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2010-19 Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment 10-2.2
ORDINANCE N0.2010-19 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SEVEN CONTIGUOUS PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF RICHARD ROAD AND WEST OF THE F.E.C. RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TOTALING 4.64 ACRES, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM THE COUNTY COMMERCIAL HIGH/5 AND THE COUNTY HIGH RESIDENTIAL 8 LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS TO THE VILLAGE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL LAND USE CLASSIFICATION; AMENDING THE VILLAGE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village has annexed seven contiguous parcels of real property ranging from in size from 0.21 acres to 1.22 acres (for. a total of 4.64 acres) located north of Richard Road and west of the F.E.C. Railroad right-of--way; and WHEREAS, section 171.062, Florida Statutes, provides that in areas annexed by municipalities that are subject to a county land use plan, the county land use plan remains in effect until the municipality adopts a comprehensive plan amendment that includes the annexed area; and WHEREAS, the Village has initiated a small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ("Amendment 10-2.2") to assign a Village future land use designation to these parcels of property; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2010, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, determined that the proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of Amendment 10-2.2; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the proposed future land use map amendments are consistent with Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Village Council, after public hearing and due consideration, wishes to adopt proposed Amendment 10-2.2 to the Village Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are hereby ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. • Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts Amendment 10-2.2 to the Village Comprehensive Plan, as fully set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Page 1 of 2 Section 3. The Village Council hereby amends the Future Land Use Series of the Future • Land Use Element of the Village Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the amendments set forth in Exhibit "A." Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is for any reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty-one (31) days after adoption or, if challenged, shall become effective upon issuance of a final order issued by the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission determining Amendment 10-2.1 is in compliance. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 30th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2010. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF OCTOBER 2010. (Village Seal) ATTEST: ~~ ~ VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY • A MAY Page 2 of 2 ma~I-c~l~ comprehensive plan ~m~nclmen ~ne~~:ment ~~~.~ Yestern A.n:ne~~tion ) Village ~f N©rth Palm Beach Florida email-Scale Comprelienslve Plan Amendmer~#. Amendment 10-2.2: Western Annexati'©n 2 Septet~ber 2Q'l REVISEQ Prepared for the ltillc~e of Noah Palm Beach Prepared h.Y Land Research Management, Inca TA~.E ~F CflI~TENTS Section Page ~a3 Introduction.., .........,,,, ,. ........................................, ......,.....,..... ,,.,.,,.,..,....., ........ 1-1 2.0 Analysis. C#f Sma1l-Scale Map ~1menmen# . ,..,.., ......:.....:...............:................ ~-1 2,1 Summary t}f Future Lard Use Map Arrtendmen# 1 ~--,2.,._..,......,,,.....,..,_.,,.,..,.,.,.. ~-3 3,Q Cumulative Impacts Qf Proposed Amendment .................................... .......,......... 