Ordinance 1972-011 Levying Occupational License TaxORDINANCE N0. 11-72 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING C}1APTER 20 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, BY LEVYING AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF ENGAGING IN OR MANAGING ' BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS OR OCCUPATIONS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIr1 BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Chapter 20 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 ~l Chapter 20 LICENSES Charter reference---Council imposing license. taxes, Art: V7., Section-1 (b) L'ross reference---Taxatign, Chapter 38 ' -- - Art. 1 In General, Sections, 20-1-«-20-10I Art. II Occupational 1,ieenses, Sections 20-11---20-21. . ~~ ~rrt ._I--IN GENI'RAL Se_c. 20-1 .' LICENSI;'fAX 1Pil'OSED---A tax is hereby imposed by the village upon each anil even}~ business, profession and oe_eupation engaged in or cart~ied on, eithor tohoLLy or, in part, within -tire corporate 1]mits of the village in the respective amounts set forth in Section 20-21, and every person engoging in, carrying on, managi-ng or praci:icing any business, profession or occupation, either wholly or in part, within the corpor~rtc limits ~f the vill~ge.is hereby required to pay to the village a-Cax :in the amount-designated. The amount of such tax specified sha71 be on t:he basis of oue;year. (Ord. No. ]3; Scc. ]) Sec. 20.2 llt1TY TO ]7LF. APPLICATION POR LICENSE---Rei'ore the vil.l.agc ,~ shall. be required to issue ~ licelrse for engaging in w~`carrying on arty of the busine es, professions or occupations specified and set forth in Section 20 2.1, ~t shall be the duty of the applicant to iilc an application caith the village manager, Stich applicai:.ion to be in the form provided by tl+e'village manager. (Ord. No. 13, Sec. 2) i ;_ ,* `,, Scc. 20-3. ISSl1ANCF ll_PON PAYPIENT OE TAX---Upon payment of the full. teix, the village--shall. issue to the person paying the same a receipt or license signed by an official.-of the village, which receipt or license shall expire at the end of the period 1'or cahi_ch such license is issued. (Ord. No. :13, Sec. 3)' Sec. 20-A. EXPIRATION DATE---All licenses shall expire on the 30th day of Sc+pbem}x'-r of eachyear.' No license -shall be issucxi for more than one year. . ,. - 90 - • ,, Sec. 20-5. PARTTAT• YEAR LICFSISES---(1) For each license obtained between 9 Mar 1st and Sept r 30th, one half of the full tax for one year ~ shall. be paid, except as otherwise provided for. • (2) For each license obtained between Janttasy 1st and March 31st three-gttarters of the full tax for one year shall be paid, except as - othertoise provided for. '~ Sec. 2(1-G. IICBNSF RASLD ON STOCK OF MFRCH_ANDISF.---AFFIDAVIT RF,QUIRF_.ll -~-- 141renever the amount of the license a l d i' d ~ _ . pp ie or epends upon the mouirl of stock i.n i.rade carried by the applicant; or the number of.rorams iii h l a ote . or rooming house, or the number of employees,: or on any other facia not within the personal ]<nowledge of the village manager, tto license shall be is;;ued until the applicant therefor has made and I'.iled cait9r the village mm~ager an affidavit,.duly authenticated, setting .forth the amount oI' his stock'in trade, number of rooms i.n his hotel or'roorning house, or other facts upon which the amount of such license depends. (OrcL No. 13, Sec. 4) ' , t Sec. 20-7. TRANSFI;RARIS,ITY---All licenses may be transferred to a new ' ' owner taken there i s a bona fide sale of the business upon payr~ttt of a transfer fee of $3.00 and presentation of evidence of the sale and the original license. Upon written request and presentation of the original license, any license may ba transferred from one location to another location in the village upon payrrnnt of a transfer fee of $3.00. Sec. 20-8. LICF,NSI; DOES NOT PROTF,CT PERSON FROM PROSECl1TI ON FOP.' ' _ CARItI':ING ON ]3lISlNhSS _IiTC, NOl' COVERF~D- -No license issued under the , _ _ provision, of ih_s (:haptcr shall protect airy person from prosecution for transacting any business, trade or profession not covered by such license, or shall protect any merchant doing business with a grca'ter stock in trade .