Ordinance 1971-015 Establishing Administative CodeORDINANCE N0. 15-71
Section 1. That the Village of North Palm Beach Code is
hereby amended by adding thereto Sections 2-31 through 2-42, both in-
clusive, which said sections shall read as follows:
"Sec. 2-31. DEFINITIONS---As used in this Article, unless the context
otherwise requires:
(1) "Chief Administrator" or "Administrator" is the Village Manager
of t}ie Village of North Palm Beach.
(2) "Village" is the Village of North Palm Beach.
' (3) "Village Council" or "Council" is the council of the Village
of North Palm Beach.
"Sec. 2-32. DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION---(1) The Administrative Service
of the Village shall be divided under the Administrator into the follow-
ing departments and heads thereof:
Department of Finance ..................Director of Finance
Department of Public Safety.... ..Director of Public Safety
Department of Public Services.. .Director of Public Services
Department of Recreation....... .....Director of Recreation
Department of Library .......... ......... ....Librarian
(2) In addition, there shall be a Department of Records headed
by the Village Clerk, and a Department of Treasury headed by the Village
Treasurer under the Village .Council, which departments shall be coordinated
into the administrative service and cooperate with the Administrator
so as to coordinate the entire administrative service of the Village.
"Sec. 2-33. OATHS OF OFFICE---(1) Persons Required to Take Oath of
Office. Each of the following officers and employees in the administrative
service shall be required to take an oath of office before entering upon
t}ie discharge of his duties, which oath shall be subscribed by the person
taking it and shall be filed and preserved in the office of the Village
(a) Officers. The Village Manager and each department head.
(b) Public Safety Officers. Every member of the Department of
Public Safety (including any private, special, temporary or substitute
policemen which the Village might find it necessary to appoint).
(2) Form of Oath for the Chief Administrator and Officers.
State of Florida )
County of Palm Beach ) ss.
Village of North Palm Beach )
I, do solemnly swear that I will support
the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State
of Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Village of North Palm
Beach; that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my
' ditties as during my continuance therein; that
I am not directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public
service corporation engaged in business in the Village of North Palm
Beach, or in or with any person or corporation having contracts with
said Village, so help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19_
(3) Form of Oath for Members of Department of Public Safety.
State of Florida )
County of Palm Beach ) ss.
Village of North Palm Beach )
the Constitution of the United
of Florida and the Charter and
that I will, to the best of my
the office of Public Safety Of
help me God.
_, do solemnly swear that I will support
States, the Constitution of the State
Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; and
ability, faithfully perform the duties of
Dicer during my continuance therein, so
' Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19_
Notary Public
"Sec. 2-34. BONDS---REQUIRED OF CERTAIN OFFICERS---The following named
Village officials shall each, before entering upon the duties of their
respective offices, give a good and sufficient surety company bond
to the Village, duly approved by the Village Attorney, and conditioned
upon the faithful performance and discharge of their respective duties,
and for proper application and payment of all money or property coming
into their hands by virtue of their offices in the following amounts:
Village Manager $200,000.00
Village Treasurer $200,000.00
Village Clerk $ 10,000.00
Village Tax Collector $200,000.00
Each officer shall perform all duties required of his office by State law,
the Charter, the Code of the Village, and such other duties not in
conflict therewith as may be required by the Village Manager.
' (2) Department Heads. The Heads of Departments shall:
(a) Responsibility to Administrator. Be immediately
responsible to the Village Manager for the effective
administration of their respective departments and all
activities assigned thereto, except as provided in Sec. 2-32.
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(b) Inaugurate Sound Practices. Keep informed as to the
latest practices in their particular field and shall inaugu-
rate, with the approval of the Village Manager, such new
practices as appear to be of benefit to the service and to
iHie public.
(c) Report to Village Manager. Submit monthly and
annual reports of the activities of his department to the
Village Manager.
(d) Maintain Records. Establish and maintain a system of
filing and indexing records and reports in sufficient detail
to furnish all information necessary for proper control of
departmental activities and to form a basis for the periodic
reports to the Village Manager.
(e) Authority Over Employees. Have power, when authorized
by the Village Manager, to appoint and remove, subject to
Personnel Policy regulations for personnel, all subordinates
under him.
(f) Maintain Equipment. Be responsible for the proper main-
tenance of all Village property and equipment used in his depart-
(3) Departments. Each department shall furnish, upon the
direction of the Village Manager, any other department such
service, labor, and materials as may be requisitioned by the
head of such department, and as its own facilities permit,
through the same procedure and subject to the same audit and
control as other expenditures are incurred.