3-1. ,.. ., 3. 1: Data and Analysis,.,....... _ .... ............. .. ....... ..., ......... ...... 3- 3. 2 Goals t)bjectives and Policies....,....., :................................,..,.....,,,.,,,.....,,.. 3-~ 3. 3 tither Planning Concerns . ........... .................. ............................................. 3-4 4;0 Consistency 11Vith Regional And Mate Plans ..................,.,....,......,....,..,.,..,..,...... 4-1 ~, Conclusion and Recommendation ..:............................:........., ,,..,..,....,.....,.....,.-5-1 5, 1 Finding ...............................:........ .................. ................................................ 5-1 5. 2 Staff Recorrrrriendation ..,,. .....................................,........., .,,.,....,.....,........... ~-7 5. 3 'LPA'Public Hearing ...._,,.,,.....,.,,., , ................. ................,,..,,..._,_.,,.......,..,:,., 5-7 5. 5 Village Councit Public Hearing .........................................................,,,......, 5-1 5. ~ Village Council Meeting ..... ........ .................. ............................................. 5-1 Appendix A NPBCP Amendment 10-2.2.. ...................................... ......................:..::~-1 LIST OF MAPS Number Page. 1 Location Cf Proposed Corr~prehensive Plan Amendment..:.....,,. ....... ............. .._,..,. 2-2 Ll'ST OF APPEC~DiGES Number Page A NPBCP Amend-merit 10-2.2 ..........................,.,.,..,....,..........,.,,..,,,,,,,.,,... A-1. 1.Q: 1NTRDDUCTI~N The- Village of North Palm .Beach is considering the adoption of North. -Palm Beach- Camprehonsive Plan (NPBC1~} Amendment 10-2.2 consisting- of an amendment to the Futuro Land Use-Map. NPBGP Amendment 1 Cl~2.2 is necessary..to assign l/illage fufure land use designations to seven parcels t~f (and located within. Target Annexation Areas 4a and ~t3 wh(ch are- the subtext of simultaneous annexation and land. use- map amendment applications.. NPB'CP Amendment 10-2.2:, consisting of Amendments. 1a-2.2.1 - 10-2.2.7, is necessary to .incorporate- the .cumulative 4.56 acres of annexed lands within the 202p \lllac~e of North: Pa(m Beach C_ orrtpre_ hens- ive Plan.. The locations: of NPBCP Amendments 10-2:2. ~ - ~ 0,2.2;7 :are il(ustrafed ot~ Map 1.,. The property:included within NPBGP Amendment 1C}-2,2 shall be referred. to herein as "Western Annexation 2". This: document provides data and analysis :required by sections 9J~5 and 9J- 11.OQ6(1~(b)1 ~ ~, Florida. Administrative Cade, as they pertain to the. proposed. amendment, Section 2.0 consists of a brief summary and analysis of proposed: NP13CP Amendment 10-2.1, in terrr~s of fhe requirements of Section 9J=11.D06(1}(b)1 to 9J- 11.C106(1)(b)6, Florida Administrative Gyde. Secfi~n 3.0 presents. an analysis of the cumulative impacts of the proposed amendment in terms of each element of the Village f7f North Palm Beach. Coi~pretiensive Plan. :Section. 4.0 contains an assessment of proposed N'PBCP Amendment 10=2,1, in terms ref the Regional Policy Plan and State Comprehensive Plan. Exhibit A of Appendix A contains proposed. NPB'CP Amendment 10-22. 1-1 2.0. AN~ILYS1~ CAF MAP AM~NDNIENT This section provides a data surrirnary and analysis of the proposed NPBGI Amendment, '(~-2.2, pursuant to the. requirements of Sections 9J-11.Q06~1}(b~1 to 9J- 11,gQ6(1)(b}6, Finrida Administrative Gade, including: ~. The proposed future land use- plan map designation. of the subject property; the .boundaries of the subject .property;: and the mapped location in reiafion to the surraunding street network. 