-than covered by ,such license,' or. any .hotel. keeper or ~ rooming house opc:raior having; a greater number of rooms than is covered \ by such license. (Ord. No. 19, Sec. fi) Sec. 20-9. LICRNSF' ISSUF,D I1PON FALSE STATEMENTS CONSIDERRD VOID=-- Any license issued upon any false statement made under oath shall , be considered as void ab ini.tio anN sha.1L not protect the holder t thm~eof from prosecution i'or transacting business without a license. (Ord. No. 13, Sec. G) Sec. 20-]0. }PFI:CT ON AGFNT,_FTC, OF COMPLIANCE OR NONCOMPh]ANCI_ RY PRINCIPAL---(1) [ghere the principal, master or employer has. com- plied with the provisions oi' this Chapter, it shall. he unnecessary for his agent, servant or employce'to comply herewith unless other.- , wise expressly provided for .herein.: (2) In the evens: such principal, master or employer shall not: ~. have cornp].ied with this C}rapier, each of his ;agents, servants or' employees shall be subject to prosecution,-and upon conviction,';ao~~, ' , fine or imprisonment to the same extent as his principal, roaster or employer. (Ord. No. ]_3, Sec. 7) - 91 - ~, J ~ ART. II OCCUPATIONAL L1CCN5N:5 .. Sec. 20-11, SUSPI?NS10N; REVOCATION; CANCELLATION---IIEFUNDS---(1) Any license hereafter issued by the village may be temporarily suspended or absolutely revolted or cancelled by a majority vote of thevfllage council, when such council shall have ascertained and determined, in the exercise of its sound discretion, chat such action will 'promote the public peace, health, safety, welfare, harmony or good order of the neighborhood in which the licensee's place of businessis'located,. (2) In the case of. revocation and cancellation of, such license the .village shall refund to such licensee the pro rata unearned or unused portion of. his license.' (3) No refund shall be made where the license is temporarily.', suspended, (Ord. No. ].3, Seca 8) ', 'r • Sec. 20-12. FXEMP'1'IONS---Disabled veterans of World Star I, World War II and the Spanish War, all confirmed cripples, deaf and dumb persons and invalids physically incapable of manual laboY, widows with minor depend- ents and persons sixty-five years of age, or older, shall ba allocaed the- - same exemptions as such persons are nnw or shall hereafter be entitled to by lawin connection ~ai_th state and county licenses. .(Ord. No. 13,_-Sec. 9) Sec. 20=13. ENGAGING IN BUSINESS W1TIIOUP LI(~15E---FF~IALTIES---It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any trade, usine~ ss, profession, or occupation vrithin the village without a lioerise or upon a license ti.osued upon false statements made by any person, or in his behalf. All licenses shall be sold by the village tax collector beginning September 1st of each year and shall be due and payable on October 1st of each year and shall expire on September 30th of the succeeding year. Licenses not renewed by October 1st shall be considered dglinquent ahd shall be subject to a delinquency penalty of ten per cent i-or the month of October plus an additional five per cent penalty for each month of .the delirsquency thereafter until paid; provided,.hauever, that the total de]inquency penalty shall not exceed twenty-five per Dent of the occupational license fee for the delinquent establishment. Any person engaging in or managing any business, occupation or profession without first obtaining a local occu- pational license if required hereunder shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five percent of the license determined to be due in addition to any other penalty provided by law or ordinance. Sec: 2.0-14.~ OPEN FOR BUSINESS PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ENGAGING~IN BUSINI?SS-.--In any prosecution under this Chapter, the fact that any.. person is open for business, shall,beprimafacie-evidence.of engaging in such tirade, business, profession.-or,occupation, and the burden Ahall be upon the defendant to rebut the samo.. -(Ord. No. 13, Sec. 70; Ord. No: 51) Sec. 20-15---20-20.. RESF,RVED. ~. Sec,20-21. LICENSE SCH_F.DULF.---The'amountwhich~~shallbe~paid by the several firms, persons or associations en0agfng in or managing businesses, professions or occupations for which alicense isrequiredar.e hereby ~. fixed as follows: ~. Su pp. No. 1 -92_ .- •; Astrologist ' 50.00 Athletic Club 75.00 Billiard, 13001 or Bagetella Tables 1 to 5 tables 50.00 F.ach additional table 10.00 r Bowling Alleys, Box Ba11, or Ten Pins.`! l to 5 alleys 50.00 ' Each additional alley 10.00 Carnival, Per Week 250:00 Clairvoyants 1.,000.00 Dance Halls, Variety Exhibitions, etc.. 125.00 .(Covers places operating for a profit,;; ' where dancing is primary activity I engagec] i.n or entertainment such as ' variety programs or exhibitions are ~ offered). S}iall he in addition to - f any other license required by law, and; the operation of such dance facilities.,, may not be construed to .be incidental. ; business. to some other . 