MAY 24, 2007
Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor
William Manuel, Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
Darryl Aubrey, Councilman
T.R. Hernacki, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Eissey called the Workshop Session to order at 8:05 p.m. All members of Council were
present. All members of staff were present.
Steve Howarth of TBE Group presented the conceptual master plan for Anchorage Park improvements.
Discussion took place on the conceptual plan and the proposed construction phases of various
portions of the project. Council consensus was in favor of the plan prepared by TBE Group, as well
as the proposed project phasing. The Council recognized the work of the Recreation Advisory Board
• and Waterways Board in assisting staff and TBE Group with development of the conceptual plan.
Community Development Director Charles Cangianelli reviewed the proposed policy
establishing a standard contract payment and retainage process for Village capital projects.
Mr. Cangianelli detailed the approval process for projects costing $10,000 and less, $10,000 to
$100,000, and over $100,000, with projects over $100,000 coming to Council for final approval
prior to release of retainage or final payment. Mr. Cangianelli noted that this approval process
would be used for change orders also.
Village Manager Jimmy Knight reviewed the change order process, in which the Council would
be notified of any change orders, and change orders in excess of $10,000 would be brought
before Council for approval. Mr. Knight discussed the need for a procedure for Manager
approval of change orders exceeding $10,000 in the case of exigent circumstances, such as a life
safety issue or when waiting until the next Council meeting would adversely impact the project's
progress, with any such approval submitted to Council at its next meeting.
Discussion ensued on emergency change order approvals, with suggested language being added
so that the paragraph would read: "In those events in which a Changer Order is operationally
required exceeding the ten-thousand dollar threshold and exigent circumstances can be
established and documented requiring immediate action prior to the next Council meeting, the
• Village Manager may approve the Change Order so as not to adversely delay the project, with the
understanding it will immediately be submitted at the next Council Meeting for Council ratification."
The project close-out, retainage, and change order policy will be included with revisions to the
purchasing procedures and placed on an upcoming Workshop Session agenda.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held May 24, 2007 Page 2 of 2
. Discussion took place on amending the composition of Village Advisory Boards to change
alternate members to regular members.
Discussion ensued on quorum requirements. It was noted that five member boards have a
quorum of three, with alternates serving as voting members when regular members are absent.
Discussion took place with respect to establishing seven-member boards and keeping the quorum
requirement of three members.
Village Attorney Len Rubin advised that by statute, the Code Enforcement Board is a seven-
member board, with afour-member quorum requirement. Mr. Rubin stated that there are purely
advisory boards, such as Recreation, Library, Waterways, and Country Club, while other boards
have statutory requirements that must be considered.
Council consensus was to change alternate members to regular members if the quorum issue can
be addressed.
Discussion was held concerning Council direction to Village Advisory Boards.
Discussion ensued on the use of the word "shall" in Section 2-54, Duties, and Section 2-56,
Access to Records, of Division 2, Audit Committee, of the Code of Ordinances. The following
suggestions were made: add the words "subject to the directions of the Village Council" at the
end of the first sentence in Section 2-54; change "shall serve" to "serves" in Section 2-54(3).
• Mr. Rubin noted that the Audit Committee has a statutory function with regard to the selection of
the Auditor.
Discussion took place on giving direction and guidance to advisory boards with regard to order
of business, conduct of meetings, role, and responsibility.
Mr. Knight and Mr. Rubin will prepare draft guidelines on authority and compile a standardized
procedure for items such as conduct of meetings, in order to provide guidance to the advisory boards.
Upon completion of the procedure, boards will be notified and scheduled on the agenda for an
upcoming Workshop Session, with one board per meeting to be addressed.
Chief Knight briefly mentioned the issues raised by representatives of the Police and Fire
Pension Board, and noted that, with regard to lump sum disbursement, it is a bargaining issue
and negotiations are presently being held. Mr. Knight advised that other benefit changes
provided for by statute will be brought forward for Council action.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk