• JULY 8, 2010.
Present: William L. Manuel, Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Jennifer Hunecke, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 8:12 p.m All members of Council were present. All
members of staffwere present.
Mr. Knight reviewed the Village Business Forum held 6/16/2010. Mr. Knight reported that in
addition to Council and Village stafF, approximately 70 people attended. Mr. Knight gave a
synopsis of the meeting agenda. Mr. Knight related the results of "break-out" sessions, wherein
attendees were broken up into retail, professional, and, personal groups and asked to list the
positives and challenges of doing business in North Palm Beach, as well as potential solutions to
improve business success in the Village. Mr. Knight reported comments common to each group,
which included: Village is a safe community in which to do business, centrally located with easy
access to business, desire to maintain the "small town" feel, desire to create a standardized sign
code and allow more visibility for properties less than 5 acres, would like to see a Business
Advisory Board formed, want to streamline the process for building/licensing departmental
approvals, desire to utilize the Village Newsletter to highlight businesses.
Discussion was held on the formation of a Business Advisory Board. Mr. Knight suggested
Council consider assembling a nine member ad hoc committee with representatives from the
three main business disciplines, which could be approved by resolution rather than by an
ordinance requiring two readings. Mr. Knight noted that an ad hoc committee could be quickly
assembled and transitioned to an advisory board later, if it proves beneficial. Mr. Knight
suggested that the ad hoc committee be asked to study the feasibility of amending the sign code
to provide for better visibility of area businesses, while still preserving the unique character of
the Village. Discussion ensued on having councilmen serve as liaisons to the committee. It was
suggested that Vice Mayor Aubrey and Councilman Gebbia serve as the Council's representatives.
By consensus, Council directed that an ad hoc Business Advisory Committee be formed. Vice
Mayor Aubrey and Councilman Gebbia agreed to serve as Council liaisons to the Committee.
Community Development Director Chuck Huff will invite attendees from the Business Forum to
submit applications and will advertise for volunteers on the Village's website. Council determined
that members must be owners, operators, or managers of a business in North Palm Beach. A
resolution establishing an ad hoc Business Advisory Board will be prepared for Council
consideration at Regular Session.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held July 8, 2010 Page 2 of 2
• Discussion took place concerning allowing Village businesses to advertise in the Village Newsletter.
Mr. Knight distributed an example of various ad sizes and the cost for each. Mr. Knight noted
the need to cover the actual cost to the Village for each additional page in the newsletter.
Mr. Knight expressed that ads would be subject to the approval of Village administration.
Village Attorney Jennifer Hunecke cautioned that decisions on content must take into consideration
any first amendment issues. By consensus, Council approved moving forward with advertisements
in the Village Newsletter, conditioned upon ads being allowing for only those businesses located
within the Village's corporate limits and restricting the amount of advertising to two pages at the
back of the newsletter. Council expressed a preference for smaller sized ads, either one-quarter
or one-eighth of a page. Mr. Knight suggested perhaps only business card size ads should be
permitted. This item will be placed on an upcoming Workshop agenda for further consideration.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
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