'Dancing, other than dance halls, issued in connection with beer parlors and with m other biisittess, not 'to exceed 15 couples 25:00 ; Fortune Teller or Palmist,'where fees , are charged ~ 800.-00 Fortune Teller or Palmist, where fees -. are not charged. but contribui;ions are accepted 1.;500.00 Golf Driving Range or Practice Courses ' 50.00 ' Golf, Miniature Course, each 50.00 Golf, Club 4~ 150:00 }{ypnotist 35.00 Moving Picture Show or Theater, each location 150.00' ~"; Plus each. seat _ :20 - 93 - .., :- y r ,. ~. ' o . . r . ' ~, . r , , ,v r .,3 ~. '~' ~t. .t I < ` v rv v~ ~ ' ~Fa r ( ~ .. ., .r . ` ~ 4 i „ S ~ y r; & y ~ x: ~ . "eu - ~ ~. _- -: ~.,: •, s ~.>: Music, furnished by lease`wire, 75.00 .Operator or Dealer ,; : ' '~~ Night Club; alone or connected with bar "125.00 or other business Night Cluh Photographer, taking pictures 35.00 in club office or headquarters 50.00 Riding AcadEyny, 125.00. Skating Rink; Bicycle or Motorbike .Rink "` 75.00 Swimming Pool - .,'75.00 pfiscellaneous or General Amusements • Any person operating for profit, any game; contest, exhibition, parade, amusement or recreation dance, con- trivance or faculty not otherwise specifically provided for herein COIN OPERATED OR OTHER MACHINES Every person selling, leasing, renting, 'distributing, operating or placing for operation any machine as described below: 6 Amusement machines (hereby. defined as machines or devices, not gambling devices, which are played or operated for amusement, or score and not for vending merchandise or rendering service, and cvheiher or not a charge is made for play. Example: Marble F3oards). , ..150.00 Operator or Distributor ...12.50 Each Machine" Music Playing Machines _:-• 25.00 Operator or Distributor4 12.50 Each Machine Merchandise Vending Machines•;~hereby' described as automatic trade".machines, where the only incentive to operate the same is to :produce or receive merchandise • of the reasonable value,or cost of opeY~ating • the same, such as gum, peanuts, candy,;ice, coffee, tea; milk, soft drinksfrom bottle and/or paper cup,EXCEPT~unadulterated Florida Produced Citrus~uice•which is exempt under Fla. Star. 1957, Sec': 205.632, and except other vending S`~~~ machines exempt under other State Laws); also. is not applicable to those machines specifically"' ~';;, defined elsewhere in the License Classification: ~ - 9cF ':~ ~ ~,. ~3 ~~ .~ ` ;, .{ ,. 5 ~ ~( Tr \ J 1. ^' ~. r 5, 1' ~.n ~ 'a a .. w. ~ - ~~ Operator or Distributor' 25.00 (a) Vending mdse. for 7~ only,. each ,' 1.00 !~`:; "<'(b)-Vending .mdse. .for SQ. only,, .each 2.50 - ''(c) Vending mdse. for over 54; ''each 'S.DO • Service Vending'Machines ,; ; (>;xcept !those specifically defined 'elsewhere "`in 'this Chapter and except those exempt or pro~,• hihited by State T,aw} ~w. ~ Operator or Distributor '' '25,00 (a) Coin operated, photograph machine„,each eT0.00 .. (b) Record L'ranscription or voice 'recording, .each ;_70.00 (c) Coin"operated typewriter, each '10.00 (d) Coin .operated radio; each.' °"•10.00 ;(e) Coia operated. TV, .:each ~ ,,10.00 (f) Coin operated mechanical rocking ,, horse,_each `30.00 (g)°Coin operated miniature jet planes, ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds,.. each "1D.00 (t1) Flir conditioner, each 10.00. (i) Coiri operated-tape. recordings 10.00 (j) Coin operated reducing slenderizing machine; each 10.00 AND. similar service vending machines e. not listed 10.00 /•~ _ , . , (1) PROVIDED, however, that the following machines are and shall be exempt from license hereunder,: v~ (a)Machines vending eigarettes,:postage stamps, drinking cups, or unadulterated Florida produced citrus juice; and (b) 'Parcel checking lockers and toilet locks used in hotols and .restaurants. . _, t .. (2) No license shall. be required for any'of the machines listed above, where the entire ~ceeds of such machine is used for recognized charitable~or benevolent purposes:' (3) ' Coin operated riiachines`:for amusement or trade or service purposes not, herein specifically classified shall pay such tax as shall be determined from time to `time, by the~Tax Collector on a basis comparative with other coin operated or vending machines. Weighing Machines, penny, each 1.00 _ Laundry, coin operated and/or automatic: Covers any type of self-service laundry, + including those cohere washing and drying r machines are actuated by_a coin; or where.-the (` if _ 95 = __ - .... ;. " -~ > ti ~ ,' • '; it' ~ ~:; ~' ~ `` ~ 5 "1 } 1 . ti 4,. •~ 4 ~ I '4~'b:. r ~ r,s , ~ 4 ~`' Y ' :. a. ~ ~, r `ra ,.. 