning recommendation by Recreation Advisory Board to amend the policy on use of recreational facilities to create a limited exception by imposing per person fee in lieu of hourly room rate. REMARKS n. COUNTRY CLUB AWNINGS. Discussion concerning cost estimates for awnings on the south side of the clubhouse and the cart staging area. REMARKS o. COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERSHIPS PAYMENT OPTION. Discussion concerning accepting Visa and MasterCard for payment of Country Club memberships. REMARKS p. COUNTRY CLUB EQUIPMENT LEASE FINANCING PROPOSALS. Discussion concerning capital equipment purchases for Fiscal Year 2001-02 and 2002-03 for the North Palm Beach Country Club. REMARKS q. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT. Discussion concerning declaring General Services equipment surplus equipment. REMARKS r. CERTIFICATION PAY. Discussion concerning certification pay adjustments for selected employees following changes to Section 4.06-Certification and License Pay, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. REMARKS WORKSHOP SESSION AGENDA -THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2002 5. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT 6. ADJOURNMENT This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. 4