Ordinance 1971-014 Landscape OrdinanceORDINANCE N0. 14-71
Section 1. That the Village of North Palm Beach Code is here-
by amended by adding new sections to be numbered Sections 41-16 through
41-23, both inclusive, which said sections shall read as follows:
"Sec. 41-16, OBJECTIVE---The objective of this
Article is to improve the appearance of certain
setback and yard areas and including off-street
vehicular parking and open lot sales and service
areas in the village, and to protect and preserve
-ihe appearance, character and value of the surround-
ing neighborhoods and thereby promote the general
welfare by providing for installation and maintenance
of landscaping for screening and aesthetic qualities,
since the village council finds that the peculiar
characteristics and qualities of the village
justify regulations to perpetuate its aesthetic
appeal on a village wide basis.
MENT---This Article shall be a minimum standard and
shall apply to all areas in the village limits.
"Sec. 41-18. DEFINITIONS---In construing the pro-
visions of this Article, and each and every word,
term, phrase or part thereof, where the context
will permit, the definitions; provided in Section
1.01, Florida Statutes, and the following defini-
tions shall apply:
' (1) Encroachment. "Encroachment" is defined
as any protrusion of a vehicle outside of a parking
space, display area or accessway into a landscaped
(2) Landscaping. "Landscaping" shall consist
of any of the following or combination thereof:
material, such as, but not limited to, grass,
ground covers, shrubs, vines, hedges, trees or
palms; and nonliving durable material commonly used
in landscaping, such as, but not limited to, rocks,
pebbles, sand, walls or fences, but excluding
(3) Shrubs. "Shrubs" required by this article
shall be self-supporting, woody, evergreen species,
as normally grown in this area or this county.
feet in this area or this county.
(4) Trees. *'Trees" shall be defined as self-
supporting woody plants of species which normally
grow to an overall height of a minimum of fifteen
(5) Vines. "Vines" are plants which normally
require support to reach mature form.
--~1~ N11 areas u
asplay or
parking of any and all types of vehicles, boats or
heavy construction equipment, whether such vehicles,
boats or equipment are self-propelled or not, and
all land upon which vehicles traverse the property
as a function of the primary use, hereinafter
referred to as "other vehicular uses" including
but not limited to activities of a drive-in nature
such as, but not limited to, filling stations,
grocery and dairy stores, banks, restaurants, and
the like, shall conform to the minimum landscaping
requirements hereinafter provided, save and except
areas used for parking or other vehicular uses
under, on or within buildings, and parking areas
serving single and two-family uses as normally
such residential areas are voluntarily landscaped.
(2) Installation. All landscaping shall be
installed in a sound workmanship like manner and
according to accepted good planting procedures with
the quality of plant materials as hereinafter
described. All elements of landscaping exclusive
of plant material except hedges shall be installed
so as to meet all other applicable code require-
ments. Landscaped areas shall require protection
from vehicular encroachment as herein provided in
Section 41-19(6)(7). A qualified representative of the
agency charged with the issuance of a building permit
shall inspect all landscaping and no certificate of
occupancy or similar authorization shall be issued
unless the landscaping meets the requirements herein
(3) Maintenance. The owner, tenant and their
agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally respon-
sible for the maintenance of all landscaping which
shall be maintained in good condition so as to present
a healthy, neat and orderly appearance and shall be
kept free from refuse and debris. The responsibility
for maintenance as set forth herein shall include the
swale areas between the sidewalk and road pavement
directly in front of the site. All landscaped areas
shall be provided with a readily available water supply
with at least one outlet located within fifty feet of
all plant material to be maintained.
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(4) Plant Material. (a) ialit Plant materials
used in conformance with provisions of this article
shall conform to the Standards for Florida No. 1 or
better as given in "Grades and Standards for Nursery
Plants", Part I, 1963, and Part II, State of Florida,
Department of Agriculture, Tallahassee, or equal thereto.