1 J ~~; - ~ , ~'~ 4 i y '~: ;: . i.. q "operator furnishes the machine for use of ,', the customer }~y .the pound; or''where' the ~ ; ~;' ^'"'. work is, completed by the operator for the``. ' Y customer ~ ~- 1:;'fo 20 washers end/or dryers (coin operated ' ~ or not) ~ ,' • ~ . ' 50:00 . r Each additional washer and/ois dryer .`t ,.;:.~ Soaps,starches, detergents,•bleaches ` 1 to r} machines. ('coin operated'or not); ,'10.00 ~ F.ach additional machine x',2,50 CONTRACTORS: .°(For'certification and licensing, see -0rd. No. 46) £.lectrical Contractors: > , `Rate includes master electrician & 5 •',' employees ,''75.00 `7 to lU emp]-oyees '' 125.OD 11.;to 15 employees 2,00.00 1fi to 20'employees ~` 250: Q0 ^ Over'20 employees ~ ~ „`;350,D0~ :: Plumbing, gas'or steam fitting contractors9, Rate.inehides master plumber°& 5 employees '`.75.00 7 to 10 employees `:125.00 11 to 15 employees; •200.00 iT,. 16 to 20 employees` ~ - '250.00 Over 20 employees' i A` -350.00 i ~ General contractors, building contractors,,, sub-building contractors, specialty ~ ` .contractors: 1 to`G employees :~ ~~~-75.00 7`to 10 employeesy 125.00 11`to 15 employees ~•~~ 200.00 ,l6 ,to 20 employees` ~ 250.UO Ovex 20 employees ~; a „ ,, 350.00 - !NOTE,: '`Where the specialty coii~r.actor is self-e mployed and has.no helpers in' the pursuit of his 'work, and upon submittal of a sworn'affidavit'to-this ef`feet, he may qualify fora special ra4te=of $35.00 per'year under ahe category;,Specialty Contractor - lA. ,~ Examples of specialty contractors include `the following specific classifications, but sha1L not be limi ted o: . Accoustical ' Air conditioning and sheet metal .Asphalt file -wall /^ - Y ~V 9 6 _ rr - ':~. ~ -f - ~.. - - •, n r 4 e 1 ~;.; ~~ ~ ;~ ~ n A YC s .4 t S ,~ h i 'n L i ~ ', r. r y „ ~,r> ~ .. t ~ r p p r~ 7 ~^\ w' a w I .u ,~ t 4 6 ~ : ! Tr l• ~ '~' ~• ~ 4 / N . ~ f ~ , y .. Y . i ~ ~ ~ L PYK~ t ',tl ~4 ,/p t' ? I} ~ ~e r ~- . i' . . . .i . ~ . .. ~ ~ .. . .. .r 1. ~ ;~ . • T. ° p. . ~~ 1 . .. t. ~: [:, }•{~ ' , Artificial stone Awnings and tents (`~ ;- - Bahama shutters ` brick 1316eks, cement;. concrete_or Boiler installations millwork Cabinet and ~~ . Carports '' ' ~~ ' Carpenter shop ., ~ r; Concrete placement and finisher , Conduit contractor ~ Demolition-{moving and wrecking)' DragLine operator ~ Dredging .contractor Drai.nboards Uoor & window installation Dumb waiters I?ucts of sheef metal ' Escalators. ., ` Elevators ` ' Engineering contsactors'~'' •£ Fire'sprinkler systems ~ ;' ' Floors, wood ...(laying floors) -. B ~~` ' `~ :Floor covering and `finishing' , ~' ~ Formica installations >. :. Glass contractor ~ as ~ Gunife and sandblasting'., ' Granite, marble and stone. Heating Housemoving ,~ Insulation," ''~ ' .` Iron reinforcing .and steel Irrigation:.. ' '.: Jalousies aiid acvnngs ' ~ a .. ~" Land filling Landscape :contract or ~', Lawn sprinkler contractor, ~ Monuments",:and tombstones ; . Maintenance acid. repair; ~ ~ ' Masonry contractor - Mildew removing (inside and outside) ~~, `Millwork ~:';y '~ ~ - 97 - ,~ ' .' ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ c ~ `r ' b/ !. ' t l~ ., f~~y~ fin n a ~ P Ai ~' '+ a ` ~ rci~' ~.: i 4 x ` ~ x M ~ ~ ~FY t 4n ~ ~ r ~t. r: i ,+~ ti 4~a ,F+ r, r ~ ' ''~ y.{ x s i... y . ;,. :, ~~. t , Y K 3 a / f ~ ;wV <,. Y ~r 1 ~ .. ~ Al ':4 1 ~i . .. p n ~ 3' " S, r -R P f ~ ' .M _} } V ~K. A, F t ~ V ~' .. } ~ ~ ~ ! z:- a ~ n. r.,~ ry i rF ' ~ '. ~ 1 ~ ~ y 1 j K ~ t. .~ ! ~~~ ~ a ri h, ~ s . ~' . . . ' . { ,' M1. 5 or 0 persona ~ x10.00 7. to. 1.0 pe'rsoas .; 75, 00 " 11 to 20 p~•rsans 125.00 More than 20 persons <`200.00 REAL ESTATE: Real Fstaie Agency, or Broker, 50.00 Real. Fstate Branch'Gffice ~,`. ..35.00 Real'Fstate,Salosman, each > 10.00' RF"PAlL MERC}{AN1': (Prnvided license shall permit but one location)`;; Merchant, when average value of stock in goods :` t•a~ricd is as follows: Not exceeding $1.,000 15:00 };ach additional $1;000 or fraction thereof q.00 LV}rere retail merchaitt`alsc earries'on•repair work, additional license is-redv:ired for this work. See category,."Repair S}:op." ' ~ 17 ocaer Stand:; Selling flowers only;>n ari established place of business a:ione, or.caithin.a ' grocery store or similar place of business 15:00 fruit and Vegetable Stand: •, ~ Not connected with ane,ther,business _ 15.00. Florist < 35.00 " ` Radio and TV Sales & Service -See Retail '` Merchant rate above,"p]xrs Repair Shop: rate. •, SOLICITORS, PF.DpLF,RS' 11ND' ITINERANTS:+ •._,~' Each and every solictor;`pe9dler.'and/or