Ordinance 1975-009 Adopts Standard Plumbing Code 1975 EditionORDINANCE N0. 9-75 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, 1 AMENDING C}}APTER 28 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, THE PLUMBING CODE FOR THE VILLAGE, BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THERETO THE STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, 1975 EDITION AND APPENDIX A AND APPENDIX B THERETO, AND SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO SAID STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 28-11 of the Village of North Palm Beach 1 Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 28-11. ADOPTED BY REFERENCE---Under the authority of Section 165.191, Florida Statutes, the Village of North Palm Beach hereby adopts by reference thereto the Standard Plumbing Code, 1975 Edition, including Appendix A and Appen- dix B thereto, as the plumbing code for the Village. There has been for at least ten days last past and shall be during the time that this code is in effect, three copies of such code kept available for public use, inspection and examination." Section 2. Section 28-12 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 28-12. AMENDMENTS, CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS--- The following amendments, corrections and additions to said Code are hereby made and adopted; said amendments, corrections and additions being set forth herein with reference to and prefaced by the Section number and title of said Code, as follows: 4~ t. ~' 104.1rS9fi~a1 F217QUI1~ ~ .: =~'Chazx~e to~read as;follaas: .. Page 2. , . No pe_*son, fine pr corporation shall oca~nect any pluaioi.ng work with arty sewers;"sanitary or stone, septic tanks or sewage disposal of. arty kind, ar private connection or install fixtures or appliances in new or Misting systems, stnictarres or pranises, ar repair, or add to arty existing plumbing withwt ,. first dpplying far and obtaining a separate plumbing permt therefor from the . Plu{t3?ing;gffic_i_a_1_._ _ _ _ _ _ _. ~~ _ aa.. .n.. ._. 'r y It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or their \ --"-- agents, servants or employees to drive any well within the Village of North Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida, without having , first obtained a permit from the Plumbing Inspector of said Village to do such work ' .. - _ _ - s SECI'ICN 106 FEES Delete existing Section 106.3 and rewrite as follows: ' 106.3 9C1)EDiJL.E OF PERMIT FE~:4 ~-- (a) A mini.rtnan of three ($3.00) dollar:; for any one perrcdt issued. {i \A .. ~~ i. ~' ',., '` 1 ~, • `' (b) The sum of two ($2 GO) dollars for each and every fixture roughed in; either in new or reconstructed or additional plumbing work. (c) Two ($2.00) dollars for each and every newer connection either in new or reconstructed or additional plumbing work. (d)q Two .($2.00) dollars for each and every greasy trap installed either ' im.new or reconstructed or additional plumbing work.. . `~ ".' (e) The sum of three ($3 00) dollars for each repiping installation up to..ten fixtures"and twenty (20 cents) cents for each additional fixture. (f) The sum of one ($1.00) dollar for each and every water connection to r or~outlete for an appliance or installation not covered by fixture permit. ~'.. (g) The sum of three ($3.00) dcllare for each and every supply or drainage wall up to and including two (2") inch in diameter and four ($4.00) dollars for each supply or drainage well over two (2") inches in diameter. `~ {h) .The sum of-three !$3-00) dollars for each and every solar water heatei•'complete; including heating unit and storage tank. Replacement of , heating unit three {$3.00) dollars, replacement of storage tank three ($3.00) dollars. (i) .The sum of four ($4.00) dollars for each i•einspection made.due to condemnation of work, or due to the fact'that.work was not ready at the time specified in the application for inspection, or for farlure to call for final or other inspection.. ' :' (j) The sum of two ($2.00) dollars for each roof drgin. ' (k) .The sum of three ($3.00) dollars for each gaa piping system of 1 to 5 outlets and twenty (20) cents for each additional outlet. (1) The sewer connection fees shall be as are from time to time prescribed by the Village, _ {2) Building sewers and water service pipes shall connect to-the public sewer and water main at a point designated by the proper muni- ` 'cipal authority. (1) A fee; double the regular fee shall be charged for every job started without a permit. r.: (m) Annual Industrial Permits: Upon written request to the plumbing " .inspector; any industrial plant shall be issued an annual permit for pltunbing :work, installation, maintenance and equipment rearrangement covering sewers, fixtures, and piping in or on the premises owned or occupied by the holder as described in the permit, but to be issued subject to the following conditions:.. (i) The payment of an annual fee of one hundred ($100.00) dollars 'forreach calendar year, and monthly fees computed according to the fee schedule :above . °- ~ (2) The- regular employment of one or more full time plumbers competent in the safe installation, extension, maintenance and repair of industrial plumbing systems and equipment. • (3) The unrestricted rittht of the Plumbrna Inspector to cheek the premises of the permit holder at a reasonable time; unless prohibited by ~o-~ernmer_t regulations , ~~~ Pale 3 (~i) The perforriance of all tork shall aa?