Villa Porte Site Plan Review Application THE VILLAGE OF
'a~yp TELEPHONE: (561) 841-3369 x FAX: (561) 848-3344
July 13, 2006
Mr. Eugene F. Francavilla
Villa Franca Design & Development Custom Homes
27 Pennock Lane, Suite 205
Jupiter, FL 33458
Re: Villa Porte
200 Yacht Club Drive
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Dear Mr. Francavilla;
This letter is to inform you that the above project was approved for Final
Certificate of Appropriateness Site Plan on July 11, 2006 as submitted.
Charles A. Cangi elli, CBO
Certified Buildi g Official
cc: File
Legal description of real property in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida for which site
plan npproval is requested.
PropertyAddress o `7 / U~ ~~r ~ ~C..
Size of described property Units
NameofOwner(s) ~l ~ ~ x-14- -~ A ?-> C !~- ~f'S~ C~ ~ eC ~ u ~ M r~ J
MailingAddress_ o7Db ! /~CGL % ~ ~ u~j ~4~ u ~
Office # Fnx #
Signature of Owner
1 L.'C. ~C1 ~.C~ w f
Name of Architect/Engineer ~--1 O ~ l3- ~o~-+~y~~SoL°,
Name of Representative
Mailing Address / q0 ~ 6h'? m ~2C ~ ~ fl N -~ ~ /D l
Office # ~ ' S Fnx # _ ~P o ~ 7 ~~- ~ a ~
Present Zoning Classification:
Type of use: Condominium Rental , Oth r / Gcv ~ ,yt~~'
To be completed by Village o~f^North Palm Beach:
Date Received ~ 6 ~D ~.p By v ` --
Fee Paid $ Receipt Number
Lot(s) /Block ~SG~(J/~J,
S ~3-r! ~ ~~k~n~ n5 ~-°'m"~~ss~°n, I
lm i-~'`'ll~~n~C~(t~~llrlti~ ~~.~~~t.
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In addition to the documentation contained in the Village's Code of Ordinances, the following list of
detailed documents formats are provided to assist applicants with preparing complete and accurate
submittal packages.
All site plans must be prepared, signed and sealed by one or more of the following
1. A landscape architect registered by the State of Florida
2, An architect registered by the State of Florida
3. A civil engineer registered by the State of Florida
4. Aland surveyor registered by the Stote of Florida
All site plans show, at a minimum, the following information and nay other information
deemed necessary.
1. The proposed title of the project and the name of the engineer, architect, surveyor or
landscape architect and the developer
2. Existing Zoning District / Lnnd Use Plnn Designation of the subject property
3. Proposed changes in zoning and/or Innd uses to the subject property, if any
4. Adjacent land uses (existing) within 300 feet of the subject property
5. Legal description
b. Location sketch
7. Site boundaries clearly identified, dimensioned and tied to section corners
8. Existing features (trees, water, structures) including topography, roadways, parking and
land use areas which are to remain
9. All existing right-of-way, dedications, easements and property lines, existing streets.
Buildings, watercourses, waterways or lakes, and other existing physical features in or
adjoining the project
10. The location and dimension of proposed setback lines
11. The location and dimensions of proposed reservations for parks playgrounds, open
spaces, and other common areas, if applicable
12. The location, dimensions and character of the construction of proposed curb, cuts,
driveway entrances and exists, loading areas (including the number of required and
provided parking and loading spaces), outdoor lighting systems, outdoor sound systems,
storm drainage and sanitary facilities
13. Location and dimensions of all proposed buildings, excavations, and structures to lot
lines and to each other
14. Paving and drainage plans and calculations; proposed flow direction an amount of
drainage flow
15. Typical trash and garbage disposal system, ns well as recycling system, including typical
enclosure detail and the location of each (NOTE: All receptacles must be screened from
view and placed to provide easy access by sanitation trucks)
16. Landscape plan indicating proposed landscaping, buffer yard standard, and required.
Proved opacity levels, type of irrigation; xeriscaping techniques; botanical and common
name of materials. Indicate all required an provided materials. Indicate all required
and provided quantities and sized of landscape materials. Include all wall, fence and
tree staking details. The landscaping plan should reflect all easements including utility,
and all above ground utilities or drainage features, etc.