2, A map of the present land use designations of the subject property, and abutting. properties,. including future land use snap desitnatir~ns; 3. The .size of the subject property in acres, or fractions thereof; ~. A description. of the availability of, and demand upon the following. public facilities: Sanitary sewer,. solid. waste, drainage, potable water, -traffic circulation,. and recreation and open space,. as appropriate; and ~. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed future farad use map .amendments. with the Future Land Use Element objectives and policies:, as well as those of other affected elements, NPBGP Amendment 10-2.2 is a revision to the Future Land Use Map of fhe 2020 Viilaq~ df .North. Patm Beach Comprehensive Plan: to incorporate the annexed parcels known as "UVestern Annexation 2"'. The location of NF'BGP :Amendment. 10-2.2, inclusive of Amendments 1 Q-2.2,1 -10-2.2.7,. is illustrated on Map ~ . The 'balance of this section contains descriptions and analysis of the :proposed amendnfient, as well. as the cumulative impacts thereof, as appropriate, in terms of the: five criteria fisted above.. References to other related sections of this document are provided as necessary. ~-1 MAP 1 Lc~cafc~a cif Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendmenf NPSG!' RmenBment 10-7,2 1~, Ai~ientlmett~ _ _ PGN Ael•e~ l 1Q-2.2.1 00-43-42-17-00-OQO-303Q '1:22 2 10-2.2.2 00-~3-42-I7-00=000-3100 0.14 3 1'0-2.2.3: --- 00-43-42-18-00-000-1030 -- -- O.fid - 4 10-2.2.4 00-43-42-1'8-00-000-1050 Q.58 5 10-2.2.5 00-43-42-18-00-400-1060 1.02 6 10-2 ~:6 00-~3-42-I8-00-000-1200 0.2I 7 10-2.2.7 00-43-~?-:1&-00-000-1040 0.51 1-7' 10-2.2 Total ~4,6~1 1 2 3 4 5 7 2-2 . Kumquat St I ~~.~ ? - f j~ t.::rf23 r`'a'rr,: t=d;?t ° 7 c.~~Fttt, ~aEtas : ,...._. T Fy_ik3',ii-xeiusl Areai3 ~`. Tar*si TV+nac:l«n Araa~b ~v i~~~fr?~x.~_Xa,.~~~r~~~~ ~.,, A ~. Mr 'f_x ~ic5". ~, ,~ ° - ° ~ ~3??agent Borth Palm Haach R .2- fRs32m.A . iF t .A F2# £ Sit' - ~- ~. ? ~, ,, ~~< I ~ _ No. I A~nc~idment PCN Acres ~ ~ - 1 10-2.2.I QQ-~3-~2-17-QQ-QQQ-3Q3Q 1 i ; 2 10-2.2.2 QQ-43-~t2-17-QQ-QQQ-31 QQ ~ ._ ! J f } 3 1q-2.2.3 UQ-43-42-18-QQ-QQQ-IQ3Q ~, t~ i'ailn 4 IQ-2.2.4 OQ-43-42-18-QQ-OQQ-IQSQ I ,_-_ _~ i, 5 1 Q-2.2.5 QQ-43-42:-t 8-QQ-QQQ-I.Q~O ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~- ' 6 1Q-2.2.6 QQ-43-42-18-QQ-QQQ-I2QQ -. _ ~ :~ i ~ ;_.~ ~ ~ lQ-2.2.7 QQ-43-42-18-QQ-QQQ-IQ~Q '~ - ~ '. f 1-'7 ta2.2 Total of f . ' f ~ ~ _ r i . ~ ~ '~ . _'~. `3_7~_ ~.ua~ 1.22 Q.44 Q.66 Q.58 1.Q2 Q.2 i Q.SI S ~'-, 2.1: SUMMARY fJF FUTCJRE L,P-RtD LISE tVIAP AIVIENnMENT 't 0»x;2 A. Name or ©esignation. il+festern Annexation 2 B: Farrel [}escriptidn of Ldcafiori Seven contiguot,is parcels of land. located earth of .Richard Road and wes€° of the `F.E.G, Railroad .right-of-way (Ref; Map 1:}. The parcels fange in size from 0,21 acres to 1.:22: acres,, fc~° a total: ref 4,1~s4 acres;,. and are located within llil(age Annexation Areas 4b and 4c: Existing uses,: by pane(, are summarized in the following. table: Amendment t3se t'3ensit Ilntensit . 1A-2.2,1: C?ftice 5,295 s . ft. 1.0-2.2.2 vacant NA 10-2.2.3- residential: ans unit 1i}-2.2.4 residential. Ons unit 10-2;2.5 .residential- Ei ht units '~'~-2:2.6 residential' one Unit. 1'0.-2,2',7 Ees.ldel'ltial Qne unit G. Existing Future Land- Use and ion':ng )designations {Palm Beach Gcrunty}: Future Land U'se and zoning designations, by parcel,: are summarized in the following tablet:. A. Future Lard Use Designations Amendment- FLU Desi nation` C?ensit Ilntensit 1 Q-2.2..1 CNTS Q.35 FAR' 10-2.2.:2. N[ h Residentia[ 8 8 units er acre 102.2,3 Hi tt Residentia[ 8 S units: er acre. 1 Q~2.2:4 k-ti h Residentiai 8 8 units er acre 10-2.2'.5..._ Hi h Residentia[ 8' 8 units er acre- 10-2,2:6 Fli h Residentia(8 8 units.