>ly wi*h the applicable provisions of this chapter. (5) The annual industrial permit shall oo~rer the original connection nrsci any rearrangement of machine atrl other industrial equigrnnt including extension of plumbing systans regttiral therefor and inspection fees therefor. (n) The sum of three ($3.00) dollars per $1,OOQ contxact price or portion thereof for each irrigation sprinkler system. (o) The stun of three ($3.00) dollars per thousand for evezy steam boiler, hot water boiler, or air corrc?ressor. (p) The sum of tl~see ($3.00) dollars per thousand for all process piping not covered by other fixture permits. _. _ 107.7 TEST ~ BUII.DINC'i SE<36R Delete entire Section. SE7CI'ICN 109 LICENSING AND Bi1VDING OF PLI1^'IBERS Delete entire Section: See North Palm Beach Certification and Licensing iaw. 110.1 ]~:AVATIONS IN S'1'IZEE,'I5 Delete existing paragraphs (a) and (b) and substitute the follvaing: (a) A permit shall be required from the Building Department for each excavation within the public right of-way within ';he Village. Issuance of such permit requires that all tx>rk be done in conformity with the requirements of the Village Building .Department procedure for securing pexmit to work in the public right-ofwray within the Village and with any other provisions of the Village Code or Ordinances pertaining to work or excava*ion within public right-of-way. (b} Where such work or excavation occurs in a state or federal highway, the persons or firm applying for a permit shall first obtain the permission fxYxn the state or federal agency having jurisdiction. 110.2 PUBLIC PR7i'DCI`ION REQITIRF2dEt7I' Delete existing paragraphs (a) and (b) ct~PT~ zI SIJLTION 201 BASIC PRINCIPLES Add the foilaaing Principles: P~rinc~i le N~o. 23 -All appliances and equipixnt shall be accessible for service and- roirov.31. Appliances and equigmnt installed in attics shall 1-iave a twenty-four (29") inch runway fmn access to servi.c~ area cf appliance or equipment. An electric,; earls: shall be provtded for illumtnation. Principle No _24,- Ali ho*. water heaters and t~/ri:er sccras~,~,e •.essels installed in attics or above the first floor of a building that may cause water damage shall have pans installed under the e.~uinmeiit and a safe waster installed to the outside of the building or other acceptable point of discharge. For external drain pans and emergency drain: lin_s required 'ender air conditioning coils, r~fertothe Southern Standard Building Code.. CHAPTER III DEFINITIONS 302 DEFINITION OF TERMS :'~- a^!^t^ ^dd tl• fo1lo~,.l~g definitions as sho'^n; .,.:FC, ....., ,,. ,. ... Pale 4 Building Drain Change •i0 ft, to 5 feet. Building Storm Drain Delete definition and rewxxte as follows: A building (ixouse) storm drain is a bwlning drain used for conveying rain water, surface water, ground water, subs,.irface water, condensate, cooling water, or other similar discharge to a building' storr.: sewer. Building Storm Sewer Delete the words "combined sewer Building Trap Delete Combined Building Sewer Delete Combination baste and~Ven+ S~utem Delete definition and. substavte new definition as follows: A combination waste and vent sy°siem is a specially designed system of waste piping embodying horizontal and vertical stack wet venting of one or more fixtures by means of a cornrnuu waste and vent pipe adequately sized to provide free movement of air in the vertical stack and above the flow line of the horizontal drain pipe. Dernestic Add new definition as follows: In the classificztion of plumbing flxtsres, domestic applies to fixtures and equipment in single fan'ily dwellings or apariment u:xits and shall also esrcend r'~ to fixtures iu private bathrooms of hotels acid similar installations where the ._ fixtures are intended for the use o:' a family or an individual. Durham System Delete Frostproof Closet Delete House Trap Delete Industrial Plant Add new definition as £o!low~: ~'Industrxal plant" shall mean premises devoted to the manufacture, assembly, or production of items to tangible personal properly and equipped with machinery snd fixtures for carrying on such activity. ' Journe man Plumber Delete _Master Plumber Delete Plumber Add new definition as follows: The term plumber is defined io .nears a person who is engaged in the trade or business of plumbing, and who is cuahtxed under the terms and provisions of this Code. ' Page S Pl'umbi.2ig• Contractor Add net~x definition "plumbing ecntractor" as follows: The term "plumbing contr'actor'' is ,1c.;ns~i to mean a person, firm or corporation er.gagir.g ir_ the bvF~~r~.