Ordinance 1975-010 Adopts Standard Building Code 1975ORDINANCE N0. 10-75
Section 1. Section 6-11 of the Village of North Palm Beach
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 6-11. ADOPTED BY REFERENCE---Under the authority
of Section 165.191, Florida Statutes, the Village of North
Palm Beach hereby adopts by reference thereto, the Standard
Building Code, 1975 Edition, including Appendices, A, B, C,
E, F, H and J, as the building code for the Village. There
has been for at least ten days last past and shall be during
the time that this Code is in effect, three copies of such
code kept available for public use, inspection and examination."
' Section 2. Section 6-12 of the Village of North Palm Beach
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 6-12. AMENDMENTS---The following amendments, corrections
and additions to said Code are hereby made and adopted; said
amendments, corrections and additions being set forth herein
with reference to and prefaced by the Section number and title
of said Code, as follows:
.fir; 1, llViS i05. -. eiiPi:a~.ATi'Jiv'.:.^•A.:.°.R."dIT ~V~~-~Ty-_.~y--~~~~~
Delete. existing paragraph (a) and rewrite as follows:
(2) .Any owner, authorized agent,. or contractor. who desires to construct,
enlarge,.repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or
structure; .repair, resurface or install roofing, install air conditioning systems,
vrindow or .wall .air conditioning unite,.heating; installation of a steam boiler,
~~ .furnace, incinerator or. other heat. producing. apparatus or. other. appurtenances,
Suon. No..4 -21-
the installation of which ~s regulated. by this code; .Elevators, Escalators, jalousies,
storm stops or shutters, fences, walla, television. antenna over. ten (10') .feet high
~ above last anchorage, masts and towers,. private light. posts in any. Commercial
or Industrial. District,. fuel tanks,. pumps, bottled.gas.and related equipment;
groins,- bulkheads, docks,- Dolphin. Poles, sidewalks, driveways, swimming,
. Therapy or. wading pools, water proofing and. sand blasting; or install awnings,
signs, paging, drainage, Potable water or sanitary sewerage systems,. fire sprinkler
systems,-Irrigation sprinkler systems, screen enclosures, low. voltage inter-
communication,Burglar and. Fire alarm systems or cause any such work. tv. be done,
shall first make application. to the. Director. of. Public. Services. and obtain the required
.permit. therefor.
(b) Delete
Delete existing paragraph (c) and rewrite as follows:
(c) .All drawings and specifications and accompanying. data. shall. bear the
name, .signature and address of-the designer. In case of buildings or structures
of group C,.D and E occupancy, and. all buildings or structures exceeding 500
.square-feet, such designer shall be an architect or engineer legally registered
under. the laws of the. State of. Florida regulating the practice of architecture and
engineering, and shall. fix hie. official seal .and signature to said drawings,
specifications and accompanying data. No building. permit will be given for any
building or structure under jurisdiction. of the Hotel. Commission until said plans
and specifications have been approved by eaid.Commieaion. Any structural
remodeling or alteration .plans shall be: prepared by a registered architect- or
engineer when required by the Director of. Public Services.
Delete existing paragraph and rewrite as follows:
No permits. shall- be given by the Director. of. Public Services. for. the
construction of any building, or for .the alteration of any. building, .where said
buiiding .ia to be changed and such change will affect the exterior walls,. bays,
balconies, or other appendages. or. projections. fronting on. any street, alley or
public lane , lot line , or for the placing on any lot or premises of any building
r~*.noved from another lot or premises unless the applicant has caused a certified
survey of the property and street linea.to be made-for said property, and furnishes
±o the. Director of. Public Services a certified plat of this survey.
:All. provisions. for setbacks as set forth in.the Village of. North Palm Beach
'Loning.Code as amended, are hereby adopted and.made a part of the Building
Code of the Village of-North Palm Beach, Florida.
Supp. No. 4 -21.1-
Delete existing paragraph and rewrite as follows:
Application for permits will be accepted only. from contractors currently
licensed in. their respective field and for whom. no revocation or suspension of
license is. pending; .except .that an individual owner.may. make application for
permit and supervise or. accomplish. the work in connection with -.the construction
maintenance, alteration or repair of a single family or .two family residence. for
his own. use and occupancy and not intended for sale.- • The construction of more
than one residence, by an individual- owner in any 12 month .period shall be con-
s?rued as. contracting, and such owner shall. then be required to be licensed as a
contractor. Such licensed contractor or owner. shall be held responsible to the
Director. of. Public Services for .the' proper supervision and conduct of all work
covered thereby.
An owner of any building may. make .application for permit to repair or remodel
any. building when non-structural work is involved.
Delete existing paragraph and rewrite as follows:
(a) Every. permit issued by the Director of. Public Services under the
provisions of this Section shall expire by limitation and. become null and void if
the work authorized. by such permit is not commenced .within 90 days- from the
date of such- permit, or if-.work authorized. by such permit is suspended or
abandoned at any time after. the work is 'tommenced,. for a period of 60 days. {York
shall not be deemed to. have started or shall be deemed. to •have been suspended
when- such work is being. done intermittently.
(b) Before. work, .for which the permit- has, for any reason, become void,
may be subsequently: commenced, recommenced,. a new permit shall first. be
obtained. - A. voided permit may be renewed by -the. original applicant only, for
a prorated amount of the original. fee,. provided the. proposed work conforms with
all requirements, ordinances, rules and regulations effective at the time of such
renewal. _
Change heading to read:
Delete existing paragraph and rewrite as follows:
(a) . On new buildings or additions. of. Type.I construction, on all. major
structural. welding, on•major structural alterations, on concrete work where the
design is based. on.f'c in excess of 1,500 pounds per square inch, on.buildings
of area greater .than. 20,000 square. feet, on buildings. more than two stories in
height, and on buildings and structures of unusual design or methods of
Supp. No. 4
--- -i;--r---__
construction, the Director of Public Services- may require-the owner to. employ a
special inspector. for the inspection of the structural framework and such special
inspector shall be present at all times }hat work is in progress on the structural
frame. .The Director of.Public Services shall require a special inspector on. pile
(b) .Such special inspector shall be a registered architect or engineer, or
an accredited employee of either, or any other competent. person or agency whose
. qualifications are approved by the Director of. Public Services who shall be
responsible .for the control of the>'materials and methods of construction. . He shall
be responsible.for compliance. with this Code and shall submit weekly progress
reports of daily inspections to the. Director of Public Services.
(c) . At the completion of the construction work or project, the special
inspector shall submit a certificate of compliance. to the- Director of Public Services,
stating. that -the .work. was done in compliance with this. Code and in accordance
with the. approved-plan or plans; and his duties shall end with the submission of
such certificate... Final inspection shall be made by the. Director of Public Services
before a. Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
(d) In lieu of the above, the. Director of. Public Services may. accept a
written certification by the designing architect or engineer .that he has full
supervision of the construction; and in addition the Director of Public Services
may require that the .supervising architect or engineer provide..testing laboratory
reports. as to welding, concrete strength, etc., from a recognized and approved
testing laboratory or similar facility. Upon completion the' Director of Public
Services may require that the .designing architect or engineer submit a certificate
of compliance,. stating that all work was done in accordance with the Village
.Building. Code and the approved plane.
(e) Sn lieu of Section 108.5(a) (b) (c) and (d) the. Director of Public
Services may. require, at his. discretion, the contractor of a commerical. building
of 5000 square feet or more of floor area on the ground floor or an apartment
house of thirty (30) or more apartments to. pay the. Village of North- Palm. Beach an
hourly inspection fee, monthly on demand.. The. certification of .the number of
hours to be charged shall be made by the. Building. Official .monthly. The hourly
rate for the.inapection fee shall be established yearly by the Village Manager
prior. to 1. November of each fiscal year.
(f) .Factory. Built- Housing, as defined in the. Florida. Factory Built- Housing
Act of 1971, Part.IV, of. Chapter 443,.F1orida Statutes, shall be inspected by the
Building. Department- during the. placing of the buildings on the foundations. This
inspection shall .cover the unloading and erection of the building components and
.the hook-up of the utility lines. An hourly inspection fee, in addition to the
regular building permit fee, shall be charged. by the Village to the contractor for
this inspection time. The certification of the number of hours inspection time to
Supp..No. 4 -21.3-
be charged shall be made by the Building Department. The hourly rate for the
inspection fee shall be established yearly by the Village Manager prior to
1st Nov~rbes of each fiscal year.