17. General location, character, size, height and orientation of proposed signs
18. All pedestrian walkway and sidewalks
19. Building elevations including illustration of screening of roof mounted mechanical
20. Site lighting plan/calculations for parking areas/buildings
21. Type and location of mail receptacles
22. Sanitary sewer, potable water and any reuse water plans, which shall indicate the
locations and sizes of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts and other
underground structures in or near the project
The following computations:
1. Total site square footage/acreage
2. Allowed and proposed density (residential only)
3. Vehicular use calculations (roadway, aisles, parking)
4. Recreations! open space (residential only)
5. square footage/acreage by land use type
b. Impervious/pervious area percentages
7. Parking spaced required/provided
8. Landscape open space calculations
Please submit the following required information when applying for a site plan review
1, Completed application with both the owner and architect/engineers signatures
2. Packets must consist of the following items:
9 sets (11x17 drawings)
* Site Plan- to include dimensions of all, structures, setbacks and parking. Dimension for
height must reference both N6VD and BFE. Identify the base flood elevation (BFE) per
floor and the overall building height.
*Lnndscape Pinn - to include all items required and specified by North Palm Beach minimum
landscape ordinance (Chapter 27 trees and Shrubbery).
* Floor Plan- typical floor plan layout for each floor. Identify the units, unit size, and type
of rooms, common areas, amenities and required fire escape spaces,
* Building elevations- show front, rear and side elevations
*Certified Land Survey- showing property dimensions, easements, lot and block number. If
the project is
on two or more lots, a unity of title is required.
* Architect's or artist colored rendering of all sides of the structure as completed.
* A landscape architect's colored rendering (elevation view) of the landscaping on all sides,
* List if uses- a complete list of uses with corresponding square footage calculations
* Calculations- number of units, parking spaces, unit sizes, drainage, landscape, etc.
* Sample Board- Submit colors and materials samples of the building and site design
elements. (Only one)
3. Must be submitted by the first Tuesday of the month. They will be reviewed at the staff
approval meeting to be held the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Building
Department's conference room. (Note: Representatives must be present at such meeting}
4. Design and Review Committee- Presentation at this meeting is on e the 1stTuesday of the
month at 7:00
pm in the Council Chambers.
(Note: Representative must be present at such meeting}
5. After your project gets approved by both the staff approval, your project will be placed
before the next
Planning and Commission Agendn.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the Building Department at 561-691-3440
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_ Villa Porte
Justification Statement
- Site Plan Review -
Village ofNorth Palm Beach, Florida
January 19, 2006
Revised April 18, 2006 .
Gentile Holloway O'Mahoney & Associates, Inc., as agent for the contract purchaser of '
the property, Villa Franca Design & Development, LLC, is requesting Site Plan Review
for 1.42 acres of land located on the southeast corner of US-1 and Yacht Club Drive.
Currently located on the subject site is a vacant restaurant with parking. ,
The subject site is being considered for development of 18, 3&4-story townhouse units,
1,679 square feet of office and 1,617 square feet of retail space. The current land use
designation for this property is Commercial and the current zoning designation is Limited
Commercial (C1A). The subject property is surrounded by residential and commercial •
developments, which is consistent with the development within this area of US-1 and the
adjacent residential communities:
The Village Commission meeting on April 13, 2006 approved a text amendment to allow
' a "Mixed-Use" development within the ClA zoning district. This text amendment allows
_ the subject site to be developed with both residential and commercial uses.
As part of this application, a site plan has been submitted indicating the locations of the
proposed townhouses with recreational amenities, the office and retail spaces. On-street
parking has been provided along Yacht Club Drive and vehicular access to Building
Three has been provided along an existing roadway to the east of the subject site.
Existing access point to the site from US-1 will remain in its current location with the
reconfiguration of the proposed development. However, due to the existing median along
Yacht Club Drive, the access point along this roadway was shifted approximately 45' to
the east. Please note, the site plan also shows the eastern driveway with decorative pavers
• and an adjacent 4' wide pedestrian walkway.
The sign for the vacant restaurant is located on the corner of US-1 and Yacht Club Drive
and the applicant is requesting to replace the existing sign at the same location. Upgraded
landscaping will also be provided along adjacent roadways and abutting properties.
Pursuant to a meeting with Chief Armstrong of the Village of North Palm Beach Fire
Department, a 20' wide emergency access along the southern property line has been
provided. This access way will be comprised of a stabilized turf material.
• .
¦ _
The applicant respectfully requests the Village of North Palm Beach review of the above
referenced development. The project managers at Gentile Holloway O'Mahoney &
Associates, Inc. office are George Gentile and Dan Siemsen. Please don't hesitate to
contact us if you should have any questions at 561-575-9557.
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