Present: Donald G. Noel, Mayor
Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor
Charles R. O'Meilia, President Pro Tem
David B. Norris, Councilman
Robert F. Rennebaum, Councilman
Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager
George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney
Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Noel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staff were present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to rank the applicants for the
Village Manager position for the purpose of negotiating a contract with the top-ranked applicant.
Mark Bates was chosen as the top-ranked applicant by a straw ballot. Addition rounds of balloting for
second and third place were conducted. All ballots are attached to the Minutes of record.
Councilman Rennebaum moved that Paul Sabiston be ranked as No. 2. President Pro Tem O'Meilia
seconded the motion, and all present voted aye.
Councilman Rennebaum moved that George Hunt be ranked as No. 3. President Pro Tem O'Meilia
seconded the motion, and all present voted aye.
Councilman O'Meilia moved that Colin Baenziger be directed to negotiate a beginning salary of
$120,000. Councilman Rennebaum seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3, with President Pro
Tem O'Meilia and Councilman Rennebaum voting aye, and Councilman Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey and
Mayor Noel voting nay.
Councilman Norris moved that negotiations being with the same salary as that paid to the last Village
Manager, Dennis Redmond, which was $105,000. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. The
motion passed 3-2, Councilman Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Noel voting aye, and
Councilman Rennebaum and President Pro Tem O'Meilia voting nay.
Consultant Colin Baenziger was directed to begin negotiations and to request a start date of October 1,
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
lam/ L! ~~
thl en F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager Ballot Summary
September 23, 2004
Results for:
Straw Ballot
1St Choice Ballot ^ 2"d Choice Ballot ^ 3`d Choice Ballot ^
Candidate Eisse Noel Norris O'Mielia Rennebaum Total
Bates p/ ,/ ~ ti/ ,~ r-
Hunt ~~
Sabiston ,/ ,/
Saddler ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager Straw Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please place a check mark next to the names of your top two candidates to be North
Palm Beach's next Village Manager.
One of my
Candidate top two
Mark Bates
George Hunt
Jason Nunemaker
Paul Sabiston
Charles Saddler
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager Straw Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please place a check mark next to the names of your top two candidates to be North
Palm Beach's next Village Manager.
Candidate One of my
top two
Mark Bates
George Hunt
Jason Nunemaker
Paul Sabiston
Charles Saddler
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager Straw Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please place a check mark next to the names of your top two candidates to be North
Palm Beach's next Village Manager.
Candidate One of my
top two
Mark Bates
George Hunt
Jason Nunemaker
Paul Sabiston
Charles Saddler
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager Straw Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please place a check mark next to the names of your top two candidates to be North
Palm Beach's next Village Manager.
Candidate One of my
top two
Mark Bates 1/
George Hunt
Jason Nunemaker
Paul Sabiston
Charles Saddler
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager Straw Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please place a check mark next to the names of your top two candidates to be North
Palm Beach's next Village Manager.
Candidate One of my
top two
Mark Bates
George Hunt
Jason Nunemaker
Paul Sabiston
Charles Saddler
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager 1St Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your first choice to be the next Village Manager of North
Palm Beach.
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager 1St Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your first choice to be the next Village Manager of North
Palm Beach.
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
~i St
Village Manager 1 Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your first choice to be the next Village Manager of North
Palm Beach.
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager 1St Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your first choice to be the next Village Manager of North
Palm Beach.
~efPS ~ /
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
'•! st
Village Manager 1 Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your first choice to be the next Village Manager of North
Palm Beach.
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
• nd
Village Manager 2 Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your second choice to be the next Village Manager of
North Palm Beach.
l~un/r ~~
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
/2e~a e~aaur~c
Village of North Palm Beach
• nd
Village Manager 2 Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your second choice to be the next Village Manager of
North Palm Beach.
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
• nd
Village Manager 2 Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your second choice to be the next Village Manager of
North Palm Beach.
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
• nd
Village Manager 2 Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your second choice to be the next Village Manager of
North Palm Beach.
~ ~~
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the Ballot:
Village of North Palm Beach
• nd
Village Manager 2 Choice Ballot
September 23, 2004
Please write the name of your second choice to be the next Village Manager of
North Palm Beach.
`~,d~ S~ d f`1
Signature of Elected Official Submitting the~iallot:
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Manager Ballot Summary
September 23, 2004
Results for:
Straw Ballot ^
1St Choice Ballot ^ 2°d Choice Ballot Imo' 3`d Choice Ballot ^
Candidate Eissey Noel Norris O'Mielia Rennebaum Total