^s o; i.lttmbing either by contract, fee basis, cost plus or otherwise. The pec::on ir> charge of the plumbing installation for said person, firm or cor•+orat;o:: hail have passed. the master plumber's. examination according to the term" c! this Coda and possess a. master pltxraber's certificate issued hereunder that is paid up to date. Said person; firm or corporation shalt designate b;• a legally notarized statement-the master plumber representing them. Pi umba r,_A~x~rentice Add new definitton ae fcll~ws: The term "apprenitce plumber" is d?fined to mean a person who is engaged in learning the pltmbing trade by working with and under the supervision of journeyman plumbers holding a valid certificate of competency,~who shall be held x•eaponeible for the work of such apprentices. Flum_ber;_Joucne man Add new definition as follows: The term "Journeyman Plumber" is detrneci to mean a pei•aor. tRrho possesses the necessary ciualifi.cations, training ar..d technical knowledge to'iuatall or repair piumbirg equipment, pipit:g or apparatus us covered- by the terms and px•ovisione of this Code. Ylumbar, Maintenance Add new definition as follows: A person regularly employed in an industrial plant to perform plumbing work solely on behalf of his e~:ipi;,•ve2• ::+d upar: 2.??9 promises of his employer's industrial plant under Iile ea_re: , ...,;~+. of s,2 inciiatriai plant plumbing main- b:u.~nce r.upervisor. P3umbi~ Maintenance Su x~ert_i_:or Add new definition as follot+is• A person; regularly employed in an industrial 1?lr.~-zt.'to perform plumbing work solely oa behalf of his employer ar:d ~2ily upon the premises of bis employer's industrial plant, qualified by training and tectnical knowledge to plan, lay out and supervise plurnbii•2p, work permitted to be done under annual industrial permits . Plumber; Master Add nc.w definition as follows: Tlie term "Master Plumber" is defined to meat; a person who possesses 4he ' necessary qualifications, traini~,~r and technical knowledge to plan; lay out, and supervise the installat~rn of Y?:::r.hing equipment, piping or apparatus, as covered by file terms and provi~iont, o'.' ±hi. i Code, Private or Private Use Delete existing definition and rewrite as follows: In the classification of plumbing iixtures, private applies to fixtures in residences ox• apartments where tiie fiaures are intended for the use of a family or an indiv2d::r+'... Page 6 Public or Public U_se '-, Add the followinb* sentence: Plumbing fixtures installed to hotels, motels and rooming houses shall be classified as for pt:blic use. Sanitary Sewer Ccl]ection~Svatem• Add new definition as folloevs: A "Sanitary Sewer Collection System" receives the discharge from buzldinf; sewers end may be public or private, and may be lecaled on public or private property, Waste Arm Add new definition as follo~:,s. A "Waste Arm" is a horizontal pipe that connects from the fixture trap or traps to the soil vent or waste «tack. CHAPTER IV GENL•:RAL It?:;t~[•~,:.'iO'•V:~ 403 .'l SHORT S11;'uPJ Delete existing S~.ctior; an<1 rev;. a~: r%: to'.lo:ve: Short sweeps may be use ~ `n :;o•: sr!l w:+:.te lines where the change in dzrecti,.zn of flow is from eitner the hnr~i~}~;t.r.l to +.he vertisil or from the vertical to the horizontal, and may he used for ma4ing neca.e;ary changes in direction in the horizontal plane. • 404.1 FITTINGS PROHIB'T'Ell . Delete the word "bands" iii :'o:•::nd r:c:»!•^nce. 407.1 SUPPORT OF' Y1PiN~.~ Delete existing Se~~tion and ~°•71„•'.~r, as f::~lcevs: Buried piping stall be at:pporled throughout its entire lent*th in such a manner as to prevent misalif*nment or r,Pttlemerwt. 407.`l TUNNELING AND Dll'VIt1C, Add the following to the ct:3 ::f .~.ci:;;ar;~ Sre:::ir_ "... , or the drive pip= n•:ay br-; t;sFd if it hos no joints under the area being driven " ' 417.1 Delete i,, J Page 7 417.2 SERVICE STATIONS r~ Ad9 new section to read as follaus: All service stations, garages. used car lots, new car lots and like places of business that wash autarobiles, trucks, or like equipment shall have adequate asain connected to the city sewer. Autctrotive wash drains, under Dover, shall be connected to the sanitary sewer. .Area drains not under roof mist be cennec`~.ed into the storm drain. Grease, oil and sard interceptors shall be installed ir. aca~rdance with Chapter VIII requirements. 922.2 Add new Section to read as follows: All individual sewerage disposal systans that are being used where public sanitary sewers are provided shall be elirrinat~l within ten days after notification by the Plumbing Inspector. Septic tanks shall have the lids re:nved and pimiped clean aril fille3 with sand. The house sewer. shall connect direct to the public sanitary sewer. 427.1 CIASETI' BENDS Delete existing Section aril rewrite as follaas: Closet bends shall be full bends without joints frr~n flange to waste line. All cast iron closet t~~:ds shall Lr full length beside witliour. joints fran flange t.o soil line. CFIAPrER v QUALITY Arm wF:IC~rr 506.1 ASBESTOS C'II+~7r SE<9IIt PIPE Delete existing Section and rewrite as follaus: For uses, see Sections 601.11, 1501.5 ar-d 1502.5. 506.2 BPISR4INIZED Sb?'~EFt PIPE AA'D FPTTINGS Delete existing Section and rewrite as follows: For uses, see Section 1501.5 and 1502.5. 