Grass sod shall be clean and reasonably free of weeds
and noxious pests or diseases. Grass seed shall be
delivered to the jobsite in bags with Florida Department
of Agriculture tags attached indicating the seed grower's
' compliance with the department's quality control program.
(b) Trees shall be species having an average
mature spread of crown of greater than fifteen feet in
this area or this county and having trunk(s) which can
be maintained in a clean condition over five feet of
clear wood. Trees having an average mature spread of
crown less than fifteen feet may be substituted by
grouping same so as to create the equivalent of a
fifteen foot crown spread. Palms shall be considered
trees in accord with standards promulgated by the village
council. Tree species shall be a minimum of fifteen
feet overall height immediately after planting. Trees
of species whose roots are known to cause damage to
public roadways or other public works shall not be
planted closer than twelve feet to such public works
unless the tree root system is completely contained
within a barrier for which the minimum interior con-
taining dimensions shall be five feet square and five
feet deep, and for which the construction requirements
shall be four inch thick concrete reinforced with #6
road mesh (6x6x6) or equivalent. A list of such tree
species shall be maintained by the village for the
guidance of the public.
' (c) Shrubs and Hedges. Shrubs shall be a mini-
mum of two feet in height when measured immediately
after planting. Hedges, where required, shall be
planted and maintained so as to form a continuous,
unbroken, solid, visual screen within a maximum of one
(1) year after time of planting.
(d) Vines. Vines shall be a minimum of thirty
inches in height, immediately after planting, and may be
used in conjunction with fences, screens, or walls to
meet physical requirements as specified.
(e) Ground Covers. Ground covers used in lieu
of grass in whole or in part shall be planted in such
a manner as to present a finished appearance and
reasonably complete coverage within three months after
(f) Lawn Grass. Grass areas shall be planted
in species grown as permanent lawns in this county.
Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded
except that solid sod shall be used in swales or other
areas subject to erosion, and providing that in areas
' where other than solid sod or grass seed is used, nursegrass
seed shall be sown for immediate effect and protection
until coverage is achieved.
(5) Required landscaping adjacent to public rights-
of_way. Qn the site of a building or structure or
open lot use providing an off-street parking area or
other vehicular use area, where such area will not be
entirely screened visually by an intervening building
or structure from any abutting right-of-way, excluding
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dedicated alleys, there shall be provided landscaping
between such area and right-of-way, as follows:
(a) A strip of land at least five (5) feet in
depth located between the abutting right-of-way and
the off-street parking area or other vehicular use
area which is exposed to an abutting right-of-way shall
be landscaped, such landscaping to include one tree
for each fifty lineal feet or fraction thereof. Such
trees shall be located between the abutting right-of-
way and off-street parking area or other vehicular
use area and shall be planted in a planting area of
at least twenty-five square feet with a minimum dimension
of at least five feet. In addition, a hedge or other
durable landscape barrier of at least two feet in height
shall be placed along only the perimeter of such land-
scaped strip. If such durable barrier is of nonliving
material, for each five feet thereof, one shrub or vine
shall be planted abutting such barrier but need not be spaced
five feet apart. Such shrubs or vines shall be planted along
the street side of such barrier unless they are of sufficient
height at the time of planting to be readily visible
over the top of such barrier. The remainder of the
required landscaped areas shall be landscaped with
grass, ground cover or other landscape treatment ex-
cluding paving; provided, however, that a nonliving
durable wall may be erected on the perimeter of the
required landscaped area opposite the sidewalk or at
any point at least three feet from the sidewalk within
this landscaped area. No such landscape barrier wherever
located under this subsection shall exceed three feet
in height or be less than two feet in height.
(b) All property other than the required
landscaped strip lying between the right-of-way and
off-street parking area or other vehicular use area
shall be landscaped with at least grass or other
ground cover.
