• AUGUST 4, 2010
Present: William L. Manuel, Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice Mayor
David B. Noms, President Pro Tem
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staffwere present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Samia Janjua, Public
Safety Director Robert O'Neill, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, Public Works Director Wiley Livingston,
and Community Development Director Chuck Huff were present. The purpose of the meeting was
to review the Public Safety and Public Works Department Budgets for FY 2011.
Mr. Knight distributed copies of the FY 2011 General Fund Budget -August 4, 2010 presentation.
Mr. Knight noted that, subsequent to discussions with the auditors, there has been a change in
capitalization of certain items to reflect purchases of individual items exceeding $2,500, rather than
cumulative purchases. Additionally, there have been certain actuarial changes regarding the
Village's required pension contribution. A list of all the changes, including those made by the
Council, will be provided to Council before adoption, and reflected in the final budget.
Pursuant to Council's request at its 7/14/10 meeting, Mr. Knight provided a comparison of millage rates,
service fees, non-ad valorem assessments, and Special Taxing Districts in surrounding municipalities.
Pursuant to Council's request at its 7/14/10 meeting, Mr. Knight provided a collective list, by
category, of the capital improvement projects proposed by individual councilmen.
Regarding installation of sidewalks in the Southwest Neighborhood, Mr. Knight reported that an
informal survey showed 60% are in favor, 12% are opposed, and others could not be reached.
Mr. Knight related concerns raised by the Village Engineer regarding elevations and drainage.
Further research will be done before an appropriation for this project is brought to Council for approval
The Village Council will review the collective capital projects list with a view to possible funding
through the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund account. A rough estimate of the various project costs
was requested, if possible. Mr. Knight asked councilmen to provide him with their top-five list of projects.
Mr. Knight advised that the Capital Projects Fund is project specific and involves multi-year
• projects, with appropriations that are carried over to succeeding years, such as the canal dredging
project, Tennis Center project, or pool renovation project. Mr. Knight provided Council with a list
of projects to be closed by 9/30/2010 and open projects to be carried over to the next fiscal year.
Mr. Knight reported a balance of $522,537.25 in the Capital Projects Fund. Mr. Knight reviewed
use of the Streets Maintenance account for the 10-year roadway maintenance and street overlay project.
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Mr. Knight noted the street overlay project was completed, and would begin again after a 2-3 year
• hiatus. Staff estimates the number of streets to be done and the cost for asphalt and construction
services, with any project savings carried over to the next year. Mr. Knight advised there are street
projects planned, which qualify for use of this account, if Council elects to fund them through the
Street Maintenance Capital Projects account; otherwise, these projects need to be added back to the
FY 2011 budget, which would increase the total budget appropriation by $132,000.
• combined Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, and General Services-Public Safety Facility
budget expenditures were at 72.15% of the FY 2010 budget for the 3rd Quarter ending 6/30/10
• in FY 2010, 31 ¢ of the property tax dollar goes to North Palm Beach, with 20¢ to Public Safety
• police and fire employees receive step increases as required by collective bargaining agreements
• no cost-of-living (COLA) or market adjustment
• 4% increase in health insurance projected
• 17.86% Village pension contribution (reduced from 18.5% projected at time of budget
preparation, resulting in $24,307 savings)
• no personnel changes
• projected revenues for FY 2011 total $412,030, including $250,000 in ambulance fees and
$90,000 in court fines
• combined Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, and General Services-Public Safety expenses for
FY 2011 total $7,253,743, an increase of 4.2% or $291,885 over last year
• expenses for FY 2011 total $4,430,286, an increase of 5% or $212,878 over last year
• capital expenses in FY 2011 total $73,449 to replace 3 vehicles
Mr. Knight noted an increase in contractual services, due to CALEA recertification. The Law
Enforcement Division of the Public Safety Department was awarded national accreditation in 2008
by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and must be
recertified every three years in order to remain accredited.
Mr. Knight and Chief O'Neill reviewed capital expenditures and the 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan.
Discussion ensued on the total number of Public Safety vehicles and the estimated life cycle of vehicles.