- er-acre 14-2.2:7' t-ii h Residentia(8 8-units er acre -Palm: Beach: County- FLU designation B. Zoning C7esignafi+~ns Amendment ZQnir4 [3esi nations Q>ansit /Intensit 10-2:'1 GGIF ~1.,3DD s . ft. 10-2°.2.1 CG tt35 F,A. R, '10-2.2.2 R[tl[ 6. units er acre 1:0-2.2.3 ... RM 6 units er acre 1,0-2.2:4 RM 6. units er acre. I 10-2.2.5: RM ~ snits er acre 1'0-2.2.6: RM 6 units er acre 1'0-2.2.7- RM 6 units- er acre * - maim Beach Caunt}+ honing designation -3 U. Proposed :Future Land Use and Zoning. Designations (North Palm Beachj: .Future Land Use: Light industrial/business (North Palm Beach;. maximum F.A,R. a.45}. Zaning: Light €ndustria[ {North Palm: Beach -~ Propased~. F. Abutting Land Use SnmrarY: Abufting land' uses and' future land use designations are illustrated an Map . F. Subject Property Development Potential; ~. Development Concept: .Retain existing. uses until light industrial red'evelapment options became avaiEable. 2. Population Projections (proposed: Future Land Use designation): NA - Proposed light industrial use. G. Infrastructure [enpacts (Ref;. Section 3j: The .purpose of (VPBCP Amendment 1D-2.2 is to assign North Palm Beach future land use designations to seven parcels of land which ere the subject. of simultaneous annexation petitiaris. l~ue to the small size of each ,parcel (i.e- generally less `them. 1.0 acre} and limited associated development potential, there are minor related impacts in terms of fhe factors (i.e. density and intensity} that effect the provision of ihfrastructure services:. Any future improvements .related to redevelopment activities will be the responsibility of the praperfy ownerldeveloper. H, Consistency Vtli'th Cotprehensive Plan: .prapased NPbGP Amendment tU-2'.2 is found consistent with the pillage of North. palm Beach Comprehensive Plan, Details are presented in Section 3:a. 2.4 NiAR" Abutting )sand- Use Including Future. Land llse Designations NPBGP Ame~tdr~ent 1(}-~.2' NPBGF Armen~ment 1 Q-2.2 KEY. N.o. Future Land-t3se Name 1 GHl5 {PBG} Pirate's Welt. Pub `2 GHI6 F'.GC} Gou's Drive-Thru Gteaners 3 GHtS PBG Lake Perk Auto Brokers 4 Gti/5 {PBG} Cake Park Avto Brokers 5 GHlS {PBG} Kirric Pic-Convenience Store 6 ' ttil5 FSG} tCitter Tomato Fresh Produce 7 i Commercial {NPB} Qak Plaza 8 Li fit tied/Bus tVPB Western Annexation 1 9 HR t3 PBG Residential 1t1 Tran9lU.tility Richard.Road Water Treatment Punt 'I2'345s7$910 9$89`988 ~_~ a~ . ~ d ~ ., ;~~ ,f~~~ t ~~#. _. ~. ~ ~ tVo. Future Land tJse Name -- - _,1 ~`~ ~ 4.` ?~~,\ ~ \k~ 1 Gt-ft5 PBC Pirate's UUe-t Pub ~ C `: -6 \ 5 `l 2 GtitS {PBC) Lgu's Ditve-7hru Cteaners ~ __ J 3 GHIS PBC - -_-_ _ ~ _9~ ~h~ and Rd- Lake Park Auto Srakers ~ GHI~ PBC) Lake Park Auto Brokers 1 --- ~ 5 GtitS PBG Kwia Pic Convenience Sfore --- ~-- ,` ~~ `- - ---~~ / _ 6 CH1S PBC t<ilier Tomato Fresh Produce ~ , ~` `~, `i \\ ~ Commercial NPB) Oak Ptaza $ Li ht tndt8us NPB Western Annexation 1 I ~~, 9 HR ti PBE , ~ -- ~- - ` `~` \u ~\~ 1E7 TransttJtili# Residenttat -- ---` \ ~\ Y tiichard Raad Us/afer ~~ `~~ ,` ~ \ _ Treatment Ptant LL t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ ~ 7 \ Kumquat 5t ,~ \' la _ ~ ~' ~ U ~` ,,, \ r_~- ` ,\, ~ \ I - ---- ~ _ ~ Avocado L'n - __ -~ 1 \, \,t, _ `{.. \ ~. t9:F3lrfa8a~i„h 1.. 1 \~, 7argziAnnax-Uwi Area 4a ~ G ,O ~..~ _ ~_'. ~ .. TsryetAnn=_xaCran n~fl ~ltv <;f~ ,•c o - `, l `~ - b ~ m --~ 1 ~~ '~, 7ergetArnexatiutAtea 4t n sz sca aast,~a ~ ~ ~ ` ~ Rr as tx.- trr~~setq V71Gt a at Narih Patin Baach - ..cntkt.~s acanKxGu.~ 4 ~_ ( j J ~ j l / .-~--- FCx stiPB_?t~WnsWtN~rd 514.71a Ngtnuzg't ~'I ~ )I i ! ~ ~ ~J-'\\ \ ` 11 ,. 3nr.a t^xl3fi._i aeRSSxaHa_nCL$•Yc h~3§PaLm ~n#:IS R33iit3 /~ / ~ - \ _ PF.VBxskr-Ex=±~traezoa~:+s=~sxa _x~s_-s4E~5?18At.3~ I __ ._- `. ~ } `, ---~ ~\ ~ \ Grolon Ln----' ~ -. /J`t ~ ~` ` , ~.0: ruL~M`l1LAT'IV~ 1'MI~AC`T~ CJF PRC~PC~EL7 AMENDMENT` This section prouides data sumrrtaries arid' analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment. 10=2,2, pursuant to the re,uiret~ents of Section 9J-'11'.006(3}, Florida Administrative Code F.A.C.