On all buildings,
t f
th i
i structures or alt~exations
e reg<uring a building permit
as se or
n Sect
on 105, fee shall b
paid as required at the time of
filing application,.in ac~rdance with the follcxaing schedule:
A. Bulr~rn~c ~~uTS.
Amount Fee Amount Fee
Under $100. $ 5.00 $36,000. - 36,999. $187.00
100. - 499. 6.00 37,000. - 37,999. 191.00
500. - 1,999. 15.00 38,000. - 38,999. 195.00
2,000. - 2,999. 20.00 39,000. - 39,999. 199.00
3,000. - 3,999. 25.OD 90,000. - 40,999. 203.00
4,000. - 4,999. 30.00 91,000. - 91,999. 207.00
5,000. - 5,999. 35,00 42,000. - 42,999. 211.00
6,000. - 6,999. 40.00 43,000. - 43,999. 215,00
7,000. - 7,999. 45.00 44,000. - 44,999. 219.00
8,000. - 8,999. 50.00 45,000. - 45,999. 223.00
9,000. -, 9,999. 55.00 46,000. - 46,999. 227.00
10,000. - 10,999. 60.00 A7,000. - 47,999. 231.00
11,000. - 11,999. 65.00 48,000. - 48,999. 235.00
12,000. - 12,999. 70.00 49,000. - 49,999. 239.00
13,000. - 13,999. 75.00 50,000. 50,999. 243.OD
19,000. - 14,999. 80.00 51,000. - 51,999. 297.00
15,000. - 15,999. 85.00 =
52,000. - 52,999. 251.00 .
16,000. - 16,999. 90.00 53,000. 53,999. 255.00
17,000, - 17,999. 95.00 54,000.- 54,999. 259.00
18,000. - 18,999. 100,00 55,000. - 55,994. 263.00
19,000. - 19,899. 105.00 56,000. - 56,999. 267.00
20,000. - 20,999. 110.00 57,000. - 57,999. 271.00
21,000. - 21,999. 1].5.00 58,000. - 58,999. 275.00
22,000. - 22,999. 120.00 59,000. - 59,999. 279.00
23,OD0, - 23,999. 125.00. 60,000. - 60,999. 283.00
24,000. - 24,999. 130.00 61,000. - 61,999. 287.00
25,000. - 25,999. 135.00 62,000. - 62,999. 291.00
26,000. - 26,999. 140.00 63,000. - 63,999. 295.00
27,000. - 27,999. 145.00 64,000. - 64,999. 299.00
28,000. - 28,999. 150,00 65,000. - 65,999. 303.00
29,000. - 29,999. 155,00 66,000. - 66,999. 307,00
30,OOD. - 30,999. 160.00 67,000. - G7,999. 311.00
31,000. - 31,999. 165.00 68,000. - 68,999. 315.00
32,000. - 32,999. 170.00 69,000. - 69,999. 319.00
33,000. - 33,999. 175.00 70,000. - 70,999. 323.00
34,000. - 34,999. 179.00 71,000. - 71,999. 327.00
35,000. - 35,999. 183.00 7?.,000. - 72,999. 331.00
RFV 12/31/73 -7.1.4-
Arnunt Fc~ Amount Fee
$73,000. -
74,000. - 73,999.
74,999, $ 335.G0
339.00 $87,000.
000 - 67,999.
- 88
999 $391.00
. ,
. 395,00
75,000. - 75,999. 343.00 89,000. - 89,999. 399.00
76,000. - 76,999. 397.00 90,000. - 90,999. 403.00
77,000. - 77,999. 351.00 91,000. -• 91,999. 407.00
78,000. - 78,999. 355.00 9'1,000. - 92,999. 911.00
79,000, - 79,999, 359.00 93,000. - 93,999. 415.00
80,000. - 80,999. 363.00 99,000. - 94,999. 419,00
81,000. - 81,999. 367,00 95,000. - 95,999. 423.00
82,000, - 82,999. 371.00 96,000, - 96,999, 427,00
83,000, - 83,999. 375.00 97,000. - 97,999, 931.00
84,000. - 84,999. 379.00 98,000. - 98,999. 435,00
85,000. - 85,999, 383.00 99,000. - 99,999. 439,00
86,000. - 86,999. 387,00 100,000, -100,999, 493.00
$101,000. - $449.00 plus 51.50 per $1,000, valuation crier $101,000.
NX7VaIG BUILDItQG - $10.00 DEM3LTTIdN -- $10.00
DRIVET~YS AND SIDE47ALiCS -- $15.00 CONDEMf~9 BY CITY - No fee for
STF31C`IiJF2AI, PEST CONTROL - $5.00 dEmolition
UDIDE.TiG%XR~D FUEL - Value as above plus
$10,00 fire inspection fee.
when the valuation of the proposed construction exceeds $5,000.00 and a plan
is rte; ,;red to be sukz:ti.tted by Secticm 105.3, aplan-checking fee shall be paid
to the Village at the time of sukmitting plans and spe<.ifications for chee-.king,
Said plan-checking fee shall be eaval to twenty percent (20@) of the building
permit fee as set forth in this section.
(Orrl, No. 15-73, § 1)
Fu'v 12/31/73 -21.5-
r , -fi;:~ ,,y,
,- A certificate of occupancy. shall not be issued by the Director of Public
Services until a certified survey of -the property, locating all existing buildings
and property lines for said property shall be furnished to the Director of Public
SECTION 111 -Delete section -See Contractors Board Ordinance.
SECTION 112 -. Delete section -See Contractors Board Ordinance.
SECTION 113 -. Delete section -See Contractors Board Ordinance.
Delete existing paragraph and rewrite as follows:
Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate a provision of this
Code,.. or. fail to comply.:.therewith,.or. with any of the requirement~:thereof,. shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor... Each such person shall be.deemed guilty of a
separate offense for each and everyday. or. portion thereof during which any
violation of any of .the provisions of-.this Code is .committed or. continued,- and upon
conviction of any. such violation, such person shall be punishable by a fine of not
lees.than fifty (550)• dollars nor- more than five hundred {$500). dollars, or by
imprisonment not exceeding sixty {80). days, or• by. both such fine and imprisonment.
Minimum .floor. grade for. residential buildings to be 18 inches above sidewalk or
crown of road grade; commercial or. industrial buildinga.to be five .(5) inches
above sidewalk. or crown of road grade,-unless satisfactory drainage,. natural or
mechanical., ie provided.
201.2 • STRUCTURE -_ means .that which is built or. constructed,- an ediface or
building of any kind, or any. pieca.of work artificially. built up or. composed of
parts joined .together .in some definite manner... The .term !'structure!' shall .be
construed as if followed by the words !'or--part thereof'!.. • Auto trailers and mobile
homes parked,. designed or intended to be used by any- occupancy,..except.those
in existing bona fide trailer. parka, shall be construed to be structures.
201..2. BUILDING OFFICIAL - (Add this sentence _to definition) Building Official
and Director of Public Services are synonymous.
(Add this after definition of !'Dead Load!') .Director. of Public Services -
Building Official and Director of Public Services are synonymous.
~- .
301.4 (c) .The Director of Public Services;. or. his designated employee, shall
make recommendations as to -the establishment of Fira Districts based on customary
usage. • These recommendations shall be a necessary prerequisite to.the eatahlish-
ment of Fire Districts within the Village.
304. Delete subparagraph (h) .
Add paragraph as follows:
(k) one and two family dwellings and private garages may be erected of
type VI wood frame construction in zoning classification R-1 and R-2 only providing
such buildings are set back from side and rear property lines at least ten (10) feet.
Subparagraph (i) -change to five hundred (500) sq. ft, in area.
Delete existing section 404.3, paragraph 3 and substitute the following:
3. Fire Detection Systems required for hotels, single, multiple family
dwellings and townhouses. Section 1127.
__ __ . - -
Story -First.. Second Third Floor
Hei ht -Floor Floor and Above
*#* Type VI -Wood Frame
B-1-.Offices, etc. one . 9,000 Not permitted Not permitted
B-2- Mercantile one 8,000 • Not permitted Not permitted
*** Building to be set back from common property lines a
minimum of the (10) Seet.