"Sec. 2-3G. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY---(1) IJuties of Treasurer.
In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any
to act department or office,
to promote, secure a it shall be the duty of the Treasurer
nd preserve the financial and property
intere sts of the Village. The Treasurer shall:
(a) Fiscal Supervision Over Officers. Exercise general
supervision over all officers of the Village regarding the
proper management of the fiscal concerns of their respective
(b) F,xamine Books. Examine the books of each department
from time to time, and see that they are kept in proper form.
(c) Report Delinquent Payments and Financial Reports. See
that officers receiving money pay the same into the Village
Treasury, when thereto required, and that all necessary finan-
cial reports are made by officers, and shall report all
delinquents in such payments or reports to the Village Manager
and Council.
(d) Duty Upon Default of Officer. Report the default of
any officer of the Village to the Village Manager who shall
direct the Village Attorney to take immediate legal measures
for the recovery of the amount for which such officer may be
in default.
(e) Responsibility for Proceeds of Bonds. Deposit the
proceeds of all sales of bonds with the Village Treasurer
immediately after he shall have received the sam, until such
deposit he shall be responsible for the amount thereof,
(i~ Accounts of receipts and expenditures. Keep in
proper books, a full and accurate account of all the moneys
received and disbursed by him in behalf of the Village,
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specifying the time of receipt and disbursement, from whom
received and to whom disbursed, and on what account received
and disbursed, and how paid.
(g) Cancellation of evidences of debt. Cancel all
warrants and other evidences of debt against the Village,
whenever paid by him, by writing or stamping across the face
thereof the words "Paid by the Village Treasurer," with the
date of payment written or stamped thereon.
(h) Receive and disburse moneys. Receive and have
custody of all moneys paid to the Village and shall disburse
all Village moneys.
(i ) Pay Village employees. Pay Village employees upon
presentation of the properly certified payroll.
(j) Collect moneys and fees due Village. Demand and
receive all moneys and fees owing to the Village whenever any
person is indebted to the Village in any manner, and the means
of collection of such debt is not otherwise provided by law.
When any claim shall not be collectible by other methods, he
shall report the same to the Village Attorney for prosecution.
(k) Permits and licenses. Issue all permits and licenses
except those which are required by ordinance to be issued by
a particular department or office.
(1) Monthly report to Finance Director. Make a detailed
report to the Finance Director on the first day of each month,
as to the business of his office during the month preceding,
showing the balance on hand to the credit of the different
funds at the time of his last report, the amounts received
during the month, and on what account, together with such other
items and facts as the Director of Finance may require.
"Sec. 2-37. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE---(1) The Department of
Finance shall be headed by the Finance Director, who shall:
(a) Audit accounts. Examine and audit the accounts of all
officers and departments subject to the approval of the
Village Manager and Council.
(b) Prescribe form. Prescribe the form of accounts and
reports to be rendered by him.
(c) Certify contracts. Certify according to law all
contracts, agreements, or other obligations for the expendi-
ture of public funds entered into by any official of the
Village government, and no such contract, agreement or other
obligation shall be valid until so certified by him.
(d) Budget duties. Prepare estimates of revenue, and
shall give such other assistance in the preparation of the
budget as may be required of him by the Village Manager.
(e) Financial statements. Transmit to the Village
Manager at least semi-monthly audited statements of cash on
hand and of classified unencumbered appropriation balances
for the Village as a whole, and such other financial state-
ments as the Manager may from time to time require. He shall
keep all departments, boards, commissions, or institutions
currently informed of its classified unencumbered appropria-
tion balances.
(f) Keep accounts. Keep all general accounts of the
Village government and of the respective departments, offices,
boards, commissions and institutions thereof.
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(g) Custodian of bonds, contracts, etc, Be charged
with the custody of the official bonds of Village employees,
except his own, which shall be in the custody of the Village
Treasurer, and with the custody of all deeds, mortgages,
contracts, judgments, notes, debts, and choses in action.
}{e shall keep and administer all securities, bonds, or other
forms of negotiable instruments owned by or belonging to the
"Sec. 2-38,
consist of a DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS---The Department of
Village Clerk, who shall: Records shall
(a) Clerk of Council. Serve as clerk of the Council and
perform such other duties of a like nature as shall be required
by that body.
(b) Keep Records of Council. Be responsible for the
recordin g, filing, indexing and safekeeping of all proceed-
ings of the Council.
(c) Record Ordinances, Record in full, uniformly and
permanently, all ordinances and shall authenticate the same.