}, which states that all comprehensive plan. amendments must meetthe requirements of Section 9J-6, F.A;C. Factors- effecting the. emulative impacts of NPBCP Amendrrient 10-2.2 include an increase- in Light Industrial acres due. to the annexation of a parcel c~# unincorporated. land. A aur~ryirra~iy,tj~f(th f•Ractars affeetiric~ the curnulatiwe impacts of NPB~P Amendment I V"L.G ~~ pE es~rlt4d in Table. ~. TAKE °i Am~ndm~nt 1482.E Cumulative Impact Factory Scamina;ry Impact Factor NPBCP 19-2,2 Total acres 4.640 Existing Land Use Mix' (Villag.e acees) Residential Low 0.000 .Residential. Mediurr~ 0.000• Residential High 0.000' Commereiai 0.C}00 Public 8uiidingslGrounds 0.000 Transportation 0..000 1/acant 0..000. Proposed .and tJse lVtix {Tillage acres Light.lndustrialfBusiness 4.640 ©weiiing Ltnits .Existing: Land Use °l 1 Proposed Land tJse 0 Population: Existing Land .Use 0' Proposed' Land Ilse 0 Non-Residential Spaee Existing sq. ft: 5,295 Maximum Permitted sq, ft. 90;053 Proposed sq. ft. NA Proposed E,A.R, NA 3~1 The subsections fhaf follow present a review of the 2020 V[Ilac~e of North Paim Beach Comprehensive Plan in terms of ,proposed NPBCP Amendment 10.2:2. Amendment: l:0-2.2 is presented [n APPENDIX A of this. document. 3,1 CtATA AND ANALYSIS Proposed NPBCP .Amendment is classified as ~ `small-scale" future land use map amendment. The cumulative (and use 'impacts are summarized in TABLE 1. A summary of the keyimpacts is as fallaws: 1. The corporate area. of the Village is increased by 4.64 .acres as a result cif the related annexations of the subject parcels. 2, Light Industrial~uSiness land use is increased by 4...64 acres. However, any future change in use car increase in development intensity must be supported by appropriate concurrency assessments.. It is concluded that the proposed lF'BCP Amendment 10-2.2 is eansisterit with the general Village character,, as described in Chapter 2 of the 2020 Tillage of :North Raim Beach Comprehensive Plan and desired land use patterns,. in that the proposed Light Industrial designation is located in that portion of the future annexation area located north of Northlal<e Boulevard and west. of Alternate A-1 A. The property included within NPBCP Amendment 30-2,2 is located within 1~illage Annexation .Areas 4b and' 4-c, as iifustrated on 'Figure 13-2 of the Annexation Element, 3:1.1 Existing !sand -Use [raven#ory= NPBCP Amendment 10-2,2 includes 4.64 acres of land with the potential for Light lndustriailBus-mess redevelopment. Current uses are commercial, residential and:. vacant. The property included within NPBCP Amendrent 10-2.2 is not listed on -the. Florida Master Site. File,: or the National Register of Historic :Places. The net effect of NPBCP Amendment 1>0-2.2 an V[llage ex[sting [arid use [s are increase of 4:64 .acres of land, including the fallowing uses;. Commercial -1.22 acr-es; Medium Density Residential- 2.98 acres; and vacant - 0.44 `acres. 3.1.2 Current Population Estimates: The current popuiat[or- estimate of the Village `rs increased by an estimated 21 residents (11 dwelling units x 1.:95 .persons per household}, Projected population of the Village. is not affected.,. as the properties are projected to be developed for light industriallbusiness uses during the 2020 planning :period.. 3_2 ~.'I.3 ~elineatierr ~f Village. Planning Areas: NPBCP Amendment. 