Story. First Second -Third Floor
Hei ht • Floor Floor and Above
Type VI -Wood Frame* one 8,000 Not permitted Not permitted
** At least one-hour interior Sire-resistive construction shall be used in
all Group !'C" (Schools) ,regardless of height.
Type VI -Wood Frame
Group D-2 Not permitted
504.1 PERMIT
Before such permit is issued, permission must be obtained in writing from the
Village Manager and/or administrative authority,- except construction sheds.
Supp. No. 4 -21.7- ,
Add at end of paragraph (a)
Automotive Service stations shall be. of construction providing a minimum of one
hour fire resistance inside and outside'.. No.opening shall be placed in the
exterior walla when located within five (5') feet from common property lines or
adjacent structures.
1. Permit required when capacity over one gallon. -It shall be unlawful
for any person to install,.place, locate; bury, erect; on maintain, or to aid or
assist in the installation; placing, locating; burying, erecting, or maintaining
any tank designed or intended to be used .for the storage of any liquid commonly
used for fuel, such as, Liquefied Petroleum .Gas; gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil
or like substances; having a total capacity of over one gallon, upon any property
or premises within the Village;: unless 3here first be secured from the Village
Euilding Department a written permit.
2. Information to be furniahed.by applicant for permit. It shall be the
.duty of an applicant for. such a permit to .furnish a written application to the
Director of Public Services, accompanied with payment of a.fea in she sum of
$10,00 .to cover the coat of investigation,'-which application shall show the following
(a) The name and address of the applicant
(b) -The name and address of the owner of the premises.
M (c) The legal description of the premises and its street
location .
(d) The zoning district in whichauch property is located.
(e) A eketch.ahowing the exact proposed location of tank upon or
under the premises;:also .the. exact location of any other
existing tanks upon.or_under the premises..
(f) The size; type;.conetruction; .capacity., and purpose of the
proposed tank and any other existing tanks.
3. • Type, Construction, Design and Installation to Meet Regulations of
.National Board of Fire Underwriters.
(a) The location; design; :construction and installation of all such
tanks must comply. with all ordinances of she Village of North Palm Beach,
including all zoning. and building code regulations; and in addition, the
type; construction; design and.inatallation.thereof must conform.strictly
to the rules and regulations of -the. National Board of Fire Underwriters
and the National Fire Protective Association Code.
(b) Location of Tanks: Underground tanks or tanks under buildings
Supp. No. 4 -21.8-
shall be so located with respect to existing building foundations and
supports .that the.lo..ds carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the
tank. The distance between tanks or from any part of a tank storing
Class 1 or 11 liquids to the nearest wall of any basement., pit, or cellar
shall not be leas than 2 ft. ,and from any. property line that may be built
' upon, not less than 5 ft.. The distance from any. part of a tank storing
Class 111 liquids to the nearest wall of any basement, pit, or property
line, shall not be leas than 2 ft.
4. Gasoline Storage
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or install within the
Village of North Palm Beach, facilities for the storage of more than 100 gallons of
gasoline aboveground at any one gasoline filling station or automotive gasoline
service station site.
5. A permit will be refused when fire hazard is increased or ordinances
violated. No permit shall be granted where a violation of any Village ordinance is .
involved or-where the Building Department determines the operation .or maintenance
of any .such proposed tank would unduly increase the fire. hazard of the surrounding
neighborhood or property, or where the public safety or welfare is jeopardized.
8. This ordinance shall not be construed to require a carrier to obtain a
permit for the transportation of storage tanks or for the storage of same pending
delivery to the consignee, or to require a manufacturer or dealer in such tanks
to obtain a permit in order to display the same for sale or where not used for the
storage- of any liquid commonly used for fuel .
Delete existing paragraph {b) and substitute the following:
{b) Public garages shall be TYPE I, II, III, IV, or V construction.
Type VI wood frame shall in no case be permitted. If of Type V construction it
shall not exceed one story in height, and shall not exceed the maximum height
and areas allowed for Group F storage building. -All public garages shall have
at least one hour fire resistance throughout.
**~` Exterior wall shall extend not less than eighteen (18') above the roof, except
that parapet walls need not be constructed on buildings where the roof elopes
more than four {4") inches vertical to twelve (12") inches horizontal from the
back of the exterior wall of such buildings or where the exterior wall of such
building is located five (5') feet or more distance from the property.line or is
located on a public way of five feet or-more in width, or where the roof is of non-
combustible construction.
All exterior walla of Type VI, 6Vood Frame Buildings shall be located not
less than 10 feet from property lines. _
Any Type VI Wood Frame Building must be 10 feet from any other building.
(a) Delete existing 2nd paragraph and substitute the following:
(a) Second paragraph -Every building (except one and two family dwell-
ings which are less than three (3) stories in height, churches and buildings of
Type VI, Wood Frame Construction) shall have approved fire windows, fire doors
or other approved protectives in every opening in•the exterior walls under the
following conditions:
1: In all buildings where the distance from the property line is five (5' )
feet or less -(property lines does not apply to street line or the like.)
2. In buildings where'such openings are above and less than ten (10') feet
distance from any part of a neighboring roof.
Delete existing paragraph (b) and rewrite as follows:
(b) 'Type C Roof Coverings will be permitted only on one and two family
dwelling units not exceeding 7,000 sq. ft, of roof area, nor more than
two stories in height.
' Add new paragraph (c)
(c) Non-rated labeled No. 1 or No. 2 red cedar or redwood shingles and
Handsplit Shakes may be installed only on Group A Residential buildings
not exceeding 3,500 sq. ft. of roof area, nor more than two stories in
Add new paragraph (d)
(d) Non-rated labeled No. 1 or No. 2 red cedar.or redwood shingles and
Handsplit Shakes may be installed only on Group A Residential build-
ings not exceeding 3,500 sq. ft. of roof area, nor more than two
stories in height.
Delete existing Sections 706.6 and 706.7, and rewrite as follows:
1. Slate,-wood, asbestos, asphalt", metal or
shingles, clay or cement file .. 3" in
2. Built up roofs •(gravel or slag surfaces)
. Flat roof specifications 1" in
L `~ Steep roof specifications 4" in
12" minimum
12" maximum
12" maximum
Supp. No. 4 -21.10-
3. Built up roof with mineral surfaced
Cap sheet 2" in 12" Minimum
4. Metal roofing shall be 4" in 12" minimum, unless specifically .
recommended by the manufacturer with a particularly designed
metal roof system.
" Asphalt shingles may be installed on roof projeetions of 2" in 12" minimum,
providing projection does not exceed 6 feet and an additional underlay of 1 layer
of 15# asphalt felt be installed over the 30# asphalt felt as per manufacturers
specs, or hot mopped in asphalt.
NO'PE: On built-up flat roof specifications, it is required that positive slope for
drainage be provided.
1: ~ For clay and cement file or shingles:
One layer of 30 lb. asphalt felt tintagged to solid sheathing and one
layer of 85 lb. mineral surfaced roll roofing mopped on with hot asphalt.
or slate shingles or 85 lb.
One layer of 30 lb. asphalt felt tintagged to solid sheathing. (minimum)
The underlay. shall be tintagged to. the roof sheathing 12" o.c: throughout
and 8" o. c. on the perimeter of each sheet.
1. Cement shingles must meet the requirements for concrete roofing the
as adopted by the City of Miami and Dade County Building Departments as
of May 1, 1067.
2. Asphalt shingles shall have a minimum weight of 235 lbs. per 100 square
feet and shall be installed according to.the.manufacturers specifications.
Either self sealing shingles shall be used, or each shingle tab shall be set
in mastic.
3. Asbestos shin lea shall have.the minimum weight requirements per.
100 square feet American Method 470 ibs. , Dutch Method 265 lbs. ,French
or Hexagonal Method 250 lbs. and shall be installed according to the
manufacturers specifications.
4. Slate shin les shall be.a minimum thickness of 3/16" and weigh a
minimum of 800 lbs. per 100 sq: ft. and be installed as per manufacturers
5. Built-up roofing shall be applied according to the approved specifi-
cations of national roofing manufacturers.