itinerant shall be required to be fitiger•p'riiited by the Police Department of the Village. of North-Palm Beach`,.and ` obtain am identification card which shall be carried on the person at all times. Fee for I.D. card and fingerprinting: ~''; 2,D0 `' Each sol.icitor~,„per year 200.00 Each solicitor,:, per month ;~ 50.00 `> :f i. ~I • - 99 _ y: ., , '„ {, . ( F -, t .. Examples: r Catalogue and,ic smric solicitor; I,ecttirer and/o r,~st°: .:c+iar w/mdse for sale Mail order salesman , ;;, Reducing machine sal-esman ° ~ Sewing machine o~ :vacuum,machine salesmen ~ . ~ NOTE:"llible c~n~a~,sing and soliciting,.house to house, Ho1~BiUles, shall be exempt from c, restricted s o :i ~~ __ __ _ _ occupational 1 ~ ,e~ Cash salesman,. however, shall be required to be r. _=era,inted and have an .I. D. c5rd. SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS: t 'Temporarily engaged _n t:f«1r;g:cir°ders for magazines, encyclo- pedias, books, etc. to },,ca"iivez-ed at later date. ° Each person, ten d~y~ or less '10.(10 Each persori, mo.~-e ti,ani ten clays, bt~t:' not over 30 days '.30.00 Each person shall be re:}i-~x;••7 to be fingerprinted and have an I. D. card. '' Trr~EPHONr, so1,1c1Tnl toy F,ach place •~f b;tsi^r~ss 75.00 Each so.lic:it;~r ` 15.00 Each person-shall bE t~clrt;fd ro be fingerprinted and have an I. D. card. ' RCSTAURANTS, LLINCII CR BARiSF:IIF,STANDS: (Including soda fourrtaens; rafes•;'cafeterias „dining rooms, tea rooms, boarding boost. chece food`is'sold for consump tion on the premises; light lunc}r stands,' etc.) .,:Does not 'include sale of tobacco, candy, etc. °- Price ba8ed on seat:inl; cr standing spaces, per space: i 1.Oq Drive-in restaurants, in.~luding'a soda fountain 35.00 Sandwiches, wrapped or infra-reds` sold from retail coricession in bars or other similar businesses i.nesses where sale'bf food,isnot the primary '~. line of endeavor :15.00 REPAIR SHOPS AND 1.1AC1[INF, SHOPS:. ' ,, , Includes all:persorts working in fhe business and not in auxiliary ~ ! ~ _ 100 - ., °• *; i ,, ,,; ,' , t~"' s a ~ ,;' . ) F' .. or separate ,parts-of this business. _A repaix"and machine shop permits a stock of parts without a merchant's license, but only if: parts are used solely, in the-repair business and not otherwise sold. 1 or`2 persons 15':00 3 or 4 persons 25:00 5 or 6 perGOns 40.00 7 to 10 persons 75.00 11 t.o 20 persons 125`.00 More than 20 persons 20j1.00 Examples: Auto machine shop ~ Electrical appliance .Auto painting shop ;.'Furniture refinishers Auto radiator repair Guhsmith Auto tire and tube repair Jewelry !repair 1 Auto top & upholstering ,: Radio &'TV repair:. Auto .tune-up Stove repair Bicycle repair Typewriter repaiN , Body, top & fender ''Welding; & brazing And other repair shops riot'specified hei~cin 'SERVICES: (PERSONAL) CLASS A '._ -10.00 .T.' Each person engaged in any business, as owner; agent or otherwise, whereby"services are performed for the public in return for a consideration, and where no part of: such business consists. of sale of merchandise or other tangible property. Examples: ' Bicycles for rent'(not connected with other business) , Boats for hire; canoes,:rowboats; each :' Boats; motor, for hire;,;-ea,ph . Bootbhack stand or shop `` Boot and shoe repairing. Cigars & tobacco, retail, in coriaecfion-with other business C]eaning, pressing &-laundry'station where no wor}< is done on the premises. (If-truck is used on connection with.. station, extra $25.00 "aicense'required for truck).' Fruit juice stand,. alone Locksmith and/or keyma]<er, Manicurist, not. connected with barber shop or beauty parlor News stand,: retail Stenographer, publi.c~an8/or Telephone secretarial service Tuner, piano or organ, etc. SERVICES: (PERSONAL) CLASS B z 35:OD Accountant or bookkeeper (but not CPA),. - 101 -. t t Irddressing, niail.ing or'"duplicating service .Aerial photo service. Answeriug'ielephone service Animal grooming Automobile cleaning and/or polishing:service Baby sitting agency service , Barber. shpp, including one manicurist ` Bath; Turkish, Swedish; Russian or Vapor; including massage, (State certificate of approval required): Beauty parlor, face massaging & hairdressing (,including manicurist) .Bookkeeping service and/or income tax"service. ` Boom equipment uperator Bulldozer operator ~.; • Butcher shop Caterer shop . Children's nursing home (includes kindergarten)'. ..Special health application form required. Cigars and Tobacco, retail -.alone ` Citrus fruit shippers ', Clipping bureau Collection agency Crane service •. De]_icatessen - alone .