Ordinance 1973-004 ParkingORDINANCE N0. 4-73 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ELIMINATING THE REQUIREMENT IN ZONING DISTRICTS C-A, C-1, C-1-A AND C-2, WI{ICH PROHIBITS PARKING IN THE FRONT TEN FEET OF THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD DEPTH IN THOSE CASES W{{ERE THE PROPERTY OWNERS HAVE CGMPLIED WITH SECTIONS 41-16 THROUGH 41-25 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Section 1. Sections 45-31(H)(7), 45-32(H)(7) and 45-33(H)(7) of the Village of North Palm Beach Code are each hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following sentence: "The restriction against parking in the first ten feet of the required. front yard depth measured from the front property line shall not apply to those properties which have complied in full with the landscaping provisions of Chapter 41-16 through 41-25, both inclusive." PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 8 DAY OF MARCH, 1973. ' PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 12 DAY OF APRIL, 1973. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 12 DAY OF APRIL, 1973. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk