Ordinance 1972-010 Amending Parking Spaces for RestaurantsORDINANCE N0. 10-72 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 45 OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, IT BEING THE COMPRE- }{ENSIVE ZONING CODE, BY AMENDING THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR RESTAURANTS IN C-A, C-lA, C-1 AND C-2 ZONES, TO PROVIDE FOR ONE SPACE ' FOR EAC}} 75 SQUARE FEET OF AREA DEVOTED TO PATRON USE OR ONE SPACE PER THREE FIXED SEATS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER, PLUS ONE SPACE FOR EACH ONE AND ONE-HALF PROJECTED EMPLOYEES WHO WOULD BE XICTUALLY WORKING DURING PEAK F,MPI,OYMENT HOURS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORI I)A Section 1. Section 45-31(G)(5) of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended under the subparagraph referring to "Restau- rants and cocktail lounges where food and drink may be consumed on the premises only and where eating and serving areas are entirely contained within the building, not including drive-in hamburger, ice cream, soft ' drink or other drive-in and/or carry-out eating establishments" by amending the parking spaces required for such use to read as follows: "Parking spaces required: One space for each 75 square feet of area devoted to patron use, or one space per three fixed seats, whichever i.s the greater, plus one space for each one and one-half projected employees who would be actually working during peak employment hours." Section 2. Section 45-32(E)(6) of the Village of North Palm Reach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Restaurants, one space for each seventy-five (75) square feet of floor area devoted to patron use, or one space per three (3) fixed seats, whichever is the greater, and one (1) space for each one and one-half projected employees who would be actually working during peak employment hours." PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 11 DAY OF MAY, 1972. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 8 DAY OF JUNE, 1972. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 8 DAY OF JUNE, 1972. /s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr. MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Cler