(Where; meals are'Served,'a ~ restatirant license is redltired in addition) .; Display room, where nostock'for sale'is carried on floor Doughnut. machine, not .in.connection°wth a bakery Exterminator Pilling station - public`drive-in op, curb service, ,not . exceeding 4 gasi~line or other type of fuel or oil pumps. (This permits fire repairing and washing"and greasing). Extra license required for; _(a) merchandise and tires, and ,: (b) tobacco ai7d',soft drink sales. Fence erector ' FiLn developing, photq:'finiShing, etc.' Ice cream or froren,custard products (If truck is also used for sales, additional $25 'fee) Import-export agency (no merchandise Sold) Inspection service of builcl~ngs `Lawn and shrubbery maintenance .(Covers persons .doing yard work and lawn maintenance on contract or jobbasi5;,where employees .are hired and used in the business. °Does ndf-include persons working as.day laborers)i Microfilming Motor sales and service,~iricluding motorcycles;.scooters, motorbikes Nurseryman Pet shops-(includes,birds „fish,. aviaries, etc.) Poultry retail. Public address system,•.rental or sales and installation Sign contractor (painter and hanger,'including neon) 102 - ,, .; . ~, r U-Haul-It auto trailer rental ,headquarters Well driller - Window.. cleaning. and janitor. services~~~ Rental service establishments: (For all kinds. of personal property'.except automobiles,'- trucks, motor vehicles, or .other classifications specifically named in the license schedule). Examples: .costumes, linens, sickroom and surgical supplies,~ivtiforms, baby furniture, lawn mowers, paint sprayers, vacuums, well point equipment, etc.-S> SERVICES (PROFESSIONAL) CLASS C 50:00 1 Appraisers,. (including real property, personal or intangible; diamonds, jewels, motor vehicles; boats, etc.), each Architect Artist (including retouching, sketches, cartooning, silhouettes, conunercial,'crayon, ete:), each Attorney-at-law and lawyers; each Auditors and/or certified public accountants (Certificates required from State Board of Accountancy) Auto c}riving and%or motor vehicle school Bondsman .(professional) .;, (Sale of,firear.;ns and merchandise extra) Building Estimator '~ Busipess Administrator Business college for profit Chiropodist Chiropractor. Court Reporter Dancing Teacher Dental }fygienist . Dentist lletectives and detective agencies, each operator Dramatic school Dog trainer and obedienee(SCthool F,lectrolysis ser°vice (first operator), each additional. operator, $15.00 'extra Engineer, civil; consulting; drafting, elecfrical, mechanical, or similar 1ine~ where a contractor's license is not required Homeopathic or drugless physician ~ < ° Interior Decorator . Modeling school and/or booking agency Music teacher,-each Naprapath or naturopath Oculist; optician (no lens grinding),..optometrist: Osteopath Physicianand/or surgeon ' Picture. enlargers Podiatrist Professional. license, where .not specifically named herein 103 - .ti •, , Psychiatrist Psychologist' ` ~ Publi.c relations counsel, each firm • ~ Recordsearchers, each firm Riding academy and/or riding school ,. office or .headquarters ~ School of instruction (for artisan, workers, etc.) ~ Schools, private ~ SLirveyor ' Taxidermist Veterinary surgeon or veterinarian, each (No additional. charge-for animal hospital to 'carry on services) ALSO General professional or bordering on professional (Each person engaged in any,. other business not specifically listed herei ; e n as own r; agent or otherwise;-whereby services are performed for the public:in return for a consideration, and where. no-part of such business consists of sale of merchandise or tither tangible property). SERVICES: (SPECIALI7,I;ll) CLASS D 75.00 Abstract-company (If company fimnishes'fitle insurance, additional titl i ' e nsurance license is::required) a Advertising agency (Extra license for door to door solicitation, covered by canvasser or. olicitor's license) Advice bureau (No securities or other eomrnodities may be bought and sold in connection with this service)' Ambulance service ' Animal hospitals (Not required if licehsed veterinarian uses same,in connection with this service).; Antiques Athletic club . Automobile wrecking service, each wrecker Blueprinting, including maps,and plats . Boats, ferrys; and sight=suing coaches Booking agency (ior entertainment, music; .shows ,''etc.) - Broadcasting wire music Building and loein associatior~ Burglar alarm system contractor Commercial freight aad passenger agency , Conservatory. of music'(Permits, if under one roof, teaching music