506.6 -Delete entirely. 506.7 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR DRAIN YDISTE AND VENT Arend to read as follaus: For plumbing drainage, waste and vents, both above a1x1 belay ground, indirect waste and storm drains in all buildings up to aril including three stories and/or thirty-six (36) feet in height. (Ord. No. 18-72, 5 1) " 43.r~ Page 8 602.3A RAT PROOFING Add new Section to read as follows: All concealed lead work within a building shall be made rat-proof by covering with new bronze or copper screen vrire r securely soldered on. 602.8 ~ HOT-POURED JOINTS Delete existing Section in its entirety. 603,2 CONCRETE SEWER F'IPE Delete existing Section and rewrite as fcllowa: Joints in concrete sewer pipe or between such pipe and metal pipe shall be made as in paragraph 602.7 and 602 , 9 . • 605 e 2 WATER-SUPPLY' SY'ST'EM Add to end of existing Section the following: "excepting dielectric unions may have composition gaskets." 604.3 WATER DISTRILiUTIGN S`,.3T`e:M llelete existing aecaon in :3~;u2:e x.,. ,3tE~a .itarti i';arnbing Code, 1971 Edition, and rewrite as follows: Drilling; tapping or saddle lilt+r, s: cna,~ '.'.^ u~cd only on scat xron or cement '`asbestos water service pipes c.aa~':~ of buiidinga- 401. i FIXTURE TRAPS Delete existing paragraph {b) hud rewrite as fol~ows: {b) Slip joints or couplings may be used on the trap inlet or within the trap seal of the trap.. 702.4 DRUM TRAPS . Delete Section in its entirety 802.1 COMMh'1tC1AL BUiLllINGS Delete exisring Section and rewrite ea follows: A grease•interLeptor shall be irscwled in the YJBetP, lire leading from sinks, • drains; or other fixtures 5n the fo"tla:ria~g establishments: restaurants, hotel kitchens or bars, factory cafeterias or resfaura,~ts; cluba;.or other eatablioh- mente where grease can be iu.tm~9uced Hilo the drainage syatexn in. quantities that can affect Iine stoppage or. hinder. sewage disposal"..: When in the opinion of the.Plua,bing Official a grease interceptor is not necesssry; he may waive the requirement of carne. -.,, 813.2 1l7INiMGM D1:~lEidSl'ity ' Add to the end of the c-<~sting Section the fa;,lowir~g: " The outlet opening of the eeparatar shall h::vr: net less than au eighteen (18") inch water seal. ' 904.3 SECURING FIiCT'URES Add the word "nc•n-corrosive" before the word ^acrews. 908.3 TROUGH Uit1DlALS Delete existing Section i.n its entirety any adci the follo•n•ing sentence: ,~ Trough urinals of a:iy tyke ;are prohxb.:ed., 8G8.n EQUIVALENT LENGTH Delete Section ir. its entirety. page 9 808.5 FLOOR-TYPE URINALS Delete Section in its entirety. 908.7 URINALS Add new Section as folio'.: c: - All urinals in toilet rooms in publio buildings must be of the following types: (a) Floor stall urinal; or (b) Pedestal urinal; or (c) Wall urinal (syphon jet or hlow out) with a visible body of water and one and one-fourth (1 i; A") inch top inlet spud. Not more than one wall urinal may be installed on a horizontal waste arm; . length of waste arm not to exceed 25" from vertical stack. All urinals must be furnished with flush valve or piston or diaphrrm type: When two wall hung urinals are connected into one waste stack the steak. shall .be three (3!t) inches • in diameter. and the arms shall bs ecnaected inter a double w,ye located ten (10") inches below the outlet of said urinal. Section 911.1 SHOWERS Delete existing Section and rewrite as follows: All shower compartments except approved shower tmite or those having metal enamel receptors, or precast receptors.; shall have lead; copper or other approved shower pan material.. The pan shall turn up on all sides at least six (6'') inches. Traps shall ba so constructed that the pan may be securely fastened to tl:e trap at the seegage entrance making s watertight joint between tl•,e pan and trap . Pan lirere for built-in-place 4uba shat also be made of lead, copper or other approved material and shall extend to a point two (2") inches abo~~e the tub overfl^w. All lead and copper pans where ir. cvr, a+:S ~c-ith masonry.n•,aterials ;r;ast be protected against deterioration by completely ~' coating with aepnaitum base materials. Thirty (30 lb.) poand felt paper shad be placed between base of pan and floor. 911.2 CONSTRUCTION Delete existing Sectior. and rewrite as follows: Under the following conditions, shower compartments and built-in-place tubs are rot required to have lead or copper paps; on the firs: floor only w'rere the floor construction consists of concrete, the pan may be formed by recessing the shower moor at leas*. four (4") inches below the rough floor line in the c~:se of a shower enclosure; or by recessing the floor for abuilt-in-place tub so that the tub overflow is two (2") inches L•elow the rough floor line: Floor recesses shall be poured monolithically witl: the floor slab. 1 ABLE 923.2 iV11ATSiV1UIJi F'ACILI'TIES Add to end of Table the following: In offices r stvrzs, warehouses or shops of not more than 2,000 sq. ft. in area and/or where the number of employees is 3 or less; one tl) toilet facility .,^zIl be dee:red titifilC7.eni 2'ebiirG:Et~:i G C_~9 Sex Gf the. employee.S; at the discreticr. o: the Buildu~t„ Officia). All »ax•ki~ig lots or display areas where .any employees are employed or, the premises, toilet facilities must also be provided subject to modification or reduction by tixe Building Official. '\) 1001.1 GENERAL Add the following to existing Sec:ien: .