Supp. No. 4 -21.11-
0 . Cl~tile and cement. shingles shall be properly treated to insure bond and shall
be laid in cement mortar type M, in such a way that natural drainage along the slopes
of the roof is not impeded. -All starter file are. to be nailed and cemented. All field
file on roofs with pitch of 6"' in 12" and.over must be spot nailed every third file in
every fifth ro~v cr other approved manner. Cement and clay file shall be laid with
a minimum of 2" headlap.
7, Wood Shingles: The combined thickness of each five (5) shingles measured
at the butte shali not be less than two (2) inches. The exposure of such wooden
shingles to the weather shall not exceed; on roofs with pitch of 5" in 12" or steeper,
free inches for 18 inch shir_glea, five and one-half inches for.18 inch shingles, and
seven and one-half inches for 24 inch shingles; nor on roofs with leas than 5" in
12" pitch, four tnches for 16 inch shingles, four.and one-half inches for 18" inch
shingles and six a::d one-halfinchea for 24 inch shingles. Minimum pitch is 3" in 1`L".
Such shingles shall be f'irnriy nailed to the. roof with non-corrodible and rust
resistive nails according to accepted good practice.. Unless otherwise specified
by ordinance .or duly promulgated .rules, the Commercial.Standard.for Wood
Shingles, CS 31-38 of the U. S. Department of Commerce shall be accepted as means
of establishing the grade of shingles.
8:. _M_etal Roofs: To be installed according to man+.rfacturers recommendations with
the following mintmum requirements:
(a) Galvanized sheet metal 28 ga. minimum
(b) Copper - 16 ounce (Roofing temper.)
(c) Corru ated .aluminum .024 minimum thickness.
(d) Metal Shingles: 28 gauge minimum and 8" x 12" maximum size.
Joints locked or soldered and made watertight. Aluminum shingles
.019 minimum and 12"x48" maximum size. Must be four-way inter-
locking type with each shingle fastened with six .040 gauge, formed
nailing tabs, Aluminum shingles will be accepted .as a Class C roc.`
only, unless applied with an underlayment rated by the National
Board of Fire Underwriters as a Class A or B roof,
(e) Corru ated or flat sheet. metal roofing or siding will be permitted
only in Zoning District C-2, and that metal siding as a veneer may be
used in both residential and commercial zones, as a sheathing and roof
covering combined under the following conditions:
(1) Sc, ope. This Section shall govern the design of metal roof deck con-
struction used on spans of not over ten ;(10'). fee±, and shall govern when in conflict
with other provisions of this Code. No span in excess of ten (10')-feet will be
All roof decks under this Section shall be made of metal not less than
032" in thickness.
,.-, Sapp. No. 4 -21.12-
(2) Uses, Metal roof decks may be used only in structures opened on one
or more aides-including scrPa., enclosures.
(3) Design:
(a) The maximum working stress shall in no case exceed the ultimate
divided by two point five (2.5) .
(b) For purposes of determining the struch:ral properties of corru-
gated metal roof decks, the effective +n~idth of the top flactge between ribs shall be
limited to 75$ of width of top flange, for metal thickness of .048" and 6l~ for
(c) Moment co-efficients of 1/10 shali be used where metal roof deck uriils.
extend over three or more spans, provided deck units extend over three or more
spans, provided deck units are bolted or riveted to supports. All other metal
deck ir,etallationa shall be designed as simple spans.
(d) Maximum Deflection: The maximum defection of metal roof decks
under design live load of thirty (30 ibs.) pounds square feet, plus dead load,
shall not exceed 1/150 of clear span.
(e) ,Anchorage and Loading: Metal decks shall be anchored with
bolts or .rivets of skainleas steel or .aluminum to the supporting frame work to
resist the following gross uplift 45 pound square feet for eaves and overhangs,
30 pound square feet for all other roof areas
.The live load acting. downward shall be thirty (30) pound square foot
or a concentrated- live load of 300 pound acting on the center of span and the
center of the panel. Loads given will not be acting simultaneously. Most
effective load shall govern.
(f) Sandwich panels with ahoney-combed core that is glued to faces
shall have metal .faces of.not less than..D24" in thickness...The acceptance of such
panels as to length, and loading shall be determined by performance tests.
In lieu of designing .according to Section 708.Bc7e, testa may be made to determine
the structural properties of a deck, based on the maximum allowable unit stress
and maximum deflection specified herein. Such test shall be performed on bare
meta] .deck on simple spans supported on knife edges, with concentrated loads
applied at the center point of.the span or uniform distributed loads applied. Deck
ptutel.shall be not less-than .032" in thickness. Drawing shall be.submitted
showing method of testing. -Testa shall be observed and interpretCd by an
Engineer registered in the State of Florida, and subject to approval of Building
' Supp. No. 4
I _._ _.___._ _. _ _r..
~, ~
(a) Insulation: The use of Cork, fiberboard or other approved
insulation shall be permitted in all.types of construction on top of the roof deck
provided that such insulation is properly. secured to the roof.deck and is covered
with.an approved type of roofing applied thereto and conforming to the fire zone
requirements .
(b) Fastenings: All nails to be.galvanized or of better rust preventive
quality except on aluminum roofing to be aluminum, and on copper to be of copper
or copper alloy.
(c) Replacement of Damaged Roofic:g:.. Any. non-conformfng roofing
damaged more than 50$ of the area of the roof shall.not be reconstructed and used
as before such damage,: but if.lesa than 50$ damaged ii may be reconstructed or
used provided :that a building permit is issued and the work done within six
months next succeeding the time of damage. .Any non-conforming.roofing.that is
to be.entirely replaced shall.be changed to a.conforming use, and rosy not there-
after ba changed to any non-conforming roofing.
(d) Equipment: All tar heating- pots or kettles shall be equipped with
a !'Flash Guard" .or the other. device which eliminates the fire hazard from heating
and melting of tar, pitch or.asphalt.-.All tar heating kettles. shall be an approved
.type. acid shall.be.checked by the Fire Chief.: Tar pots will be placed to insure -
maximum safety during operation.. All ta'r heating pots or ketilea.not approved must
have a fire permit for each job. All open tar pots or.kettles must be mounted on
steel pipes or blocks:.No concrete; brick,- or .masonry supports .are to be used.
No open tar pots or kettles are .to be used in the.Firat Fire Zone,. nor. transported
on any public street:. All tar kettles, when being towed.or transported on.any
public street must be closed with covers adequate to prevent spilling or slopping
of contents.
(e) If shingles are of a corrosive type, rosin paper shall be used
under metal in addition to underlay.
(f) -Concrete and concrete mixture roofings shall comply with Fire
Underwriters and manufacturers specifications. When $ roof is constructed using
:these materials and is required to be waterproof, the installation shall be made
using acceptable materials and methods.
(g) Dissimilar metals shall not be used in immediate contact in any
Va?le s: Flashing at valleys shall not be less than 18" wide and for slate, cement
Supp,. No. 4
or clay file or asbestos shingles must be a minimum of 18 ounce copper or soft
26 gauge stainless steel. Flashing at valleys for mineral surfaced roll roofing or
asphaat shingles shall not be less than two thicknesses of 85 lb. mineral, surfaced
roll roofing. Bottom strip not less than 12" wide and the top strip not less than
18" wide.
Drip Edge and Gravel Stop: At all eaves and gables there shall be installed a
metal drip edge strip of galvanized steel,. atainleas.steel, copper. or aluminum
with a minimum overlap of 2" . On built up tar and gravel roofs there shall also
be a gravel stop of galvanized steel, stainless steel, copper or aluminum with a
tninimum overlap of 2" which must be soldered, lapped 4" and set in mastic or
have installed a minimum 5" cover plate of like material set in mastic.
Intersections of Flat and Pitched Roofs: Whenever flat and pitched roofs meet
or intersect, .a minimum .flashing. not leas than 12'! wide or 16 oz.
copper or 28 gauge stainless steel shall be provided.
Roof and Wall and Parapet Intersections: If walls are of masonry or masonry.
veneer and-felt flashinge are.uaed; cant stripe shall be installed. Base flaehings
shall be a minimum of .2-15 lb. asbestos felts or.3-15 lb. asphalt felts .set in
plastic roof cement as per manufacturers apecificatione..-Bsee flashing of .18 oz.
copper, or 28 gauge stainlesa.eteel.shall be used under clay tile, cement tile,
asbestos or slate shingles. If metal base flashing fs used, no cant.atrip is
required and it shall turn up 8" and flange. onto roof 4" .. A metal thru wall.
flashing, counter flashing or metal stucco stop counter flashing shall be used.
