Ordinance 1976-010 Animal ControlORDINANCE N0. 10-76 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH CODE TO CONFORM TO THE PALM BEACH COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Section 1. That Section 4-13 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "_Sec. 4-13, REGISTRATION: INOCULATION---(1) Every person who is the owner, keeper or harborer of any dog or cat over the age of four months within the Village of North Palm Beach shall secure a tag or license for each dog or cat from Palm Beach County Animal Control. (2) Failure to have a dog or cat properly licensed shall result in an automatic fine of at least ten dollars for each separate offense. Section 2, That Section 4-19 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4-19, COLLAR AND TAG---REQUIRED---Every owner shall provide each dog and cat more than four months of age ' kept, harbored, or otherwise maintained by him in the Village with a sturdy collar to which the aforesaid license tag shall be securely fastened and it shall be the owner's duty to make certain that the collar and tag are worn at all times by the dog or cat when off the owner's premises.," Section 3. That Section 4-21 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4-21. ANIMAL RUNNING AT LARGE---(1) No person owning or having possession, charge, custody, or control of any dog shall cause, permit or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other manner to be at large in or upon any public street or sidewalk unless accompanied by an attendant who shall have such dog firmly held by collar and leash, which leash is not to exceed eight feet in length. (2) No person owning or having possession, charge, custody, or control of any dog shall cause, permit or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other manner to be at large in or upon private property of others within the Village without the express or implied consent of the owner of such private property. ' (3) No person owning, harboring, or having in his possession any cat shall knowingly permit or allow such cat to run at large within the Village, or knowingly allow such cat to be upon any street, boulevard, road or alley of the Village or in any yard or enclosure other than the yard or enclosure occupied or owned by such cat owner between the hours of 11:00 p,m. and 7:00 a,m." Section 4. That Section 4-26(2) of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "(2) Whenever any dog shall have bitten any person, the Director of Public Safety may order such dog quarantined in the Palm Beach County Animal Rescue League shelter or Palm Beach Animal Control Center or in a veterinarian's kennel, or on the owner's premises, for period extending not longer than fourteen days from the date of biting." Section 5. That Section 4-29 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4-29. ANIMALS CR$ATION NUISANCES---(1) The owner of any animal which habitually barks, whines, howls, or causes other objectionable noise, or which destroys or damages any property of another person or which causes serious annoyance to a neighboring residence and inter- feres with the reasonable use and enjoyment of his property, or which is otherwise offensive so as to create a nuisance shall be deemed to be committing an act in violation of this Section. (2) Upon receipt of an "Affidavit of Complaint", signed by two or more residents of the Village of North Palm Beach, each complainant residing in separate dwellings in the vicinity in which the violation and issue occurred, made under oath before an individual authorized by law to take acknowledgments, setting forth the nature and the date of the act, the owner of the animal, the address of the owner and a description of the animal doing such act, the Public Safety Officer, Animal ' Control Officer or his agent shall investigate the complaint to determine whether the act complained of violates this Section." Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 13 DAY OF MAY, 1976, PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 10 DAY OF JUNE, 1976. /s/ Ronald L. Heraty MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker ' Village Clerk - 2 -