~ This pro~dsion shall riot apply to expansion, contraction or structural settle- ment dameges caused by hurricanes, flooda~ or other Acte of God. 1002.4 COPPER TUnE Delete existing Section and rewrite as follows: Copper tubes aha!1 be supported ~t et:ch a`ory level. li1G~ .2 CAST-IRON SOIL PIPE Add to the end of exietind Section the following: No hub pipe shall have supports provided on both sides of couplings. • - '._. 1003:6 1N GROUND ~ Page 10 Add ne:v paragraph {a) at enc? of Section to read sa follows: (a) Cast iron sail and waste pipe installed undex• a specially designed slab, required because of poor sub-soil conditions, shall be hung into the slab at each hub or no-hub band with a 1/8" inch stsel rod or equivalent. 1005 STRAINS AND STRESSES Delete 1005.1 PIPING IN CONCRETE Delete Section in its entirety. 1006.1 • SUPPORTS Add to end of existing Section .*.he following• ll4ethode such as concrete, brick ta.:i pn mortar, or metal brackets attacheu to the building construction is acceptable. ' S 10 i . 2 FOOD HANDLING Delete existing Section and rewYite a.a fol)ows: Eetab'.ishmente engaged in th.o s=ore.s~:• :rrer.srat±cnt, selling,., serving, pro- . ceasing '~' ~ . _-~ , ..,. ,j - 4 ~ P P g ~ or otherwise ha,u,..rx.~' : ~:... i...:;arn hr. wasts i in .from al. refrigerators; ieeboxeY, coc~':r~*, c.~~ re~r,ge.r.•.t+~;; coils, steam tables, egg '~ boilers ,• coffee urns or. similar ecuipY;,er..t d;sansrga indireeti;~ into properly iyented traps and receptors; end tits waKt~ u~aSJ.et shall terminate above the traps andJor receptors provdii:h ai:• gap. 1101.4 INTERCEPTOR Delete 1101:5 CONNECTION Delete existing Section a_nd re:ari.t~ ss fu'ac:r e: Indirect waste connections shall 1',e provided fir drains, overflows; or relief vents from tk~F water-supp"sv s.~,a~.n c,r ~~•- r;o.!~i.'rioniug units: • Air r:ondition- ing condensate. drains may terminate in the following methods: :(1) To the atmosphere at grade. ;(2) Into dry wells, {3) Connection at ground floor level .^.f the storm drainage system. (4) .SRfewast~ over suitab~e vent,>d fixtures and receptacles not subject to trap evaaoration. (6) Condensate drains ahFl! vent to atmo~phere,.preferably at roof '~ .level, on multiple sfoY•~> buildings where two or more air handling units are connected to a common condensate riser: Multiple air handling uni~a . ^ one equipment zoom nead not be vented. ' Condensate Crain lines shall he insulated tc rr.re,~ent d,••ippin where such dripping could ca:rs.~ a hazard. (6) Any water frorn air conditioning system of any building which would flow by gravity over an}• puhlie property or adjacent ... private property shell be carried by mearie.of conductors under the sidewalk and through the curb to the gutter. Provided, however,-that ff a storm sewer or catch basin i~: available; the. Building Official may. rc:;aire t}:e: s+r conditioning system v.~n~te water to he collected. by means of a conductor to the storm sewer _- or catch basin . ;- . ,.. . .. - - .. ;_ 1103 2 M 4XIM `^ UM LEA~,TH Delete existing Section and rewrits as follot•;a: Page 11 The maximum length an indirect waste can to installed without a vent is fifteen (15') feet; however , if the length of the indirect waste exceeds (.15'.) feet, a properly sized vent shall t;e provided and run separately through the roof. REFEF. TO TA3LE # 1421 , 2. - , 1105.3 .STRAIA?ERS F.A'D I~A~-~:~?`I'S Delete Section in its a*+iret~• . 1110:2 Add rew Section as follows: No pool waste water or drains on deck aro•_?rui pools shall discharge into the sanitary system. 1110.3 Add new Section 1110.3 ae folleuws• Refer to separato awimminlr rorl orJu:ancQ, • 1205.3 -TROUGH UF•INALS Delete Section in its entirety. 1205.7 AIR GAP POT.'ABLE WATER AISCHARGE Tc7 S1sWER • Add new Section as follows: There shall not be ary diract cor..nNeti.on h~tweer? ratable. water. piping and sewer connected wastes.: Where potable water•is discharged to the drainage system it shell be by mesns.of an approved air gap of two. {2)•.pipe~diameters of the supply inlet; but ir. r_o case shall the gap be less than two (2") inches. 1205.6 POTABLE WATE3 PIPE THROUGH CONTAMINATED VESSELS Add new Section as follows: There shall be no potable water piping installed or maintained .within any piping or device conveying sewage wastes or other materials hazardous to health and safety. 1 • 1205.8 ~ TANK INLETS Add new Section as follows: Inlets to~tanks; vats, sumps and other receptors-when protected by an approved • .vacuum breaker shall have such device installed on the discharge side of the last.valve~with the critical .level not lees khan six (8") inches. above the over- - flow. rim of such equipment: Water supply inlets not protected by vacuum.. breakers shall be installed not less than.two (2) pipe diameters; but in no case less than two (2") inches above the overflow rim pf such tank, vat or similar • equipment. 