1a-2.2 will increase the corporate limits by 4.56 acres. As the properties were outside of the Village limits at the time of the: preparation of the 2020 Comprehensive Plans. a new VilCage Planning Area. {i.e, Planning Area } should be created at the. time of the. next. Evaluation and. Appraisal Report {EACH). x.1,4 Vacant Land' Analysis: With. the exception of NPBCP :Amendment 10-2;22 {0.44 acres}, propertCes have been cleared and: developed for commercial or residential purposes. As ~ result, no related issues- are identified, 3.1.E 1_and Use- Projections: It is projected that. the vacant. Light lndustrallBusiness land iin NPBCP Amendment 1"0-2:2 will be developed during the. 2020 planning period of the Comprehensive Plan.. 3.1.6 Infrastructure Impacts.. According to the. 2009 Capital' lmprovenents Elerrient Bupport Dacumentatic~n Report, all roadways within the Village are currently operating at peak :hour level-of- service "D", or better. Spec`ificaCly; the Alternate A-~-A segment. between: Nortllake Boulevard- and- Lighthouse Drive and NorthCake: Boulevard were operating at. LOB "D" Bignifcant(y; peak-heaur traffic volumes have generally declined. during the. 2006- - 201;0 period. From TahCe 1, a maximum of 90,953 sq. ft. cif light industrial space can be developed on the NPBCP Amendment 40-2;2 prop, erties; At a generation, rate of 0.:27 trips per d'ay per. 1,000 scl. ft., the maximum. daily traffic .,generated by' NPBCP Amendment 10-2.2 is 570 vehicles per dayK (f it is assumed that 50°10 of the trips (28 vehicles per day) are distributed to Alternate A-1-A artd 50°l0 (285 vehicles per day) tc Nc~rthiake Boulevard via Old Dixie Highway,: the resulting Impacts are determined to be "nc~t significant". As a result„ traffic level-of-service standards are met. According to corre~portdence received from Beacoast Utilities, all NPBCF' Amendment 1Oa2,2 properties, with the exception.- of 10-2.2.1, are currently served by individual. potable water and sewage. systems. The NPBP Amendrner~t 10-2.?.~ parcel. receives pofiable water from Beacoast Utilities, but. has an individual' .sewage system.. 1Nhen NPBCP Amendment 10-2.2 properties are. redeveloped for light industrial'. purposes; each -will need to rregotiafe a developer's agreement with Seacoast Utilities for the provision: of centraC potable vvater -and sewage services. 3-3 According to Figure 3-7 of the Comprehensive Plan, the property included within ..proposed NPBCP :Amendment 10-2.2 is .not located within the defined Coastal High Hazard- .Area, Therefore,. none of the following :are- identified as issues related to NPBCP .Amendment 'l Q:2- Hurricane evacuation;: Infrastructure wifhin the Coastal High. Hazard Areal public access to beaches;. or post-disaster redeveloprnenf, a5 it relates to public expenditures.. The result of development activity under the proposed Light IndustrallBuiness land use designation will not increase fihe population of the Village and, as a result,. not affect the need for additional recreation facilities. NPBCP Amendment 10-Z>2 has no effect. upon capital irrmprovements planning at this time. Data and analysis presented in the previous- paragraphs did :r}ot result fri the identification of any .additional needed, capital improverr~er~ts. Ht~wever, at the time of life plan approval, any needed. infrastructure improvements, including a reliable funding source, should be included' wifhin the appropriate annual update to the Capital Improvements Element. 3,2 GOALS C)DJECTIVES AIVD PfaLICiI=S NP13CP Amendment 90~2.~ is consistent with .Policy 13.4.2 of the .Annexation Elei~rmenf of the 2028 Comprehensive Plan and no text .amendments are required. .Further, due to the nature of proposed NPI3CP.Amendrent 10-2.2 ~i.e, annexation and future .light industrial redevelopment Qf several parcels within. fhe Village`s designated Annexation Area}, there are no current .infrastructure impacts to be addressed, -nor ara there any issues raised by an analysis of Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies. Future development activities may necessitate aciditianal Comprehensive Plan amendments:,. as future infrastructure needs are identified. 