..Counter flashing shall overlap base flashing a minimum of 4" and turn into masonry
a minimum of 11/1" with 1/4" turned up.
' If walls are o£ wood and felt flaehings are used, cant strip shall be installed. Base
fleshings shall be same. as described above.. If metal base flashing is used, no
cant strip is required.. Metal base flashing shall turn up 6" underneath the
exterior wall covering. If.finish is stucco and felt base flashing ie used, a me±al
stucco stop counter flashing shall be installed.
All chimney and roof intersections shall be base flashed and counter flashed with
metal .
..Crickets or saddle coverings shall be of metal, or when acceptable to the Building
DepaYtmant may be of the same material ae the roof.
If parapet walls are covered with a minimum of 1=15 lb. asbestos felt or 2-15 lb.
asphalt felts set in plastic cement as per manufacturers specifications, no counter
flashing is required.
Exterior gutters and downspouts shall be constructed of a minimum of 16 ounce
hax°d copper, 26 gauge stainless steal, 28 gauge galvanized steel, .032 aluminum,
or other materials as appr: ved by the Building Inspector: The size of the
downspouts shall be 1 square inch for each 1G0 square feet. of roof area.
Wt;ere roof drains and interior leaders are carried dawn inside of the building,
the requirements of the Plumbing Code for size and material shall be followed.
Proper scree:,e shall be planed at all roof drains to prevent stoppage of flow of
water by debris.
Roof outlets shall be a minimum of 2 square inches for each 30U sauare feet of
roof area, and overflow scuppers of the same size shall be provided not less
than `L inches r+.or more than 4 inches above the roof deck unless the roof is
designed for .water cooiir.g, in which case the overflows rosy be raised to provide
for retaining the water.
Any water from the rocf or air conditioning system. of any bui!dfng which tvould
;' flow by gravity over any public property or adjacent privaie property shalt be
carried by means of conductors under the sidewalk and through the curb to the
gutter. Provided, however, that if a storm sewer or catch basin, is available,
the Director of Public Services may require the water to be connected by means
of conductors to the storm sewer or catch basin. .Condensate drains shall
terminate in storin sewers, dry wells or on ±he ground, or with special permission:
of the Director of Public Services it may terminate in the sanitary sewer
Add new paragraph
Positive provision shall he made for adequate disposal of bleed waver, overfiocv
.and maintenance drainage to storm sewers or properly designed dry-wells.
All cooling towers shall lie sited or conatrueted to prevent auy riuisanee due to
spray, shatter, foaming, drainage or excessive noise or the like on or to any
building, walk, alley or street, or the public in general. When after erection
s!:.ch nuisances are found in the opinion of the Dfrector of Public Services to
occur, abatement shall be commenced immediately and completed witi:gin ninety
(v0) days.
Cooling Powers and air conditioning units oa roofs are required to be anchored
i5upp~ No, 4 -21.16-
do,,m .~ withstand wind loads as specified in Section 1205 "i9ind I~ds~~~ th
all a-~chors shall be attached to roof structural marbess th~~
approved pitch pans. Nbunting shall conform to the roofing manufacturers
rCODatlon5 and the Director of Public Services approval.
814.1 -Add to paragraph (a) the following:
Cookirxl FrniilYflerit: Grease Filters (Type AKUS) as listed by
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. shall be used.
Amendment Note: Section 2 of Ordinance No. 13-73, from
which the amendment ~~ r e o~ amer~nent requiring Grease Filters (Type AKUS) was derived, stated such requirement shall take
effect immediately for all future restaurant building permits
and shall apply to all existing restaurants•as of July 1,
1974. •
Chan e last portion of last sentence to read_ as follvas: ___._ ...
NFPA 90B-1973, and to the Design and Installation Manuals of the National
Environmental Systems Contractors Association.
(d) Add after the words, "insulating material," the following:
approved fibrous glass ducts with one (1) inch wall thic)mess."
824.3 (b) Change NFPA 90A-1971 to NFPA 90A-74.
-- - ---- _
824.3 (e) Change as follaas: Public corridors shall riot be used as a supplycr~
or a return plenum in hotels, multi-family residences and instftional oocupan
824.3 (g) Delete last portion of paragraph "except as otherwise provided herein."
824.3 (g) Change NFPA 908-1965 to NFPA 90R-1968, and delete last portion of
paragraph "except as otherwise provided herein."
In every case where no specific type or class of material, cr no specified
standard of construction is prescribed by the Statutes of the State of Florida,
or the regulations issued under the authority of the Building Section of the
Building Code or by this Code, then conformity with the standards and regula-
tion:; listed below shall. be prima facie evidence of conformity with the latest
editia~ of the approval standards of construction for safety to health, life
aril property :
(a) US4 B9 1 USA Standards Institute Safety Code for. Mechanical Refrigeration.
(b) USA Z95 1 USA Standards Institute for the Installation of Oil Burning Fr~uiproent.
(c) ATPA Stam3ard No. 90-A for the installation of Air Conditioning arr] Ventilating
Systems of other than Residence type as recumor~ed 'and published by the
National Fire Protection Association.
I~.V 12/31/73 -21.17-
(d) t'~F'PA Standard No. 90-B for the installation of Residence type Warns Air
S suns, as recumtertded an3 Ixablished by the
Heating and Air Conditioning .y
Nati~.al fire Protection Association.
(e) A.S.t4.E. Boiler and Pressure Vessel~odep~TeC~oSociety ~of1Mechanieal
Boilers as 1-e~crmended and Fn~blished by
(a) All equiprent in attics or concealed spaces shall be accessible.
Access hatches, walkways and lights shall t.~e provided.
(b) tv;tere equig~rtt i.s mounted on roofs, i.t shall be readily accessible.
828.2 UNIT SUPPORTS A^ID At`'C~'-ZS rl on adey'~t>_ate structural supports •,
All egtiipnent shall be supported props Y
Cooling tapers aru] air conditioning units are required to be anchored down to
trithstanc'. wind loads as specified ir. Section 1.205 "taind Inads" and all roof
anchors shall be attached to roof structura]. tYr~^bers through the mof urith
approved pitch pans. T'louittirtg shall conform to the roofing manufacturer's
reca:mendations one] the Director. of Public Services approval,
g2g,3 CC7NDFNSATB DRAIIv LII1ES wed materials,
(a) Main ~ndensate drain lines shall be installed using appronl one trap•
not less than 3/9" Z.D., properly sloped for drainage and containing Y
PVC sche3ule 90 plastic pipe shall be an acceptal%le material.
' (b) An external drain pan made of suitable material, ~t least 1 1/2" deep and
4" larger in each dimension than the unit it serves, together with an emergency
condensate drain line, shall be installed to catch overflow condensate water on any
cooling coils installed above plastered ceilings. The emergency drain lines shall
be at least 1/2" I.D. and run to the exterior of the building or be connected to the
main condensate riser. If the emergency drain line is terminated to the exterior of a
building, it shall be placed where the overflow will be conspicuous.
wells, or on
(c) Condensate drains shalslten~ nthe T)ir for e~°uhli~esvices, it
the growzl, or with special pernti..
rria termSnEtte in tt-,e sanitary sewer.
(d) Condensate drains shall vent to atmosphere, Preferably at, roof level,
on multiple story buildings where two or more air hZttdJ.iry units are oonnecte<?
~ a c,•ccmon corxlensate riser.
N!trltiple air handling units in orte equilxnent rocrc! ne-~' not be vented.
(e) Condensate drain lines shall be insulated to prevent dripping where such
dripping could cause a hazard.
Arty water from air conditioning system of arnf building which would flay by
gravity aver arty pal'~]ic pi~opett}• ar adjacent private property shall }r carried
by tc~ants of conductors •urr7er the sidewalk arx] through the curb to the gutter.
REV 12/31/')3 -21.18-
-., - r . - -T~~-•,~~-~-r ---.
,~i i. ~. r,1 ~.