1205.10 .SURGICAL, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT; ETC. ~ Add new Section as follows: Medical; therapeutic, surgical, mortuary or similar places shall have all water outlets protected by approved vacuum breakers on the discharge side of the last valves and installed not less than five and one-.half ($ 1/2') :feet above the -floor and at no.time leas than thirty-six {38") inches above any fixture or equipment having an approval sa a unit, and provided the "unit'!.vacuum breaker will not be subjected to back pressures under any condition. 1205.11 WATER COOLED EQUIPMENT Add new Section as follows: Water cooled compressors; degreasers or any other water.cooled equipment tiiiaii .`ic piG`w°CtEd by o<7 Sp^yrC J8d 7SCUU:n hrCaker installed a'^°.^.~ ^~ tl?° °iLc- lnent an the discharge aide of the last valve and at least six. (6") inches above .the highest point reached by any cvater passing through or discharging from such equipment. Page 12 Equipment subject to continuos flows for periods o_ more than twelve {12) hours shall.be provided. with an approved "pressure type"~ vacuum breaker. installed at.leaet twelve (12") inches above the highest point reached by any water passing through or discharging from such equipment. ~-1 _.' 1205.12 • ASPIRATORS Add new Section as follows: Aspirators shall not be directly connected to sewer connected waste pipe; but may be connected to the inlet side of a trap and shall be equipped with an approved vactnan breaker installed ,at least six (6") inches above the aspirator unit. The discharge pipe from the aspirator unit shall be designed for free flaw and shall discharge through an approved air gap. The length of such dischazge pipe or tube fzYm the aspirator shall at no time exceed twelve (12") inches. 1205.13 Ha1S@1TER VACUCAN Ii,REATO~tS Add new section as follows: Vacutan bieaJcera for hot water over 160° shall be of approved type, designed to operate at targerattses of one hundred sixty (160°) degrees ar more without .,rends-ritx3 a~ portion of the device inoperative. 1206,1 . Change paragraph (a) to read as follows: (a) Materials for underground water supply system and water service pipe may be a minimum of Type L copper tube or 194 "standard" water tube, braes or cast iron pressure water pipe. Appropriate approved fittings shall be used on the water supply system or water service piping. Materials used for lawn sprinkler systems may be any of the above, or galvanized steel pipe, plastic pipe, or any combination thereof. - Change paragraph (b) by deleting "water service" in Line one (1). 1207.2 F7EITER-SUPPLY TANKS Add to erd of existing section the following: Gravity tanks for potable water shall be tightly coves'al and have not less than a sixteen (16) square inch overflow screened with copper screen having not less than fourteen (14) nor more than eighteen (18) openvxJs per linear inch. 1211.7 H05E THREAT) VALVES Add rew.Section 1211.7 as follows: A hose thread valve ar bibb shall be considered as the control stop ahead of an autunatic washing machine, and an additional control valve or hose bibb is not required.. 1211.8 MULTIPLE I7iMII,Y I7,~'FdS.ING--0pNTROL VALVE Add nets Section as follows: Each family unit shall be oontsvlled by a separate main shut off valve or valves. 1212.1 hRiTEItiAI.S ' Charxje paragraphs (a) and {b) to read as follows: (a) Above Ground -Materials for water distribution pipes and tubing shall be brass, copper water tube, minimum Type M, stainless steel water tube, 194 "standard" water tube, minimum Grade H lead or cast iron pressure water pipe, all to be installed with the appropriate approved fittings. (b) Under Grourrl -Inaccessible water distribution piping order floor slabs shall be a minivan Type L copper tubing, brass, lead, or cast ir+ai pressure, water pipe, all to be installed. with the appropriate approved fittings. 4 [ - - .. Page 13 T '(1) To an observable point outside a building terminating with a threadless pipe turned dckm within 6" of ground level. (2) Into an indirect waste. (3) Into an air conditioning condensate drain line. (c) cdiere drains frrnt more than two (2) heater safe pans tie together in the vertical plane, the common drain shall be increase3 one (1) size larger ' than the pan drain. Minimum size pan drain shall be 3/4" ind~. 1301.3 AFB GROLJDID PIPING WITHIN BUILDINGS AND PIPING IN RPCE F~1'S OR TUtv^9ELS Change paragraph (a) to read as follaas: (a) Soil and waste piping for drainage systems shall be cast iron, lead, brass ar copper tube, plastic piping, or borosillcate giass. 1301.4 UDIDEID PIPING WITHIN BfJILDINGS Change paragraph (b) to read as follows: (b)' Far buildings over six (6) stories in height the undergrrnmd pipe shall+' be extra heavy cast iron soil pipe, lead or Type K copper. 1301.6 ACID SOIL V~1.Si'E PIPING Delete existing 1301.6 and rewrite as follows: Acid soil and waste piping for drainage systems shall be of a material as reeaRnerr3ed by the specifying authority and approved by the manufacturer. Fittings shall conform to the type of piping used. Acid soil and waste piping shall not be oo~u:ected to the oonventignal.plumbing system unless an approved acid neutralizing device has been installed. 1 ~, S~ 1 1302.1 SEPARATE TRFS1Cf0:S Delete e:dsting Section and rewrite as follows: The building sewer, when installed in a separate trench from the water service pipe, shall be cast irrat pipe or vitrified clay sewer pipe. Joints shall be watertight and root proof, and all materials shall be installed according to t)~ manufacturer's reba~erdations. Provided hv+:ever, that when vitrified clay sewer pipe is used, there shall be a minumm of 18 inches of cover in unpaved areas, acid 30 inci7es of Dover in paved areas. (See Appendix "A") All pipe and fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark. 1303.3 LAF2GE PIPING Delete existing Section 1303.3 and rewrite as follctrs: Horizontal drainage piping larger than 3 inch diameter shall be installed with a fall of not less than 1/8 inch per foot, or as noted in Table 1305.2, ar as provided in Section 1305.8. TARTF 1304.2 FI}{RSJRE UNITS PER FIX'I[JRF OR GROUP Additics:al Footnotes to Table 1304.2 1213.6 IAW PRESSURE CUT-OFF Prld after first sentence the following: in addition a vacutm valve shall be installed above the roof level on a pipe connected to the suction side of the pump. 1214.1 Fi7T FPITER DISTRIBVPION PIPING Pdd to Existing Section the following: (a) On hot water piping not more than three (3) fixtures will be permitted ,on c,:~e-half (1/2") inch pipe. . Page 14 1215.5 RII,IF~' OUTLEP hTA.STFS Delete .existing Section and rewrite as follows: 1. The outlet of a pressure, temperature, or other relief valve shall not be connected to the drainage system as a direct waste. The pressure and temper` afore relief valve drain lines shall not be crnnect~d into condensate waste lines fran air conditioning equiFrnent. The drain piping from pressure, temperature or other relief valves may be discharged as follaas: . (a) Solar Ynt water stnrage tanks placed above the roof may discharge upon the roof surface, as stated in (b) arxi (c) . ~_. (b) In cases where a building covers an entire lot, or has a mechanical equip-nent roan, the discharge shall be to any suitable plumbing fixture or ' flaar drain fermi-natincJ abrn'e the floor level except a water closet. (c) In all other instances except those described in (a) and (b), the discharge shall be to an observable point outside a building. The terniinus of all drip pipes shall be threadless, and shall be turned dawn with six (6") inc}~s of ground level. 2. Pressure and temperature relief valve discharge lines from more than one }mater mal, be connected together without increasing the size, if safe pans Ao not connect into the pressure and ba[¢~xature line, aryl the fatal B.T.U. input does not exceed the follvaing: ' 1/2 inch drain up to 15,000 B.T.U. 3/4 inch drain up to 150,000 B.T.U. 1 inch drain up to 300,000 B.T.U. 1215.7 SAFE PANS UAIDER V~'PF.R HEATI~L~i Delete existing Section "Heaters Over 200,000 SIV/Fir Input", and rewrite as follows: (a) All hot water heaters installed in attics or above the first floor of a building that may cause water damage shall have pans with drains installed .-. under the heater. ~1' f may be discharged as follows: (b) The drain piping mn safe pans (a) Bathtub-'t'o be rated as 3 fixture units only when waste and overflew is 2 inches, not when P-trap alone is 2 inches. (b) Urinal, wall hung-Syphon jet or blvwut shall have fixture unit rating of 4. (c) Dishwashing mac3:ines-DCmestic, that discharge through the trap of a kitchen sink shall not increase the fixture rating of the sink. (d) Washing mac3iine-Residential, may be installed on a 1 1/2 inch trap, minimum . 1305.8 SANITARY SEWII2 COLI~'!'ION SYSl'ESf Add new Section as follows: ' The sanitary sewer collection system shall be designed by an engineer licensed to practice engineering in the State of Florida and shall be designed in accord- ance with good engineering practice and meet t))e current miniiman requirements of the Florida Air and Water Pollution Contml Ccnmission. 1401.3 PIPING ABOVE GPIXRd) Ct:ange section to read as followse Vent piping shall be cast iron, lead, brass, copper pipe, cePpeT tube of a ' weight not less than that of copper drainage tube Type DiAV, plastic piping or borosilicate glass: Page ].5 _:uo 'l `r EP.'f'IC:.1. RiSY :;~.i_t,~ ,>:.is!iltg SecIio:.:.196,2 and rewrtte as follows: 3'%118 ['i-, t'•_.. C:Cv':'. GC~:.nsc. !e a hcrizoa'aI s~;il Or N'&s!0 y1pe,~ the '~°:1: e•?lei: 1:? 'area uli abo:'e the center l;::e of ttte soil pipe. leGB 1 IJiSTANCE GI' TRAPr;3,CU1 VENT f;eletc es:stnk, tiec;ton 1•t08. i and rewrite as follo:t•s: Eac'~: ti:;i~u~ trap shall }:ave s protecting vent so located thrt the slope e.:d :he +i:r,e:op~d !ergth :r. tite fixture. drain from the trap a'err in the vera fv!tr.~; are ' .;•:Tl,::. ±i1.-• r•e uirer:;a^ru• sAt fortiz in Table 1408 -3- iF.1 "~o ;..