(c) Necessary accessways from the public
right-of-way through all such landscaping shall be
permitted to service the parking or other vehicular
use areas and such accessways may be subtracted from
the lineal dimensions used to determine the number
of trees required.
(6) Perimeter landscaping relating to abutting
properties. On the site of a building or structure
or open lot use providing an off-street parking area or
other vehicular use area, where such areas will not be
entirely screened visually by an intervening building
or structure from abutting property, that portion of
such area not so screened which lies between the front
edge of the property and the front building line
shall be provided with a hedge or other durable landscape
barrier not greater than three feet in height nor less
than two feet in height to form a continuous screen
between the off-street parking area or other vehicular
' use area and such abutting property; provided, however,
that that portion of such area not so screened which
lies between the front building line and the rear line of
the property shall be provided with a hedge or other
durable landscape barrier not greater than six feet in
height or less than two feet in height to form a
continuous screen between the off-street parking area
or other vehicular use area and such abutting property.
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Such landscape barrier shall be located between the
common lot line and the off-street parking area or other
vehicular use area exposed to the abutting property
provided the purpose of screening off-street parking
area and other vehicular use areas is accomplished.
If such barrier consists all or in part of plant
materials, such plant materials shall be planted in
a planting strip of not less than two and one-half
feet in width. In addition, one tree shall be provided
for each seventy-five lineal feet of such landscape
' barrier or fractional part thereof. Stiach trees shall
be located between the common lot line and the off-
street parking area or other vehicular use area. Each
such tree shall be planted in at least twenty-five
square feet of planting area with a minimum dimension
of at least five feet. Each such planting area shall
be landscaped with grass, ground cover or other
landscape material excluding paving in addition to
the required tree. The provisions of this subsection
shall not be applicable in the following situations:
(a) When a property line abuts a dedicated
alley, or to those portions of the property that are
opposite a building or other structure located on
the abutting property.
(b) Where a proposed parking area or other
vehicular use area abuts an existing hedge or other
durable landscape barrier on an abutting property,
said existing barrier may be used to satisfy the
landscape barrier requirements of this subsection
provided that said existing barrier meets all appli-
cable standards of this article and protection
against vehicular encroachment is provided for hedges.
' (c) Where the abutting property is zoned or
used for nonresidential uses, only the tree provision
with its planting area as prescribed in this subsection
shall be required; however, the, number of trees may
be reduced to one tree for every one hundred twenty-
five lineal feet or fraction thereof but all perimeter
requirements shall apply within the front setback area.
(d) Where abutting property owners desire to
share their parking lots, the requirements of a peri-
meter hedge between the two owners may be eliminated
provided that the gross area of landscaping which has
been eliminated is placed elsewhere in the parking area,
so that the total amount of landscaped area will not be
lessened by eliminating the perimeter hedge.
(7) Parking area interior landscaping. Off-street
parking areas shall have at least ten square feet of
interior landscaping for each parking space excluding
those spaces abutting a perimeter for which landscap-
ing is required by other sections hereof and excluding
all parking spaces which are directly served by an
aisle abutting and running parallel to such a perimeter.
' In addition, other vehicular use areas shall have one
square foot of landscaped area for each one hundred
square feet or fraction thereof of paved area for the
first fifty thousand square feet excluding the first
five thousand square feet of paved area plus one
square foot of landscape area for each two hundred square
feet or fraction thereof of paved area for all paved
area over fifty thousand square feet; provided, however,
in areas zoned for industrial use these requirements
shall be reduced by fifty percent. Where the property
contains both parking areas and other vehicular use
areas, the two types of areas may be separated for the
purposes of determining the other vehicular use area by
first multiplying the total number of parking spaces
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by four hundred and subtracting the resulting figure
from the total square footage of the paved area. Each
separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of
fifty square feet and shall have a minimum dimension of
at least five feet and shall include at least one tree having
a clear trunk of at least five feet, with the remaining area
adequately landscaped with shrubs, ground cover or other
authorized landscaping material not to exceed three feet
in height. The total number of trees shall be not less
than one for each one hundred square feet or fraction
thereof of required interior landscaped area. Such
landscaped areas shall be located in such a manner as
to divide and break up the expanse of paving.