3,3 UTH:ER PLANNING CQNCERNS NP~GP Amendment 10-2.2 was reviewed by Village operating departments {i.e. Public Safety anci Public ~ltlorks). i=rom a public safiety perspective; no major current issues were defined.. However, additional street lighting. and Old Dixie Highway and access read improvements were identified as safety and traffic flow issues to be addressed during redevelopment of the area. Further, It was recornrnended that Seacoast Utilities be approached regarding the provision of a water main arid' fire hydrants along rJlci .Dixie Highway to facilitate future fire rescue service provision. 3-4 4,fl GC?NSISTEN~Y WITH RECIaNAL A,ND STATE PLANS Aecarding to Chapter gJ~-5.021:, Flarlda Administrative Cade (PAC}, the Garriprehensive plan must be Gansistent with thee. Mate Comprehensive Plan: and Treasure Coast Regional Planning CaunGil Policy Flan.. Chapter 9J=5.0~1(2~, AC states u..... for the purpases of daterrrtining cansistenGy ofi the IacaC plan with- the Mate Comprehensive Plan: ar appropriate regional policy-plan. the state ar regional plan shall be construed: as a whale and na speaifG .goat and policy shall be Ganstrued: or applied in isolation firam the ether goals and policies. 4.'l REC~IC}NAL PCILIGY PLAN NPBCP Amendment 1:0-2.2 was. reviewed in: terms of the- Treasure Coast RegianaE Plarirfing Council Regional Paiioy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based an this review; it is determined ti~at na significant regional issues. are related ta, ar impacted by N~'BCP Arriendi~nent 'f 0-2.2, and it is found: consistent with; regional goals and' policies. 4.2 STATE Ct~l1PREHENSIV~ PLAN NPBCP Amendment 10-2. was reviewed. in terms ofi the goals, pbjectves and, policies of tfe State: Comprehensive Plan,. as presented in Chapter 187, Florida statutes: Based upon this review; it is concluded that NPBCP Amendment 10-2.2 is consistent with state goals,. ohectiues anti policies. 4-1 ~.0 C4NCI~U~IcJN AND R~~C}MMENDATlDN The following recommendationsars presented: 5.'I FINDING NPBCP Amendment. 1 d-2.2 'is consistent with fibs provisions. of the 2g~0 Village of North .Palm. Beach Comprehensive Plan. Mare specifically: {1} NPBCP Amendment '[Q-2.2 is within the Urban Service Area {as .defined by Palm -Beach County), and. lees not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined ~y Ghepfier 9J-5.Oq~{~), Florida Administrative Gods, {2} NPBCP Amendment 'I Q-2.2 is consistent with ..policy of the Capital Improvements .Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does: not. exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein.; and {3} NPBCP amendment '1 ~}-2.2 is compatible with. Policy ~ 3.4.E of the Annexation .Element. 5.2 STAFF FtECC"lMMENDATit3N Staff recommends fihetthe Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 1g~-~.2 5,3 LPA PUBLIC MlAR1NG An advertised Local Planning Agency {LPA} public hearing on :NPBCP At~endment 1g-2.2 was held on September 14, 20~ 0 at x;30 P.M, in the Village HaII, 5,4 LPA MEETING {Recommendation). 5.5 VILLAGE GaUNG[L PUBLIC HEARING {To be determined}. 5.6 VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING {To be determined}. 5-1 APPENDIX A ~ NP~GP Amendment 1~-2. NPBCI' Amendment 1Q.2.2 consists of a change in land use firam Gornmorcial High. (CH/5) and High Residential ~ in Palm Beach County' tQ Light .Industrial/Businesa in North Palm Beach.:. NPBCP Amendment 10.2.E Is accomplished by amendment tc~ Figure: 362 afi the 2028 Village- ofi North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. NPBGP Amendments 40-2.2,1 to 1U.2.2.7, which constitute Amendmen#: 10-2:2 are presented in ExhiEaits A;1 to A7. Aa1 EXHIBIT Al A2 EX:NIBi~` A2 A3 EXHIBIT A-3 A4 EXHIBIT A4 EXH i B17` A6 EXNi-BIT' AC A7 EXHIBIT A7 ~s page 22 page 23 page 24 page 25 page 26 page 27 page 28