-ap •.:::der t inc:nas shall be placed :no.e titan flee (5') horizontal O.e::"iope:.l :en~?it. rracr. its cent. -The distance shall ba a:easured aiot:g the Cc^'t:.r&1 i1Ge cf the t•; a: :P. OF soli pipe from the trap wear to the vent opeul::g Ib) Tl.e.:naxiinum distance of a water close' trap fro•n its vent shall aot excel 24" vertical end 36" horizontal. 6iZF, Ol~ rlXi'UHc JRtt1tJ (CI 'the distance of a lVRli t1UY:g urinel trap frOtt':"its Cfd::L shall uo: F'XCBP.d ~Y''. I.ot more than one urinal may be installed on a h.?r:zo::tal tvasie arm. Wlteu 2 :vall hueg •.rt±tals are ;ar.;:ected into a common waste stack, tha sta:::•: sl-.u11 he %~" It=~ile& ii: :1:a Q.E^iE!f' and. tF:e tvasi'e erns 81tA11 1?e _Gn::eCterl 1r:C0'i dGUte '~"' 1(:8iit ~'. C. 10" '~:t:.`t1B5 7e10W t}.E` U'..'.13t Of sa'd Ll Cln$i 1443 3 CiST:~,NC3 OF F'IX': URF, 'T'RAP FROi41 VF.CIT L'ele>s exis~tns Sectior. anc rewrite gs follows: D?ST:~Nt:E TRAP 'i0 L'E::: ~ 1~4 ir.c;t L 1~Z Inch .~ .r,1, ~ ;•;,~;; r~ l : ,.:1! ~ feet v feet S :eel 5 fe•:: i5 iePf 1 A = ir. ~t; t:oor dr~n:: ma;,~ be ,aced 15 fee! iron, n venced hnase :.. b:;;iJii+g dray, t•.'itha.t ~rrenting. 141:. T :iii~t;!:}'; B?.'1'II ;.t)t)i~i GROUP; .. _. ~•xiSi.t.7 :i"c":!,:: x:. n'.a• paragraph iC: a3 i'i!G.:B' ,C ~ Li Chi"'. 3':':.'. :: '.5'C: •renis- shall not eXCR°Cl' :ittP.i is 315') te',t 2:1L sltaa :.:. 1'v' ~E':.P"Vc r:idCY cE"E;8 ;+O(. ti Xtt: Cc^ dYalits. • .il .'. $1 Lit. (r Y L'fi'~ ; a': ' 2 .c:~a 4- R .".: tt ~ ~a .. n."_ :i):i~' lut•~i;er•. ain3<s, .1 Clrial5 Or p: ~: 5:Ir2 C!i5ila' +N r.h(.. t'£> .~ .,..:.::. .: 7? 17l' :iaJF: CSI :iP, a 2 lnch Ven:. l: atnr ~Si~3Et3 :7!' !1\',,: i•~ r:~~y;::r:a~ -, care openi.^.ts greater thar. "_' rr:che:: oa a t~'L :::~1; arc. .; ...,:'r.~+s on a 3 inch vent or 9 ir:cr,:... o:. _ i tech ..::c t+i:~:: (:Ci bt: UBSia:Stad. !': a%:^ :,/'_.;: L?:;ti!'S C: !. 1e['SeCiiOR Oi f1:aUIE` i'i 2'. 'J Ft;:iv, t'G:ii ~.... ._.. .. . . .. ....::da :J ._.., .ar. _..:U [r: r2Cl i:iiC.iieCT. 10:' _!'y' l-C:.id .'J'. ..'. ".~: il:i ": YG•e. aI'~ CY, :I7£ SnYn@ f107! lCLel. - [)ele+.^ ... fu-s. ~enteace "(except blowout t;;ae) : Page 16 t=: 15 ~; F?1"1'URES 13AC6-'1'O-BACK WITH FITTI\G,°, 1T+ HC:31LC+i~'•f':iL PU:SI:.[Uid Adr.:r~w Section 1v 15 :i as•follo:vs: t+ti~:: -U:'.a r'1 e. :~Yc. ~':O.°-~: a(ted into one h0_120nt LLl `_: ..._Ctl tY, ]'O'.t ~tii is Ubi~bir V; ~'C Or ... i[.,_`.[:!C <.~.•:itii:..al;•]:. '~>6 d!._ 1;$-h2tid. In !1:? lr _...•:~::r.i }.os+! . ~- ~t ..:cif is-:: ,_-.•~; ri` :._: i_a:~:i ~~ :i.e iaet ;.:%ture cor.!:e•::~.iict: !n c:a::~t., :o:~:er *tcor tr: ar,r:r.:r. sl.a:.. be Ix ~:~ dea with a relief vast t' k ! ~.. E.q cif "i !rv'r Y', l;' iii(: !r i•;i ;,15.G ~.::t''.':: }.':_;Il. -':<<,'t!?"~ a\D i,UOF HORIZOtiT:iL fiRA.:ial t';'Pi\13 .. ...._ .,c;. 5~•. _..,,.:e f: haws: ): ~.se. _ ~~: W~.tet cloeets, pec?e:;:e: .. ;....,:;.i;=_~ urina;s.r nr trap-stzr:daic bxa::ck; fixtures _ ._,.,. ^cae 4 ::. c;; g 5 :r;c',~ i8 (:i ) li '!.0 t3 U 12U I E.7 1 . .. .....':i,.: _ '~:C/.ncai," [?eoortBilrci 66, p. [C. ~=.._ :?! H,._e"r.a.. t 121 .4 SIZE OF [f:DIVIDUAL, RELIEF, AND CIRCUIT' 'LUOf ViN'Cc: f;zleu: existing Section and'rewrite as follows: '1 :re diameter. of an individual, relief.; circuit or loop ver' ahc=11 nc*. bz lese than one-half the pipe Gize of the line it is venting, but in na ::aae irii:; t}•,,n 1 1; 4 inches: and shall he determined from its length and the :~.;ta: al fix?u:e ar:its •.nc:uected thezeto, ~~ provided in Table 1421.2. . ,.?.: ,1 lti [IC:Rl: P)iR[ri17"fLl) I .:le,te exiatitrg Section Uud rewrite as follows: !'t:'t':i t'G b.°t(rlu!1ea nlsy tJe Installed On a COmbin('.GI V: JS(P :.t!5 i. `v'Nta Efai.k :i8 ;.'.l iC W::i: ft?AR?ls'ILR 'FI3iTUREL'NITS P.IA?:l[tiUM ON S'1'AC;FS ON STACKS Li:;rGTEl 2 Inch 4 :j0 f<et :; 1 JZ inch 10 40 feet a i/2 in^}t 25 7C+ feet 4 inch 32 IUG feet 5 iru:A 50 20x1 feet (t) f::a«:: : 1..:;et: nr other fixtures xequirint: ,. [i::rsi~e>;r,atr:r •ralva c:n ' the t:•dter ::utrply shell not be permitted. ('L1 '!'he co:r,l,ined waste and vent stack shall ~raer:;<.:.nc?u::i+nehed u: ;,ize th*oui;a the roof with no offsets. i'+) G+trrn~n winks are not permitted on a 2 irn }, cu:.,b:t_~+i„n •.. ate l4) Nor driuicing fountains, the firture unite, r..;_;; !~r. in~t,caseu 1U tln+r-:a tu~~,: 1+cr+rittc+d length ine3'eaoed.2 times .ia f•pi•ctried. '. ';.^.Z.~l LIUII.Iiiilt: c;':'URA11)I.AIN5 1r, ti:^ ~cor:''.:• "vibified clay pipe" and bltutnfn`z•±~J ncc•c' L;U~t ~::p;.,b t3Ull.i!!«ti 57'C)ttA1 SE{SEAS U-! -t.e tl;n v..rrri.; "bituminized fiber pipe." 'Page ]7 1506:3 ES'CTiR1O]'t C~LiTTERS AND DOPrNSYGi''a S Delete axis*ing Scctirn :n its entirety, and re:+rite rtew :iectwn as follows: Exterior gutterb and downspouts shall be co:aauctea o` s :ninimum of 18 ounce .hard copper, 26 gauge stainless steel, 26 gooks ga:tanized steel, -.032 aluminum, or other materials as approved by the Building Irrdpector. T'he size of the downspo.ae shall be 1 square inch for each i04} aq. ft. of roof area. CHAPTER XVII. Delete ' _ , 1 i~ Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 12 DAY OF JUNE, 1975. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 10 DAY OF JULY, 1975. 1 /_s/ M. C. Love. Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1 1 - 18 -