In other vehicular use areas where the strict
application of this subsection will seriously limit
the function of said area, the required landscaping
may be located near the perimeter of the paved area
including such perimeters which may be adjacent to
a building on the site. Such required interior land-
scaping which is relocated as herein provided shall
be in addition to the perimeter landscaping require-
The front of a vehicle may encroach upon any
interior landscaped area when said area is at least
three and one-half feet in depth per abutting parking
space and protected by wheel stops or curbing. Two
feet of said landscaped area may be part of the required
depth of each abutting parking space.
(8) Sight distance for landscaping adjacent to
public rights-of way and points of access. When an
' accessway intersects a public right-of-way or when
`the subject property abuts the intersection of two
or more public rights-of-way, all landscaping within
the triangular areas described below shall provide
unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between three
feet and six feet, provided, however, trees or
palms having limbs and foliage trimmed in such
a manner that no limbs or foliage extend into the
cross-visibility area shall be allowed, provided they
are so located so as not to create a traffic hazard.
Landscaping except required grass or ground cover shall
not be located closer than three feet from the edge
of any accessway pavement. The triangular areas
above referred to are:
(a) The areas of property on both sides of
an accessway formed by the intersection of each side
of the accessway and the public right-of-way line
with two sides of each triangle being ten feet in
length from the point of intersection and the third
side being a line connecting the ends of the two
other sides.
(b) The area of property located at a corner
formed by the intersection of two or more public
rights-of-way with two sides of the triangular area
being thirty feet in length along the abutting public
right-of-way lines, measured from their point of
intersection, and the third side being a line connect-
ing the ends of the other two lines.
(9) Existing plant material. In instances where
healthy plant material exists on a site prior to its
development in part or in whole, for the purpose of
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off-street parking or other vehicular use areas, the
agency charged with the issuance of building permits
may adjust the application of the above mentioned
standards to allow credit for such plant material if,
in its opinion, such an adjustment is in keeping with
and will preserve the intent of this article.
' ••----••-• ~~ Y~.,.y,~., .+VV1Yl.1L---11f wnunitree or
Ad.iustment. There is hereby created a committee of
adjustment to consist of the village manager, the
chairman of the beautification committee, the building
inspector and the chairman of the village appearance
(2) Procedure for adjustment of standards. The
committee of adjustment, upon receipt of an applica-
tion for adjustment of landscaping requirements
provided herein which is filed on forms prescribed
by the village and executed and sworn to by the owner
or tenant of the property concerned or by authorized
agents as evidenced by written power of attorney,
and accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars
shall have the authority and duty to consider and
act upon such application. The applicant shall,
in the application, clearly and in detail state what
adjustment of requirements are being requested, and
the reasons such adjustments are warranted, and
shall accompany the application with such supple-
mentary data, such as sketches, surveys and statistical
information as is deemed necessary to substantiate
the adjustment. The committee may approve, modify
or deny the requested adjustment, but shall approve
or modify only if it determines that approval of any
adjustment would not be contrary to the public interest
and would be in keeping with and would preserve the
intent of this article and that literal enforcement
of the above standards would be impracticable and
would result in unreasonable and unnecessary hard-
ship. The committee of adjustment shall act as
expeditiously as possible on the application, and shall
post their decision in the form of a short, concise
statement of the action taken on a conspicuous bulletin
board in the village hall.