(d) Publish Council Action. Publish all adopted ordinances
and resolutions of the Council, and all legal notices required
by law or ordinance.
(e) Keep Election Records. Keep and maintain all
election records and have custody of all property used in
connection with elections.
(f) Keep Vital Statistics, Prepare, attest and report on
the vital statistics of the Village.
(g) Notice of Expiration of Term. Notify the appointing
authority of the impending expiration of the term of office
of a member of any board or commission, said notice to be
given at least 30 days before such expiration.
(h) Keep Official Seal. Be the custodian of the official
seal of the Village,
"Sec. 2-39, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY---(1) Duties of Director of
Public Safety. The Director of Public Safety shall direct the police
and fire work of the Village, be responsible for the enforcement and
maintenance of law and order and shall:
(a) Make Assignments, Assign officers to their duties,
(b) Designate Instructor. Designate a competent officer
of the department to act as Instructor, Such officer shall
conduct such schools as the Director shall order.
(2) Divisions of the Department of Public Safety. The
Department of Public Safety shall be divided into the following divisions:
Police and Fire.
(a) The Police Division shall have the following duties:
1. Records. Provide and maintain (a) the central
complaint desk and dispatching police records, (b) criminal
and non-criminal identification, (c) the identification of
property, (d) the custody of property, and (e) the operation
of detention centers.
2, Patrol. To provide and maintain motor and foot
patrol units, and make routine investigations.
3. Investigation, To conduct the investigation of
crimes and to prepare evidence for the prosecution of
criminal cases,
4. Crime Prevention, To make plans and procedures
for the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency, to
handle cases in which women are involved, to remove crime
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hazards and to coordinate community agencies interested in crime
5. Traffic. To plan and conduct the control of
traffic, the traffic educational program, the school patrols,
the coordination of traffic accident prosecution.
Radio. To operate and maintain radio equipment.
(b) The Fire Division shall be charged with the prevention
of fires and the protection of life and property against fire and
1. Report Losses. Report all fire losses to the
Village Manager.
2. Maintain Equipment. Be responsible for the
maintenance and care of all property and equipment used by
the department.
3. Fire-fighting. Be responsible for the extinguishment
of fires, the saving of life and property from fire, and the
performance of various miscellaneous public services of an
emergency nature.
4. Fire Prevention. Be responsible for the inspection
of potential fire hazards, the abatement of existing fire hazards
and the conducting of an educational fire prevention program.
"Sec. 2-40. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES---(1) Duties of Director
of Public Services. The Director of Public Services shall be responsible
for all matters relating to construction, management, maintenance and
operation of the physical properties of the Village.
(2) Divisions of the Department of Public Services. The Department
of Public Services shall be divided under the Director of Public Services
into the following divisions and bureaus and supervisors thereof:
(a) Division of Permits and Inspections, which shall
issue all permits for, and inspect the work involved in, the
construction of sidewalks, curb cuts, street cuts; inspect
all work done under the provisions of the electrical, plumb-
ing and building codes of the Village; and inspect all
premises, including structures and appurtenances thereon,
for safety features.
(b) Division of Parks, which shall operate and maintain
all Village parks except that the recreational areas and
facilities shall be under the supervision of the Director
of Recreation.
(c) Division of Signal Service, which shall construct,
install, repair and maintain all facilities of the fire
and police signal systems, traffic control signals and other
electrically operated signals but excluding the police radio
(d) Division of Municipal Garage, which shall operate the
municipal public works complex, and shall maintain and
provide for Village uses all automotive equipment owned by
the Village.
(e) Refuse Disposal Division, which shall collect garbage
and rubbish.
(f) Street Maintenance Division, which shall maintain and
provide for adequate drainage on all streets, sidewalks and
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"Sec. 2-41. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY---The Department of Library shall
he supervised by the Village Librarian, who shall operate and maintain
the free public library.
"Sec. 2-42. DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION---(1) Duties of Director of
Recreation. The Director of Recreation shall plan, promote, organize
and supervise a comprehensive municipal recreation program, and administer
the same in the interest of the entire community, and shall:
(a) Supervise Recreation Areas. Supervise the recreational
use of playgrounds, play fields, recreation centers, ball diamonds and
such other recreation areas and facilities as may be made available
to carry out the Village's recreation program.
(b) Conduct Community Activity. Conduct and supervise any
forrn of recreational, cultural or social activity that will employ
the leisure time of the citizens in a wholesome and constractive manner.
/s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr.
/s/ Dolores R. Walker
Village Clerk
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