by staff. Also .booking musical`events; shows and , orchestras; anal stock of sheet musio and small `musical iastruments. Retail merchant's license is required for` pianos, organs, etc.) Credit bureau (credit information on persons) Decorators, bunting, flags, pennants Employment agencies (except L1. S.) Funeral chapels (no embalming)... Plus additional fee of $75 for ambulaaces Gymna siurn - 104 _ . . , i ;; ~'i } „a s ,,: _, •., ,, • - ;, : >, _- Hospitals, private or institdtions of like character , operated for profit '` Investment'securities - consultant service (No &ecurities to be bought or a old in connection with this ervice) Kennels, animal ~ ,`•; ' Laboratory, dental; chemical, X-ray, o~rtical, etc. Land development management office :.. Old:coin and stamp dealer': (solicitors require'exfra license) Optician; dispensing acid filling prescriptions and grinding for .licensed doctors Solarium ,, •;, Swimming pool:,(If admission price is charged) Trailer sales :(new and used) .` Yacht broker ,, • AND any other person engaged•in any other such, business not specifically listed herein,-as owner, agent or otherwise, whereby services are performed for the public in return for a consideration': SERVICES, (SPF,CIALI7ED); CLASS E: ., Advertising'on motor vehicles, base ~ 75.00., , Plus 2p per s~L ff,:>of surface panel This classification covers every person, ~ firm, corporation and/or association'; " operating motor'buses,:'motor,trucks,,:auto-" 4 mobiles, or;other vehicles over and upon the ~,. streets of the Village ;of North Palm Beach ` which shall have attached 'thereto arjy advertising ` matters posters, pictures; ;.cards, or other .advertising matter, advertising any article or business other than the :business ,of the owner "and operator of such''vehicles; and for which -the owners and operator of such, vehicle'charge:a : fee. (Example,`Ameri'cam ~ailway Express, local bus line, taxi .cabs) •• Auctioneers, each 50.00 . Auctions (jewelry,'glassware;:leather~goods, china and art objects) per day 50.00 Automobiles for hire, taxi, etc. ,;: Eae}i dehicle' : ., 25.00 `'Each place of business'". ` 35.00 Boats, motors; boat trailers~~ 50.00 This classification covers'any person, :; persons, corporation or,agency engaged•in ;sale of .boats and inboard,'or outboard .motors' or boat trailers; provided same is -conducted from one location. This classification shall " not permit merchants-!nor merchandising establish- ments or individuals=who;are paying<,a merchant's license to self boats,'to carry and-pay for same as a portion or part of their. retail merchant's license., ,.I05 - i ~'~ (aj Permitted to do-aL in.secondhand boats , taken in exchange: ori' sales. of neca boats , (b) :Repair"shr?p requires.,an extra license based on the number of mem. '. (c) Merchant's license extra on 'stock other than boats, motors, and boat trailers. (d) An additional location for: sale of :boats taken,in exchange For new boats. .~'. 25.00 Boats, motors and boat trailers, second hand, sold from a lot or 6ui ding: • 1 to 10 hoats 100.00 1:1 to 15 boats 150.00 -Over 15 'boats ?.00.00 Boat yard, covcrs'liaat or yacht 'repair, :boat 0 overhauling or brat building . 70.0 In addition, cvherc beats are:, stored, `per storage sgace 1.00 Bond•brokers.or dealers - in Mate; county and municipal bonds and debentures of - . private corporations -Alamo covers con- sultant and fiscal addsory service -. 20D.00 Brokers in option:<a and futures'. (stocks- grid conunod:itics)'. Stipulated privilege of buying or selling a stated property on security.. SD0.00 Brokers, mortgage nr loan''- advertising; making or negotating.~ar loans betcaeen comp~nties and individtials•'; but not actually lending 'the m`mey 50. DD Cleaning and pressing 50.00 ,`Where cleaning and pressing or dyeing is done on premises No charge for , vehicles when owned by plant and operators are on payroll.; oLherwise,';vehicles<are `' extra. Eiir storage,` extra: Does not permit laundry caithout an extrarlieense. Discount corporations (where paper is bought on refrigeratere, cars, stoves, washing machines, etc, and does nc•t c°.ver personal or small loans where interest _is charged). 150. D0 Electric light os• power companies SDO.DO - 106 - ~. ,, } .. i F,lectro-magmet r~ w~xres, produced or generated for pnrpo e of b: .id~~ rsting by'radi.p ~ 250.00 ~~ Express companies ~ 200.00 Firearms' ;• •, 100.00 (Wtxere cor~nerted or Hots connected with other busine „~;. `.his e.lassification does not cover fircwo-~xs Gas companies, ~]]u.zrlnatirg and .cooling ! ~ 500.00 Gypsies, tray°cl ing oc~ wandering or nomadic people in bar !.; ~-f, t~•c,ops, engaged in ' peddling,. irUdng, fn-!