(3) Appeal to Vi11aQe Council. Within ten days
after posting of decision, but not thereafter, any
decision of the committee of adjustment may be
appealed by the applicant upon the payment of a fee
of twenty-five dollars, to the Village Council; other-
wise, it shall become final. The appeal shall be on
a form prescribed by the village and filed with the
building inspector and the petitioner shall be notified
of the time and place the appeal will be heard by the
village council, The appeal shall state in brief,
concise language the grounds and reasons for reversal
of the ruling made by the committee of adjustment; and
the village council may affirm, modify, or reverse the
' ruling of the committee of adjustment subject to the
guides and standards governing the corrunittee. Neither
the committee nor the village council shall entertain
requests for adjustments from higher standards required
by this article.
provisions of this article shall apply only to new
off-street parking uses or other vehicular uses.
- ~ -
(2) The provisions of this article shall be subject
to other applicable regulations where such regulations
are more restrictive and are not otherwise inconsistent
with the provisions of this article.
(3) The building inspector shall have the authority
to issue a certificate of completion to the owner or to
the contractor or subcontractors which shall indicate
' the portions of the construction and development which
have been completed according to plan and building code
requirements. Certificate of completion shall not
authorize occupancy or partial occupancy of the building
or premises.
(4) Accessways. The maximum width of a residential
accessway through the perimeter landscaped strip .to
an off-street parking or other vehicular use area shall
be twenty feet for the two-way vehicular movement and ten
feet for one-way vehicular movement. For commercial
and industrial uses, the maximum width for accessways
shall be two times that for residential uses. No more
than one two-way accessway shall be permitted for any
street frontage up to one hundred lineal feet or no
more than two one-way accessways shall be permitted
for any street frontage up to one hundred lineal feet,
such standards to be applicable to any property under
one ownership. where such ownership involves over
one hundred feet of street frontage, one additional
two-way or two additional one-way drives may be per-
mitted for each additional one hundred feet of frontage
or major fraction thereof. The balance of such street
frontage not involved with accessways shall be land-
scaped in accordance with the provisions of this article.
' (5) The provisions of this article shall not apply
to properties upon which single family or two-family
dwellings are or are to be erected.
"Sec. 41-
u~~ureN~s---except ror single Tamily and two-family
dwellings, prior to the issuance of any permit for
paving which is included under the provisions of this
article, a plot use plan shall be submitted to and
approved by the agency charged with the issuance of
building permits, subject to review and approval of
such other agencies as may be deemed advisable by the
building permit agency. The plot plan shall be drawn
to scale, including dimensions and distances, and
clearly delineate the existing and proposed parking
spaces, or other vehicular use areas, access aisles,
driveways, sprinklers or water outlet locations, and
the location, size and description of all other land-
scape materials, the location and size of buildings
if any to be served, and shall designate by name and
location the plant material to be installed, or, if
existing, to be used in accordance with the requirements
' hereof. No permit shall be issued for such building
or paving unless such plot plan complies with the pro-
visions hereof, and no certificate of use and occupancy
shall be issued until the landscaping is complete,
and it shall be unlawful to occupy the premises unless
the landscaping is installed in accordance with the
approved plot plans and the requirements hereof.
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The building inspector's office shall prepare and
from time to time revise an off-street parking land-
scape manual and make the same available to the public,
which manual shall provide an illustrative interpretation
of the above standards and suggested guides for land-
scaping in accordance with the above standards."
' Section 2. (a) If any sentence, phrase, clause or other
part of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or un-
enforceable or invalid, it shall not be construed to affect the re-
mainder of the ordinance and the remainder of the ordinance shall be
(b) If any requirement of this ordinance shall conflict
with the location or height of walls as set forth in Section 45-36
of the Village of North Palm Beach Code, then the provisions of Section
45-36 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code shall prevail.
Section 3. Any person, association, firm or corporation
violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or failing to do
anything required by this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not
to exceed five hundred dollars or imprisoned not to exceed sixty days,
and each day's violation shall be a separate offense. The village shall
also have the right to injunction or other process as provided by law
for the enforcement.
/s/ H. Mallory Privett, Jr.
/s/ Dolores R. Walker
Village Clerk
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