;~,. i
', ',
1103.? (c) - Delete a, d rewrite as follows:
One story warehouses or portions thereof, providing the distance, of travel
to that exit does not exceed fifty (50) feet, and that the area does not ex-
ceed one thousand (1,000) square feP+ ^' ':..~ space_
' Delete e;;isting 1112.1 (i) and substitute the following:
(i) Locks, if provided, shall not require any key .to operate from the inside,
except as may be required for mental and penal institutions. o
1- _--
Delete existing section and substitute the follocving:
Every nets dwelling and every new dwelling unit within a hotel, apartment
house', condominium and tocanhouse and every basement or cellar within such
building shall be provided with an approved listed detector, sensing visible
or invisible particles or combustion, installed in accordance-with the
manufacturer's recommendation and listing.' 19hen actuated the detector. shall
provide an audible alarm.
•. 1203, 2 ROOF LIVE LOADS
~- t9here the rise is aeas;than.thirty degrees, roofs shall be designed for a.vertical
-alive load of not ess.than.thirty pounds per square foot of horizontal projection
applied.to.any.and.all slopea;.when the.rise is greater than thirty degrees; the
- roof shall be designed for-wind loan only.
1205.5 SIGNS ,-
Delete .
• • Delete and substitute the following:
.For frame buildings, constructed on solid original ground, concrete piers and
footings or poured concrete footings with masonry (solid or .concrete filled) piers
for interior supports may be used; or if preferred,.continuous masonry and
conc-tc footings.and foundations constructed as shown in Table of [4Tinimum
Allo:•rable Dimensions.
All exterior foundations shall form continuous walls; footings shall be at least 4"
vrider on each aide than the walls next above them.. When concrete blocks are
.used for foundation walls in frame buildings, footings and reinforcing steel are
regLUred as in Table of Minimum Allowable Dimensions herein. Blocks shall be
bondel avith 6" thick cap extending full width of blocks reinforced with 2 No. 3
reinforcing bars.. Anchor bolts shall extend through blocks to the footLng steel.
Flollo:v units shall be filled with grout in.cells containing these anchor bolts. For
all other types of buildings, footings and foundations shall be as follows:
All exterior walls and interior bearing. walls shall be supported on continuous
. ~y ;;. _ciaforc°•? ^_^^^rete walls or footings as listed in the following table
- . - ~_ ,,, :;; _~a i .,. ... ., ..- a::d S~_Jne ~t: LO u1°P1V Sl:JD Or- ~:' 102d5 !:h (?OS ~d aS
den~rrcir.ed'oy the character o: the soil-21.20-
Continuous Steel
_ walls Footin~a Minimum
Thickness • Bottom Height Min.- Depth Below Finish .Rode Min. 3"
Width .Finish grade to top of clear from
footingl'*** bottom
2-story 8" 18" 10" 6" 3-No.4*
1-story 8** 16 8 6 2-No. 4
2-story 8*** 20 10 6 3-No.S*
1-story 8*** 18 10 6 3-No. 4*
' One rod in top of foonng.
** 6" if or reinforced concrete poured monolithic with footings,
°#* 12" to provide ledge for joist bearing where other than slab floors on grade
are used.
' ~`*## Top of footing shall not be above top of natural or compacted grade.
For buildings over one story high, the minimum footing thickness under isolated
piers and columns or posts shall be 12.inches:. The above minimum sizes apply
for soil bearing. values of 2500 pounds per. square. foot.or greater:. For-lesser
soil- bearing values or for excessive building loads the foundations shall be
properly designed to suit the particular conditions.
Properly designed footings proportioned to loads and with specified minimum .grades
may. be substituted for these minimum footings when bearing the seal of a registered
architect or engineer or subject to the approval of the Building. Official.
{'then soil conditions require the use of grade beams on piling or.spread footings
a minimum outside finish grade of 4 inches above .the.bottom of the concrete grade
beams.shall.berequired:: Where monolithic slab foundations are used, they shall
be a minimum of .14"..deep from the. top of.the slap to bottom of footing and a minimum
outside finish grade. of 8" above the bottom of the thickened slab shall.be required
unless .a .probable ground erosion condition exists at the discretion of the Building
Official, more than 8" may be required.
Delete existing section and substitute the following:
' .Cast-in-place concrete conat'ruction reinforced only for shrinkage or temperature
Supp. No. 4 -21.21-
changes shall be classified as plain concrete. Plain concrete, other than fill,
shall conform to the requirements for reinforced concrete and have a minimum
ultimate compressive strength at 28. days of 2500. pounds. per square inch. All
concrete. used for footings , columns , .beams. and slabs must have a minimum
ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 2500 pounds per square inch. Slabs
on ground or.fill shall.be a.minimum of 4 inches thickness., must be reinforced
with a minimum of B x 6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh lapped 6 inches or its equivalent
in reinforcement. Make adequate provisions for waterproofing slabs on grade in
all structures.
(a) The minimum thickness of exterior walls of hollow masonry shall be eight
(8) inches.
Masonry walla (including walls. of plain concrete) shall be supported at such
intervals that the wall panel .within the vertical and horizontal supports shall
not exceed 256 square .feet in area, provided. however that for solid masonry walls
the distance between .vertical supports shall-in no case exceed 20 feet; and for
hollow walls of masonry or walls of hollow masonry unite such distance shall not
exceed 18 feet.
(b) Such vertical and. horizontal support shall be obtained by reinforced
concrete columns at all corners and at intervals. as specified above; and by
reinforced concrete tie beams below each tier. of floor or ceiling joists and on
tope of all walls to form a coping. In one story residential buildings the corner
columns. may be omitted: ~ For non-load bearing.exterior walls in one story
residential buildings columns are not required .provided the .wall panel within
the closeat.vertical.and horizontal supports shall .not exceed 258 square. feet in
area, and in which case the columns in.the.load bearing .walls shall be located not
greater than six 18) feet from corners and thereafter at spacings as specified in
paragraph (a) above.
(c) Reinforced concrete columns specified in. (b) shall be not smaller
than 8 x .12 inches and have not leas than four. 5/8 inch reinforcing rods with
1/4 inch ties. apaced.l2 inches apart.. All column reinforcing steel shall extend
into tie beams and footings a minimum of thirty .(30) diameters or shall have .
connections designed to develop the full strength of the column reinforcing steel.
(d) Reinforced concrete tie beams specified in (b) shallbe not smaller
than 8 x 12 inches, and have not less than four (4) 5/8 inch reinforcing rods,
two at the top and two at the bottom. Minimum lap of steel shall be thirty (30)
diameters .
(e) Reinforced concrete coping beams specified in (b) on.walls up to
four (4) feet high shall be not leas than six. (8) inches thick and not less than
48 square inches.in .cross section and shall have not leas than two (2) 1/2 inch
reinforcing rode. Such beams shall be anchored to the tie beam immediately
Supp.. No. 4
underneath with reinforced concrete struts not smaller than 8 x 12 inches having
not leas than four (4) 1/2 inc'.i reinforcing rods and placed one strut over each
column. Coping beams shall be installed along the top of the rakes of the gables.
(f) Masonry walls shall be thoroughly bonded and anchored at points where
they intersect and where they abut or join the reinforced concrete or Fireproofed
steel framework of a building.
(g) Piers and buttresses relied on for lateral support shall have sufficient
strength and stability to transfer the wind forces to the ground. When walls are
dependent upon floors for their lateral .support, provisions shall be made in the
building to transfer the lateral force resisted by all floors to the ground.
(h) )V7ortar used in masonry construction shall be .cement mortar. or cement
lime mortar, provided that foundation walla, rubble stone walls, and isolated
piers shall be laid in cement mortar only.
(i) 1Vhere columns carry concentrated loads and are more than one story
high, the minimum size shall be 12" x 12".
(j) In one story residences only;. .8" x 18" filled column block may be used
in lieu of poured concrete columns .with two No. 5 (5/8" diameter) reinforcing
rods securely positioned by means of metal ties or spacers... Filled blocks shall .
not be used for any beam or lintel over eight. (8) feet in height. In using filled
building blocks for columns or lintels the block must be thoroughly wet down
immediately prior to pouring... Pea-rock aggregate containing.maximum size .rock
of 3/8" must be used, with a minimum concrete strength of 2500 lbs per square
inch at 28 days... All filled building. blocks must be thoroughly rodded when being
poured to prevent.voida in.the pour. .The outside. of bottom block of columns must
be broken out prior to pouring to facilitate clean out and inspection.
