Ordinance 1976-007 Federal Revenue Share Budget Amendment FY1975-76ORDINANCE N0, 7-76 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, MAKING TRANSFERS AND ADJUSTMENTS TO VARIOUS APPROPRIATIONS OF FEDERAL REVENUE S}}ARING MONIES; APPROPRIATING FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING MONIES FOR CERTAIN TRAFFIC SIGNALS, CARDIAC ARREST UNIT, TENNIS COURTS, RECREATION, FORMS AND ' SUPPLIES FOR NCR MINI-COMPUTER AND PURCHASE OF NCR MINI-COMPUTER; AMENDING THE NORTH PAIM BEACH BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1975-76 BY APPROPRIATING MONEY FOR PENALTIES AND INTEREST AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB; AND AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1975-76 BY TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO THE PROFESSIONAL AND INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES ACCOUNT FOR AUDITING EXPENSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Various appropriations of Federal Revenue Sharing Accounts are hereby amended as follows: A, The following are transfers from existing unencumbered appropriations: $15,925,00 from Traffic Signal at North Anchorage Drive $18,085,83 from Pedestrian-Bridge over the Earman River $11,672,00 from Civic Center Appropriation $4,402,70 from Cardiac Arrest Unit Appropriation $41,924.00 from Recreation Land Acquisition Appropriation B. The following are transfers to existing appropriations: $9,263,23 for Tennis Courts at the North Palm Beach Country Club $2,937.49 for Traffic Signal at South Anchorage Drive. $14,103,79 for Electronic Data Processing Equipment - NCR 499 Unit $65,005.02 for Increase Unappropriated Fund Balance for Federal Revenue Sharing Section 2, The Federal Revenue Sharing Budget of the Village ' of North Palm Beach is hereby currently created in the amount of $185,750.00 estimated to be received by the Village of North Palm Beach. The following appropriations are hereby made of said funds: Account 12-410 Traffic Signals Anchorage Drive and Old Port Cove $41,900.00 Account 12-408 Cardiac Arrest Unit 18,000.00 Account 15-404 Tennis Courts - NPBCC 180.00 Recreation 63,485.00 Recreation 18,000.00 ' Account 20-310 Forms, Supplies, etc, for NCR 499 2,000.00 Account 20-406 NCR 499 Mini-computer 42,185.00 TOTAL $185,750.00 Section 3, Ordinance No. 15-75, the budget ordinance of the Village of North Palm Beach, is hereby amended by transferring funds from the North Palm Beach Country Club Reserve to a new item entitled "Penalties and Interest", to-wit: Reduce Account 40-500, Reserve, in the amount of $1,492.09 Create Account 31-270, Penalties and Interest, in the amount of $1,492.09 Section 4. Ordinance No. 15-75, the budget ordinance of the Village of North Palm Beach, is hereby amended by transfering the sum of $1,548.00 from Account OS-500, Council Contingency Fund, to Account 09-245, Professional and Investigative Services, covering additional auditing work performed for the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PI ACED ON FIRST READING THIS 25 DAY OF MARCH, 1976. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 22 DAY OF APRIL, 1976. /s/ Ronald L. Hera MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R, Walker ' Village Clerk - 2 -