It was noted that replacement of the patrol boat engines should be added to the 5 Year Capital
Improvement Plan. Mr. Knight and Chief O'Neill reviewed the advantages of repainting the current
marked patrol fleet, including decals, to a black and white paint scheme. The cost to repaint 18 vehicles
is estimated at $10,800. Council approved the change to black and white patrol vehicles.
• expenses for FY 2011 total $2,672,823, an increase of 4% or $99,231 over last year
• no capital expenses
Mr. Knight noted an increase in contractual services, due to the new medical transportation billing
• company. Mr. Knight advised the cost for this service is based on 10% of collected revenue.
• no personnel costs associated with this budget
• operating costs for FY 2011 total $150,634, including $127,384 for utilities
• no capital expenses
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 4, 2010 Page 3 of 4
• combined Administration, Sanitation, Facility Services, Streets, Grounds & Parks, and
• Vehicle Maintenance budget expenditures were at 71% of the FY 2010 budget for the 3rd
Quarter ending 6/30/10
• in FY 2010, 31 ¢ of the property tax dollar goes to North Palm Beach, with 20¢ to Public Safety
• General and FPE employees receive 0-5% merit increase as required by collective bargaining
• no cost-of-living (COLA) or market adjustment
• 4% increase in health insurance projected
• 20% Village pension contribution (15.78% required plus 4.22% catch-up provision)
• no personnel changes
• projected revenues for FY 2011 total $374,736, including $350,000 in commercial waste
disposal fees
• combined Administration, Sanitation, Facility Services, Streets, Grounds & Parks, and
Vehicle Maintenance expenses for FY 2011 total $4,322,376, a decrease of 6% or $264,960
from last year
• expenses for FY 2011 total $363,326, an increase of 6% or $20,069 over last year
• no capital expenses
• expenses for FY 2011 total $719,552, an increase of 5% or $34,219 over last year
• capital expenses in FY 2011 total $85,000 to erect a perimeter wall around Public Works Facility
Discussion took place regarding the decrease in personnel costs, which Mr. Knight explained is due
to outsourcing custodial services in FY .2010.
• expenses for FY 2011 total $369,193, an increase of 4% or $15,571 over last year
• no capital expenses
Regarding the 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan, it was noted that OSHA might require upgrading
of the vehicle lift in the future.
• expenses for FY 2011 total $1,492,496, a decrease of 1.4% or $20,950 from last year
• no capital expenses
Mr. Knight noted personnel costs have decrease due to downsizing three sanitation positions last year.
Mr. Knight reviewed the 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan, and noted plans to purchase new
garbage trucks in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
• Mr. Knight reviewed certain issues with the jitneys, including the need for employees to attend a
motorcycle training class and possess a motorcycle license in order to drive the jitneys.
Mr. Livingston reported on methods to refurbish the existing fleet and challenges in obtaining a
utility vehicle with a similar turning radius.
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• expenses for FY 2011 total $1,377,809, a decrease of 19% or $313,896 from last year
• Mr. Knight reviewed the 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan and noted the projected total for
FY 2012, due to restarting of the street overlay project. Capital projects for FY 2011 include
replacing the service alley wall on the east side of U.S. Highway 1 from Lighthouse Drive to Yacht
Club Drive. Sidewalks in the Southwest Neighborhood will be funded with reserves. Mr. Knight
reviewed capital projects that would be funded through the Streets Maintenance "K" account, which
include storm water improvement project, repair of sink holes along bulkhead, and asphalt overlay of
the service alley, at a projected cost of $132,180. Mr. Knight recommended additional projects that
could be accomplished using these funds, such as the ongoing sidewalk replacement project and
resurfacing of the Country Club parking lot (60/40 split with Country Club), which total $110,464.
Council consensus was to remove all the suggested capital projects from the FY 2011 Capital
Improvement Plan and fund them through the Streets & Grounds Maintenance Capital Projects Fund.
• repaint Public Safety patrol vehicles
• storm water improvement project, repair of sink holes along bulkhead, asphalt overlay of the
service alley, sidewalk replacement project, and 60% of the cost to resurface the Country Club
parking lot are to be funded through accumulated savings in the Capital Projects Fund -Streets
account, and not budgeted in the General Fund as capital outlay
The next Budget Workshop will be held on 8/11/2010 to review the Parks and Recreation, Library,
Council, Clerk, Attorney, and Manager Departments.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Cler