(k) Above minimums may be .waived when the structure is designed by a
registered architect or engineer, subject to the approval of the Building Official.
(1) iVhere hollow masonry units bear. on a concrete surface, an effective
water atop, as approved.by the Building.Official, shall be provided to prevent
water entering the interior of the structure.
Delete only such parts as are in conflict-with this addendum.
Delete existing paragraph (a) and (b) and substitute the following:
(a) Roof anchorage shall be provided.tvith 1/2" x 10" bolts, four. (4) feet
0'! o,c, with a ?," x 6" minimum plate or with approved joist or truss anchors
without the plate.
Supp. No. 4 -21.23-
1409.2 CHASES
Add paragraph (d)
(d) Soil lines larger than. three: (3) inches inside diameter shall not be
permitted in minimum size exterior perimeter beams.
Delete existing Section and substitute the following:
. Except as provided elsewhere in this section, masonry veneer applied to wood or
steel .framing shall be anchored to the.structural .framing. members- by approved
non-ferrous metal.tiea or .40:d.galvanized nails at intervals. of not:more than
sixteen (18) inches vertically and twenty-four (24) inches horizontally.
Masonry veneer on framed .walls. shall be supported upon foundations except that
such veneer attached to steel framing. maybe supported upoa other approved
non-combustible supports:. Masonry veneer over .wood frame exterior walla shall
provide ra minimum.3/.4 inch air.epace...The wood shall be covered with a water-
proof membrane of 30 pound felt or its equivalent.
The bottom .course. of masonry shall.be at least four .(4) inches below wood sills
(sole plates) with adequate weep holes provided (minimum 3/8" every 15':lineal
length of exterior wall) . Weep holes must be.above finish grade line:. Masonry
veneer extending below finish.grade.line must be.eolidly.joined to.the foundation
wall, so as to prevent undergrade voids that encourage hidden termite entrance.
1701.4 -MUD SILLS
When wood joists or the bottom of wood structural floors without joists are closer
than 18:inches; or wood girders are closer than 12 inches io exposed .ground
located within the periphery of the.building.over.crawl.apace or.unexcavated area,
thoy shall.be apprcwed wood pr..natural.decay..reaistance, or.pressure treated
wood::In no caea shall.-these treated members have-less than six (8) inches of
c]earanee between •the joist and the ground below.
1'!05.1 -SILLS ON FOUNDATIONS . _ . .
Delete existing Section and substitute the following:
All masonry. shall be finished to.provide:a.true and.even.bearingsurface for
wooder_ structural members: Such structural members ahail be.securely fastened
to the masonry or concrete bearing surface in the following. manner: .
,'111 sills and plates in .all buildings shall. be bolted:.with not leas than one-half
(J./?.) inch diameter bolts, corrosion resistant; of a length to provide a minimum
Supp. No. 4 -21.24-
six (6") inch embedment in the masonry or.concrete.and spaced not more than
four (4) feet apart. • There shall be one such bolt in.addition at each corner or
offset in the wall:. Alternate :nethode.af equal attachment may be used when. .
supported by proper engineering documentation and approved by the Building
-0fficial. In exterior frame wall construction, where foundation. walla are not... _ .
poured. monolithic with the footings, bolts must extend through .the walls and.into
the footings, regardless of whether the walls are solid.. -One half inch steel dowels
extending. from the footing and adequately lapping she bolts are construed as
complying.with.the requirements of thiaSection. If.hollow walls are used; the ..
cell .in which the dowels are. located must be solidly.filled.with.concrete or.grout.
:.All foundation. sills. shall be of approved pressure treated wood for protection
against decay and termites.
Delete existing paragraph (b) and substitute the following:
(b) Studs in all exterior walla or in any bearing partitions shall be spaced not
more than.l6" o.c.
Add to paragraph (d2) "Plywood must be bonded with exterior glue."
Delete existing paragraph (b) and substitute the following:
(b) Studs in all bearing partitions shall be spaced not more than 16" o.c.
Add !'Approved sheathing shall be u~ed.whenever.the wall covering consists of
wood. shingle or shakes or asbestos shingles, stucco or hardboard lees than 3/8"
in thickness.
Correct under. (a) Plywood. reference table number to 3705.6A and add !'Plywood
must be bonded-with exterior glue."
Add to existing paragraph the following:
. All wood roof members. shall be securely fastened.to the exterior walls. with
approved hurricane anchors or clips.:. Show rafters in save- overhangs must.be
..extended inside of the supporting.members approximately .the same distance.as.
the .cantilever extends outside; and must be securely fastened to cats cut between
the main roof framing.
Table 1705.OA Add "In no case shall any roof sheathing be leas than 5/8" (30/12
plywood)-at more than 16" o.c.
Supp. No. 4 -21.25-
2002.1 TOILET FACILITIES. Add: In offices, stores, warehouses or shops of
-not more than. 2, 000 square-feet in area end/or where the number of employees
is 8 or less.; one (1) toilet "acility.shail be.deemed sufficient regardless of the
~. sex of.the.employees at the discretion. of the. Director. of.Public Services. All .
parking lots or display. areas-where any employees are. employed .on premises, .
toilet facilities must also be provided subject to modification or reduction by the
Director of Publio Services.
_ _.
2201.3. Delete existing section and substitute the following:
1, :Definitions
(a) AwninA:. The word !'AWNING" shall mean any cloth or plasticized cloth
or:metal on a.frame. supported entirely. by.a.building and designed.and intended
to be used.io shelter a window or door from.lhe sun, weather.or vision:.. A. _ ..
stationary awning is an awning on a rigid frame which cannot.be rained or lowered.
A mouable awning ie.an awning. on a folding frame which may. be raised or lowered
by means of ropes, pulleys; rollere,.hinges or other mechanical devices... A .
movable awning may: have collapsible-:metal oolumna and must be able to be closed
and secured against a-wall during a hurricane warning or alert.
(b) Can°py:. The word !'CANOPY" shall mean ametal;.-a.detachable. cloth
or plasticized cloth cover.on a rigid.frame designed and intended to be used as a
..protection against the aun,.weather or.vision; .provided however. that such terms
ae herein. and hereafter used shall not apply to any umbrella having a diameter of
less than sixteen (16') feet.
(c) Umbrella. Frame -Canopy:.: The .term 'IUMBRELLA FRAME CANOPY".shall
mean any. canopy having a diameter of sixteen (16'). feet or more, and supported
by only one central standard.
{d) • Valance: The word !'VALANCE'" shall-mean any cloth or plasticized
cloth below the lowest framing member of a stationary or movable frame.
2:. Permit Required:: No permit shall be required. for. any .cloth awning designed
to be .and used .upon private .residential. property; or for she renewal or repair of
.any cloth cover. of any canopy. or awning:: Such plane. and drawings. as maybe
deemed necessary to-fully advise and acquaint the. Building. Department.with.the
location, method.of attachment, construction; and. material of :the installation and
the power meter location and drop shailaccompany the application and shall be
subject to review of the Euilding Official.
3:. ~.~roval-Procedure: P,lasterplana shail.be submitted in duplicate; along
with complete ealculations.and details of all.etructural members and connections,
and shall be designed by an Engineer or Architect-who is registered in the State
/ Supp. No. 4 -21.26-
of Florida. • All design calculations, details, plans and specifications shall bear
his seal.and.aignsture on.ea h sheet: If such master-plans meet the minimum- .
design requirements of this Code, the Building Official shall issue in.writing an .
approval letter and plan within twenty-one (21) days of the date of receipt of such
- plan .
Any member or members, components, or assemblies shall be tested at the
request of the Building Official.. Cost of all teats shall be at the expense of the
contractor. A detail of the test procedure will be required prior to conducting
any test.
4: Design Standards:
(a) When wooden or-metal headrode are.used to fasten .awnings or
canopie~.to face .of building.with expansion laolts or expansion fittings, fibre or
metal shields may be used but in no case will wood plugs be permitted.
(b) The cloth .part of canopies.and stationary awnings must be securely .
laced;: tied or otherwise securely fastened to the metal frame, and in no case shall
roller curtains be used to cover the roofs of stationary frames.
{c) -Canvas awnings and canopies may not be enclosed with .any material
.other than a valance notmore than eighteen (16!') inches.in vertical.depth...
