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NPB Precinct Results - Ethics Program
Palm Beach County GENERAL-2010_E NORTH PALM BEACH Countv Question Precinct Canvass By District Election Date: November 2, 2010 Printed: Saturday, November 06, 2010 3:15 PM Data Refreshed: 11/6/2010 3:09 PM Pon. 9F of A ;U CD W —676 v o y o r alz ( m Z p < O iD c n O m 1146 TC- Absent 81 11-98 44 23 1 1146 TC -Early Votin 67 7 10.3E < 17 1 1146 TC -Early Votin 67E 0.0 AD 1146 TC- Precinc 67E 21C 31.07 132 4E 3 1146 TC- Precinct ADA 676 C 0.0 1146 TC- Provision 67 0.0 1146 Tota 67E 361 53.4C 21E 8E 5 1147 TC-AbsenteE 1819 24 12.9 1 1 C 1 1147 TC -Early VotinG 18 27 14.5E 21 1147 TC-EarlyVotinG 18E 0.0 AD 1147 TC- Precinc 18 67 36.2 3E 1 E 1 1147 TC-Precinct ADA 18 0.0 1147 TC- Provisiona 1819 C 0.0 1147 Tota 18 11E 63.7E 73 34 11 1148 TG-Absent 17 3C 17. 1 E 1 1148 TC-EarlyVoting 17 21 12.V 1 1148 TC-EarlyVoting 17 C 0.0 AD 1148 TC- Precin 17Z 6E 38.1 35 27 4 1148 TC- Precinct AD 17 0.0 1148 TC-Provisiona 172 C 0.0 1148 Tota 172 117 67.6 6E 421 1150 TC- Absent 1517 15 10.1E 9 1 1 1150 TC-Early Votin 1517 11 7.8 71 34 1 1150 TC -Early Votin 1517 C 0.0 AD 1150 TC- Precinc 1517 55E 36.7 302 18C 7 1150 TC- Precinct AD 1517 0.0 1150 TC- Provision 1517 0.0 1150 To 151 831 54.7 471 257 1 10 Printed: Saturday, November 06, 2010 3:15 PM Data Refreshed: 11/6/2010 3:09 PM Pon. 9F of A Palm Beach County GENERAL 2010 E 1151 TC-AbsenteE 18E 21 11.3 1151 TC -Early Votin 18E 22 11.8 1151 TC -Early Votin 185 C 0.0 AD 1151 TC- Precinc 185 82 44.3 1151 TC- Precinct ADA 181, 0.0 1151 TC- Provisiona 181, 0.0 1151 Tota 18f 12 67.5 1152 TC- Absentee 115C 11E 10.3 1152 TC -Early Votin 115C 7 6.3 1152 TC -Early Votin 115C C 0.0 AD 1152 TC- Precinc 115C 47E 41.3 1152 TC- Precinct ADA 115C C 0.0 1152 TC- Provision 115 0.4 1152 Tota 115C 67t 58.5 1154 TC-AbsenteE 179C 13C 7.2 1154 TC -Early Votin 179C 144 8.0 1154 TC- EarlyVotin 179C 0.0 AD 1154 TC- Precinc 179C 75E 42.1 154 TC- Precinct ADA 179 0.0 154 TC- Provisiona 179C C 0.0 154 Tota 179C 102 57.4 155 TC- Absent 18 2G 15.3 155 TC -Early Votinc 18 11 5.8 155 TC -Early Votin 18E C 0.0 AD 155 TC-Precinc 18 87 46.0 155 TC- Precinct ADA 18E C 0.0 155 TC- Provision 18 1 0.5 155 Tota 18 126 67.7 158 TC-Absentee 1097 51 4.6 158 TC -Early Votin 1097 5E 5.1 158 TC -Early VotinC 1097 C 0.0 AD 158 TC- Precinc 1097 439 40.0 158 TC- Precinct ADA 1097 0.0 158 TC- Provisiona 109 0.0 158 Tota 109 5 49.7 I 1 0 0 1 u I f 1 1 PHntari' RnfiinIav Nnvamho na 9nln Q•4r, PKA rl-a- D-4--k-A. 14 iamnln o.nn n.. Precinct Canvass By District Election Date: November 2, 2010 Palm Beach County GENERAL_2010_E 1159 1159 1159 1159 1159 1159 1159 1166 1166 1166 1166 1166 1166 1166 1168 1168 1168 1168 1168 1168 1168 1186 1186 1186 1186 1186 1186 1186 NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH TC -Early V TC -Early V TC -Pre TC- Precinct TC- Precinct TC -Early V TC -Pre TC- Precinct TC -Early V TC -Early V TC -Pre TC- Precinct TC -Early V TC -Early V TC -Pre TC- Precinct 111 4 3.6 111 7 6.31 111 C 0.0 111 38 34.2 111 0.0 111 0.0 111 4 44.1 06 12 6.1 106E 51.7 5 2 8.9 3E 6.0 0.0 16 27. 1 1 1 1 1 2.421 1 1541 671 1 31 8.4E 499 233 1 9 7.02 431 186 6 0.0 8.8E 2232 1093 2 45 0.01 1 0.0 11 1 4.451 I 3167 1511 1 611 Precinct Canvass By District Election Date: November 2, 2010