10-13-2004 VC SP-MMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA • OCTOBER 13, 2004 Present: Donald G. Noel, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor Charles R. O'Meilia, President Pro Tem David B. Norris, Councilman Robert F. Rennebaum, Councilman Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Noel called the meeting to order at 5:38 p.m All members of Council were present. All members of staffwere present, except Village Attorney George Baldwin. The purpose of the meeting was to consider a proposed agreement with top-ranked Village Manager candidate Mark Bates. Consultant Colin Baenziger provided copies of a survey listing salaries and benefits of city managers within Palm Beach County. Mr. Baenziger reported on his negotiations with • Mr. Bates and reviewed the draft employment agreement, as follows: Section 4, Salary and Compensation Adjustments: compensation was set at $119,500. Section 7, Removal of Village Manager, subsection A: language concerning removal by supermajority vote was deleted. Discussion ensued regarding severance pay. By 3 - 2 vote, with Councilman Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey, and Mayor Noel voting in favor, and Councilman Rennebaum and President Pro Tem O'Meilia opposed, the Council approved three months severance pay if termination occurs during the first six months of the contract, and six months if termination occurs thereafter. This item will require a code amendment. Section 8, Longevity, Vacation and Sick Leave: the word "longevity" was deleted. Discussion took place regarding vacation. By 4 - 1 vote, with Councilman Rennebaum, Councilman Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey, and Mayor Noel voting aye, and President Pro Tem O'Meilia voting nay, the Council approved three weeks vacation. Section 10, Health, Dental, Life and Disability Insurance: subsection B, by 4 - 1 vote, with Councilman Rennebaum, Councilman Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey, and Mayor Noel voting aye, and President Pro Tem O'Meilia opposed, the Council agreed to change term Life insurance coverage from $200,000 to twice the Manager's annual salary. In subsection C, the Council, by consensus, agreed to give the Manager the option to obtain his own disability insurance and • reimburse him up to the amount that the Village would pay if he were covered under the Village's policy. In subsection D, references to life and disability insurance were deleted. By consensus, the Council agreed to pay 50% of the cost for family health and dental insurances, and opted not to include a Village contribution to the Manager's medical savings account. Minutes of Special Session October 13, 2004 • Section 13, Retirement and Deferred Compensation: by consensus, the Council agreed to provide the Manager with a percent of his annual base salary that he may invest into the manager's mvestment plan, with the percentage to be m accordance with the percentage established for general employees of the Village, or to allow the option that the Manager contribute 7% of his annual base salary, with the Village contribution fixed at 12%. Section 14, Dues & Subscriptions and Expenses: by consensus, the Council agreed to pay the Manager's membership dues in the professional organizations listed. Section 17, Moving Allowance: by consensus, the Council agreed to a fixed sum of $10,000. Section 18, Relocation: the Council unanimously agreed to allow the Manager 120 days to attain residence within the Village limits. This item will require a code amendment. Section 19: change "their" to "his" and delete the phrase "before the expiration of the Term of employment." Discussion took place regarding the Village Attorney's letter dated 10/12/04, which included the following recommendations: Section 3, Duties and Responsibilities: delete the word "all" in the last sentence, regarding hiring and firing and direction of Village employees, in order to avoid conflict with the Charter. • Section 7, Removal of Village Manager, subsection A(3): delete the phrase "and their dependents" in order to avoid conflict with Section 2-116(3) of the Code. Acting Village Manager Doug Smith discussed concerns with Section 10, Health, Dental, Life and Disability Insurance, subsection B, regarding Life insurance. Mr. Smith reported that our current policy goes up to $200,000, and advised that he will work with Finance to implement this change. By consensus, the Council appointed Mayor Noel as its representative to assist Mr. Baenziger with contract negotiations. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. ~~ Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk • 2