.Canopies having:sidewalls or valances greater than eighteen (18") inches of any
material shall be classified as a tent.
(d) Canvas may be installed in such manner that it will release from the
frame with a wind load of 10# per square foot.
(e) All movable metal awnings-must be designed to be secured against
the wall of the building.
(f) ~ All structural members of canopies; stationary awnings or movable .
awnings in closed position shall be designed to resist 50# per square foot live
load across the entire surface of the awning or canopy.
(g) .Ail movable .awnings must be closed and secured to the wall during
a hurricane warning or alert.
(h) Other design requirements to be as per other applicable sections of
this Code where not in conflict.
5 : Construction Over.: P.ublic• Property:: No canopy or awning shall be erected,
conatrueted or:maintained over sidewalks or other public ways owned or main-
tained by said Village.
Supp.:No. 4 -21.27-
._ . _.:
: ~ ,.
6. No Repairs Unless Frames Comply: No cover of ary canopy or awntng shall
be repaired or replaced unless and until the frame thereof shall be made to comply
with the requiremen[a of .his Section.
7. Setbacks and Yards. Canopies are structures and shall meet all setbacks as
required for any other structures. Awnings without collapsible columns are
excepted from the side and rear yard provisions of the Zontng Code, but must be
no less than twelve (12") inches from the lot hr.e to its normal open positron.
;3- Certain Ordinances and Re urn'rations Made It,alt~tlu,able to Can~ar~d
' Awnings: All ordic.ancea and parts of ordinances and rules and reguiationS
predicated t;pon F'.re 'Loney and. hereby made and declared to' be inappltcabie to
any canopy or awning cons`r~voted, erected or maintained in accordance with the
provrsrona of this Section drd Section 301 of the Building Code of sand Village are
also declared inapplicable to such canopies and awnings
9. Use: Canvas awnings and canopies may not be used for public garages, retail
or wholesale or general storage of combustible materiaia or goods packed to
combustible materials. Temporary drop curtains may be used only in conjunction
with canopies if used to protect customers'.7om sa;n, rain or weather for email
cafes or roadside vegetable or fruit stands.
2301 Delete Chapter XXI(I - S1C;IvS AND OU"fDUOR Dl~l'LA]S (~ ee Sigr: Code)
Chapter XXV
Section 2504
' Charge existing paragraph (c) to paragraph ld) and re•.vrite paragraph (ci as
(c) 1'he Building Department may appoint for the Vi?lage, one or more
Registered Professional Architects ar:d/or Engineers authorized to pra::ucc; in the
State of Florida, whose principal o:.c:upation fs structural engineering, any one
of whom shall be selected by the BuildxnK Department :o examine roaster plans
of any prefabricated constriction for conformance with tlirs'Code, and this Engrr,eer
andjor Architect shall issue, in '.vritirrg, to the llireMor oT 1'•;blic Services a
recommendation of approval or disapproval an the plan presented, wittun fifteen
(15) days of the date of receipt of'such plan. 1'he examrrang architect or engineer
shall, in the event of an unfavorab?e recommendation, provide a list of discrepancies
or o:nissiors which aha?1 include all apparent to him at the Ume of the 'utipal
examination .
' A S100 minimum initial fee for the examinatror~ of the rraster plan shall be
provided by the applicant at the time of application, acd shall be considered as
e. necessary part thereof. However, if the fee exceeds 5100; the fall cost must be
paid by the applicant prior to informing him of the report . Re-submission after
Supp. No. 4 a„` -21.28- ,
t:nfavorzbie reca:nmendaticns +r_!l r.ct retiu`_re ao aGdit:. n_~ init_al examination
fee to be provided by the apolicr,: `., bLt t?,e sppli-,:eat sY,_lt. be required.to pay
any additional fee:; charged b;; fire arehitec" ore gi: ec:r, pr-~_ar to each necessary
report. ,
In the event 5:: 8pOllCatIOr. for fi!YS_St:31l8tiOL. (iT COnc'trL'Ctly^ permii is
based on a previously approved maser plen,t:crevised rzprin•_s efthe mzster
putt shall acco~pat:y each applicu'_ort far rer.: it, for the purpose cf prot.-idirg
tats Building Department with mea^.c: for cc:r:I.c~~iso-:: a d as ar: azd .to identification;
each appLcaticr• of this Type s:^.all l.e accc~:_r.,-,.ried.by tae ~1:,: plan cf t_1te irate::de~
.location and.the necessary. lee. T'he ctz°.~c*~,:_es shril be required to meet the
setbacks othervrise estrbiisneri
2506 MOBILE HOME-- Delete _
(a) Defittitioa:
A unit frame3 with structure: ~,:,.7tinum,.hav'7b screened walls or
wails and roof erected or: a canc_ete icunda=mot whose p=irtary function is to
provide protection from i-Qecta:
(b) General:
1. Permit: A permit mint us ub:aired for e11 screen enclosures. .S:..h
plans.snd drawings as may be deeu~ed necessary tc fi.:iiy advise and acquaint.the
Building Department with the lecaticn, t::et:rod o'_attachmert, construction, and .
material of the installation.and .thc perrer r.-eto<?ovation erd d:•op.shall accompany
the application ar_d shat be subject to review of the Director of Public Services.
2. Approval Procedure: Screer, srciosure design need not meet the
requirement of.Section 2504, hae!ever, rat&ster pisns.shall be submitted in duplicate,
along with .complete calca:latior.s srd silo) i~_en^ificatier. sttd details of all structural
members and connccticrs, and sltu i;e c'os:g::ed b;; e:t i?nginder registered ir. the
Stale of Florida. P_]l design.calcuia ins, dx~ri'_s, plays ~:d.specifications shall .
bear his .seal and sig~:>t:tre ar: once s?:eet. If st:ch ::tester plans meet the mi::imum
design regttirementa of this Code, tze lirector cf.Pubiic Services shall issue in
wri•Sng as approval letter and plea ~:zti,'a t~eenty-o :e(21) gays of the date of
receipt of such plan.
Any member or members, c~npc: ens; sr ass~mbl.es shall be tested at the
request of the Directoz cf Futiic Services. f:~st of a?..' tests shall tie at :he expense
of fhe contractor. A detail of Ll:e fast f:ra;:ed~,rz aril be required prior to conduct-
ing any test.
Screen enclosures are etr~~cn;re~ and shall meet all setbacks required for any
other structure.
tC) Stru CtUr&l DEStgn
lei The mirnrr:u^t :..._,..,'.i:.s:: at~x:;t.b ;aai, ba ft°xl'l" wish two
(2) tr4 steel reiricrcutg bars.
(bi lix,erirr vra;s :~` ~.: s~_; czr: ~_r.cios::res shall be set beck
Supp. 1vo. S -2„29-
,. 1
a minimum of 2" from edge of slab.
2. Anchors and Connections:
(a) Anchors used to fasten the screen enclosure to the slab
shall be tested by a recognized testing laboratory and such test results
furnished to the Building Department. Maximum allowable holding power
for each anchor shall be based on the test results with a safety factor of
2.25. Only rust resistant approved anchor bolts shall be used on all
structural connections.
(b) All connections shall be designed for positive fastening
cvith a minimum safety factor of 2.25. Rivets or bolts shall be used on all
structural connections.
(c) Lateral support shall be by self standing columns or columns
with braces made of combination compression and tension members. Cables will
not be acceptable as required structural supports.
(d) Composite section will only be figured as 80',G of unit stress
non-composite section.
(e) A minimum facia of 2 inch material properly anchored to the
rafter ends shall be required to support a screen enclosure.
3. Screening:
All screening shall be a minimum of 6096 or more open and shall
be installed in such manner that it will release from the frame with a loading
o£ 10# per square foot.
4. Design loads:
All structural members'~shall be designed to resist 30# per
square foot horizontal live load on the screen. Plat roof of a screen en-
closure should be designed for 10# per square foot vertical live load.
Deflection shall be limited to L/80 with minimum recovery of 90'~ "L" being
the distance between supports.
5. Other design requirements to be as per other applicable sections
of this Code where not in conflict.
(Ord. No. 7-72, See. 2)
Supp. No. 4
Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately
upon passage.
/s/ M. C, Love, Jr.
/s/ Dolores R. Walker
Village Clerk