•tiine-te.l:ling~or'other occupations, each. hard ,' 1,000.00 I[acv]<ers or street vc d ,^s- cf proprietary. or patent medi.cinr c+r 3the'r preparations represented to have or possess medical virtues. 350.00 hotel, motel, boy d1,:~f, hou=,es,dodging and apartments cunt~~~.:~ng 3 to 5'bedrooms,'; e base price 5.00 Over 5 bed:roo-n5 e $? , 0~} 'per -bedroom plus above base ],rice, n-,f_s'ra,t irc.l.~~de dining rooms or ether eati~ tacilil:es operated in connect:icn; cvit~ arx es'Lakilishment above, for which a scp, ,te r. 5t iurant license shall be requirede rldd 1 ,*aI ~i e-cse required for news stand, l~bir ,~~ ~ p..ck~aged Bandies -and/or other rnerchand i :;,~_ Laundries, steam, elect :ica:~ or`hand; Rased nn number oY emp.Ldyees:- ] o•-. 2 Ps,r~son~ 15.00 3 or II p~ rao:~s 25. CIO 5 or f, per_on~ 40.00 7 to .]O p_rrsors 75:00 11 to 2i1 pe'i^sons 125.00 More a n=~ ~ D persons 200.00 Loans and mortgages --- advertising for and/or making and actually :Lnaning'rrioney at ~riterest. Does not cover di sc'arrnt companies: 150.00 Loan companies - s~roa11. or personal, for short term at interest, Licensed by State of Florida as ma:}..l ]oan business, Does not cover discount corps. 150.00 • Marathon, walkathon +' 1,500.00 107 - . , { ., '. , F ' Parking,spacPS, - t' 1 to 25 cars;, ',, '10.00 2fi to 50 ear:; !15,00 S1 to .1.00 ~ ~~s 30.00 1.01 or more .a'rs 50.00 Patrol agency and merchant police including b~rsiness or service of =:openi.ng aril dioir:g hoine~s, ,.and watchman srr~vi,~e. therefore One patroLi-~n o.r• agent 35.00 Sack addit:iorial pa±rolman or agent° 10.00 (Shall- be regained ±o he fingerprinted and have 1. D. c:rr~l) Photographer ' Includes taking and finishing pictures for e profit; also enlarging aad framing pictures, but no house to ho~c;e; with cut solicitor's z license. :25.00 Phrenologist, whc~~e no fe4u are charged a ,but contriUu~r~>> are ,accepted 1;500,00 Phrenologist, wt P:r•~~ lee s are charged 1, 000.00 Tailor Includes.salr~ 'hut does not permit x ` cl e.aning and pres ~ ing 1 or 2 persons 15,00 '3 or 4 persons 25.00 Telegraph company'. '',~~ 350.00 Telephone company 50,00 Tourist-court Base rate 35.00 Plus room rate, 3 to 5 rooms 5.00' Plus room rate, over 5 rooms, each '- 1,00 • Trading stamp oi~ coupon redemption and%or dis- play room 200.00 Trade inducement compairy. (redemption store extra) '300.00 . Plus each outlet'serviced by trade .inducement company 10.00 Trailer court. >3ase rate 50.00 '~ Plus each place 2.00 `_ 108 - r ~; . Undertaker or funeral parlor; 350.00 P]us ambulan~c service, connected or not 75.00 ~~ State embalme s certificate required Water companties 500.00 SI'RVICF. FROM TRUCK: EACH VF,HICLE ~ 25.00 s Includes any bu=.iness using vehicles to performm services a:n homes and business houses and not otherc~ se specifically classified in the license schedu:Ie. Each vehicle shall re- quire separate license. Examples: Animal grooming Bakery, retail route Bottled gas dealer Cleaning, pressing, :!aunclry &:rug cleaning Dairy, retail route Diaper service Faire cxiinguishe~ se.rviee fruit, vegetables or produce, retail Grass or sod dea]e,^s ; Grease salvage ~olle~ticn. home repair' Janitor service Junk. gatherer Knife, scissors ~ tool. sharpener Linen, towel & uniform rental service Lunches or wrappccl sandcvi^_.hes Merchant, rolling grocery- ~ Plotor precision scr•vice to garages (portable) Nursery, shrubs, trees or• plants sold £rom truck Oil tan}c delivery wagon or truck, retail delivery 'of oil., kerosene or gasoline ' Paper, waste Poultry (brought_ in on trucks and not sold from establisl!ed p:ia~e of business) Water, bottled Water softener aervi~e (Ord. No. 51, See. 1) - 109 - A Section 2. If any section, subsection, paragraph, or other provision of this ordinance, or its application to any person or cir- cumstance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, such holding shall not affect the validity of any other section, subsection, paragraph, or other provision, or its application to other persons or circumstances. The Council hereby expresses the intent that it would have enacted the other provisions of this ordinance as if the invalid or unconstitutional provision was not contained within the ordinance. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 11 DAY OF MAY, 1972. PLACEll ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 8 DAY OF JUNE, 1972. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ii