04-28-2005 VC REG-MMINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION • VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 28, 2005 Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor David B. Norris, Vice Mayor Robert F. Rennebaum, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Donald G. Noel, Councilman Mark Bates, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Eissey called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilman Noel gave the invocation, and President Pro Tem Rennebaum led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Mayor Eissey recognized Wiley Livingston, Public Services Department, for 30 years of service. A plaque and check will be conveyed to Mr. Livingston, who was unable to be present. Village Manager Mark Bates introduced new Finance Director, Trey Sizemore. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Session held 4/14/05 were approved. ORDINANCE 06-2005 ENACTED -BUDGET AMENDMENT -GRANT AWARD FOR DRUG INTERDICTION President Pro Tem Rennebaum moved that Bill 1168 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2004- 2005 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,996.00 TO PAY FOR DRUG INTERDICTION OVERTIME, FUNDED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT, LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM be placed on second reading and read by title alone. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. President Pro Tem Rennebaum moved to enact Bill 1168 as Ordinance 06-2005. Councilman Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD APRIL 28, 2005 CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED • Councilman O'Meilia moved to accept the Consent Agenda. Councilman Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. The following item was approved: Resolution 37-2005 authorizing and directing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County, the Metropolitan .Planning Organization (MPO) and other municipalities, providing for notice, analysis, and review requirements when the county or a municipality that is a party to the agreement seeks to limit the planned or existing traffic capacity of one or more MPO plan roads RESOLUTION 38-2005 ADOPTED -CONSTRUCTION MONITORING AGREEMENT Councilman Noel moved to adopt a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONITORING SERVICES WITH MILLER LEGG ASSOCIATES, INC. ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT PROVIDES THE VILLAGE WITH CONSTRUCTION MONITORING SERVICES FOR THE PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT FROM NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD TO BURNS ROAD; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Vice Mayor Norris seconded the motion. During discussion, consensus of the Council was to amend Exhibit A, Scope of Services, section 2.4, by deleting the words "or within the 30 days following substantial completion, whichever is sooner" in the last sentence. Thereafter, the motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 39-2005 ADOPTED -MEDICAL CLAIMS AUDIT AGREEMENT President Pro Tem Rennebaum moved to adopt Resolution 39-2005 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A MEDICAL CLAIMS AUDIT AGREEMENT WITH SIVER INSURANCE CONSULTANTS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR SERVICES OF AN INSURANCE CONSULTANT TO MAKE A CLAIMS AUDIT OF THE VILLAGE THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR REVIEWING ALL CLAIMS PROCESSED FOR MEDICAL, DENTAL, HOSPITALIZATION AND PRESCRIPTION DRUGS; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Councilman Noel seconded the motion, which passed 4 - 1, with President Pro Tem Rennebaum, Councilman Noel, Vice Mayor Norris, and Mayor Eissey in favor and Councilman O'Meilia opposed. 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD APRIL 28, 2005 RESOLUTION 40-2005 ADOPTED -RANKING ANNEXATION CONSULTANTS • Each Councilman ranked a first and second choice for annexation consultant, copies of which are on file in the Clerk's office. The number 1 and 2 ranked firms were Blosser & Sayfie and Ambit Marketing, and Politically Correct, respectively. Vice Mayor Norris moved to adopt Resolution 40-2005 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RANKING THE SELECTION OF A PUBLIC RELATIONS/POLITICAL CONSULTING FIRM, AND DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE AND RETURN AN ACCEPTABLE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ASSISTANCE IN PROMOTING THE VILLAGE'S ANNEXATION PROGRAM FOR COUNCIL'S CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL Councilman Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. RESOLUTION 41-2005 ADOPTED -APPOINTING MEMBERS TO VILLAGE BOARDS By written ballot, copies of which are attached to the Minutes of record, the Village Council made its annual appointments to various Village Boards. Additional appointments were made by motion, as follows: Councilman O'Meilia moved to reappoint all incumbents to the Audit Committee. Councilman Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Councilman O'Meilia moved to reappoint all incumbents to the Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals. President Pro Tem Rennebaum seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Councilman Noel moved to appoint Rob Rennebaum to the Audit Committee. Vice Mayor Norris seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Councilman O'Meilia moved to reappoint the incumbent alternates to the Waterways Board and to reappoint the incumbent Village Historian. President Pro Tem Rennebaum seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Thereafter, the following names were entered into Resolution 41-2005: Audit Committee: Christina Ivaldi, Jerome Nolan, Robert Rennebaum, Kim Longfellow, 1st Alternate, Emery Newell, 2nd Alternate; Code Enforcement Board: Frank Manning and Ed Moore; Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals: Thomas McCarthy, Scott Studer, Harry Ackerman, 1st Alternate, Charles Giacomelli, 2nd Alternate; Country Club Advisory Board: John Archetti, Sandy Finck, Greg Karambelas; Library Advisory Board: Nancy Levine, Patty Sullivan, Eleanor Wehrman, 1st Alternate, Natalie McKenna, 2nd Alternate; Planning Commission: Cory Cross, Todd Engle, Richard Freedman, 1st Alternate, Susan Marks, 2nd Alternate; Recreation Advisory Board: Brian Mahoney, Mark Mays, Paul Beach, 1st Alternate, Mark Finney, 2nd Alternate; Zoning Board of Adjustment: Dianne Reeves, Roy Chapin, Peter Carvajal, 1st Alternate, Ted Bukowski, 2nd Alternate, Village Historian: Joan Aubrey; Waterways Board: • Jerrauld Carron, 1st Alternate, Kenneth Wright, 2nd Alternate. 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION IIELD APRIL 28, 2005 Councilman Noel moved to adopt Resolution 41-2005 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE AUDIT COMMITTEE, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS, COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD, LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD, PLANNING COMMISSION, RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD, ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, WATERWAYS BOARD, AND APPOINTING A VILLAGE HISTORIAN President Pro Tem Rennebaum seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. GOLF COURSE CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN DESIGN SERVICES -TABLED TO 5/12/05 Councilman O'Meilia moved to take from the table a proposed resolution accepting the proposal of Nicklaus Design, LLC, for design services for a golf course conceptual master plan. Councilman Noel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Village Manager Mark Bates reported that the revised agreement was not received in time for review by the Village Attorney. Councilman Noel moved to table this issue to the next meeting. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS The Village Clerk was directed to add the Waterways Board to the rotation schedule for Council attendance at Advisory Boazd meetings. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith reported on the service azea agreement with Palm Beach County that was approved by the Seacoast Utility Authority Boazd of Directors at its meeting on 4/27/05. Mr. Smith gave a presentation on cost shazing alternatives with regard to the Village's health insurance plan. Mr. Bates reported on the PGA bridge improvements by the Department of Transportation, and efforts to lessen the impact on Village residents by identifying possible alternative mooring sites for the contractor's bazges. Mr. Bates gave an update on a proposed cross-pazking agreement with First Unitazian Church. Mr. Bates reported on his discussions with First Presbyterian Church, the Recreation Director and the Recreation Advisory Board regazding the parking lot at Osborne Pazk. 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD APRIL 28, 2005 Village Attorney George Baldwin reported on the progress of negotiations with the Benjamin School for a contract to purchase property on Carolinda Drive for a north substation. Mr. Baldwin advised that the Benjamin School has signed a revised contract and the North Substation Committee recommends it for Council consideration at the next regular meeting. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY BOARDS Mayor Eissey acknowledged receipt by the Council of the following Board minutes: Minutes of Waterways Board meeting held 2/16/05 Minutes of Planning Commission Public Hearing held 3/1/05 Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held 3/1/05 Minutes of Waterways Board meeting held 3/22/05 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. /_~ Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk • 5 CLERK'S TALLY SHEET CODE EN~ORCE~iIENT BOARD . April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 2 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bukowski, Ted Lakin, Hope Manning, Frank (I) Moore, Ed (I) Romero, Daisy ~- 6~~~ re) ~~~~ ~~ (Signature) C7 BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 2 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bukowski, Ted Lakin, Hope Manning, Frank (I) Moore, Ed (I) Romero, Daisy ~. (Signature) • BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 2 Round 1 Round 2 Bukowski, Ted Lakin, Hope Manning, Frank (I) Moore, Ed (I) Romero, Daisy Round 3 • BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 2 Round 1 Round 2 Bukowski, Ted Lakin, Hope Manning, Frank (I) X Moore, Ed (I) Romero, Daisy Signature) Round 3 • 1 • BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 2 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bukowski, Ted Lakin, Hope Manning, Frank (I) / Moore, Ed (I) / Romero, Daisy (Signature) • l BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 2 Round 1 Round 2 Bukowski, Ted Lakin, Hope Manning, Frank (I) Moore, Ed (I) _~ Romero, Daisy (Signature) Round 3 r. CLERK'S TALLY SHEET COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 3 Requirements: 1 must be tennis member, 1 must be pool member: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Archetti, John 'u' Campbell, John Diaz, Kerry Finck, Sandy (I) Karambelas, Greg (I) ~~, Marks, Susan Mayer, Alan Romero, Daisy Swanson, William (I) ~_ J (Sign ure) ~~--- • (Signature) BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 3 Requirements: 1 must be tennis member, 1 must be pool member: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Archetti, John Campbell, John Diaz, Kerry Finck, Sandy (I) Karambelas, Greg (I) _~ Marks, Susan Mayer, Alan Romero, Daisy Swanson, William (I) • (Signature) BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 r] L Vacancies: 3 Requirements: 1 must be tennis member, 1 must be pool member: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Archetti, John Campbell, John Diaz, Kerry Finck, Sandy (I) (/ Karambelas, Greg (I) _~ Marks, Susan Mayer, Alan Romero, Daisy Swanson, William (I) (Signature) BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 3 Requirements: 1 must be tennis member, 1 must be pool member: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Archetti, John Campbell, John Diaz, Kerry Finck, Sandy (I) Karambelas, Greg (I) Marks, Susan Mayer, Alan Romero, Daisy Swanson, William (I) • BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVI SORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 3 Requirements: 1 must be tennis member, 1 must be pool member: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Archetti, John~~ Campbell, John Diaz, Kerry Finck, Sandy (I) V Karambelas, Greg (I) Marks, Susan Mayer, Alan Romero, Daisy Swanson, William (I) • ~ (Signature) U BALLOT '~ COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 3 Requirements: 1 must be tennis member, 1 must be pool member: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Archetti, John Campbell, John Diaz, Kerry Finck, Sandy (I) / Karambelas, Greg (I) / Marks, Susan Mayer, Alan Romero, Daisy Swanson, William (I) • • • CLERK'S TALLY SHEET LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 Regular and 2 Alternates) Round 1 Foster, Kari Levine, Nancy (I) McKenna, Natalie (I) -~~~~ Ryan, Susan Sullivan, Patty (I} ~ Wehrman, Natalie (I) ~'~LL (Sig ature) ,. __ a ~ (Signature) Round 2 Round 3 • BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 Regular and 2 Alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Foster, Kari Levine, Nancy (I) _(~ McKenna, Natalie (I) ~~ Ryan, Susan Sullivan, Patty (I) ~~ Wehrman, Natalie (I) Round 3 • • BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 Regular and 2 Alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Foster, Kari Levine, Nancy (I) ~ McKenna, Natalie (I) f Ryan, Susan Sullivan, Patty (I) Wehrman Natalie I () • BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 Regular and 2 Alternates) Round 1 Foster, Kari Levine, Nancy (I) ~ McKenna, Natalie (I) ~_ Ryan, Susan Sullivan, Patty (I) ~ Wehrman, Natalie (I) ~' v (Signature) Round 2 Round 3 • BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 Regular and 2 Alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Foster, Kari Levine, Nancy (I) McKenna, Natalie (I) Ryan, Susan Sullivan, Patty (I) ~/ Wehrman, Natalie (I) Round. 3 • BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 Regular and 2 Alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Foster, Kari Levine, Nancy (I) McKenna, Natalie (I) Ryan, Susan Sullivan Patt I Y O '~ Wehrman N t ~" a alie (I) (Signature) ; Round 3 • CLERK'S TALLY SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 5 total (3 regular & 2 alternates) Requirements: 1 must be civil engineer, 1 must be NPB business Round 1 Corvelli, Jill Cross, Cory (I) Engle, Todd (I) Freedman, Richard (I) Marks, Susan Romero, Daisy v (S gnature) (Signat re) Round 2 Round 3 • BALLOT PLANNI NG COMMISSION April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 5 total (3 regular & 2 alternates) Requirements: 1 must be civil engineer, 1 must be NPB business Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Corvelli, Jill Cross, Cory (I) /~ Engle, Todd (I) `~ Freedman, Richard (I) Marks, Susan Romero, Daisy (Signature) • • BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 5 total (3 regular & 2 alternates) Requirements: 1 must be civil engineer, 1 must be NPB business Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Corvelli, Jill Cross, Cory (I) X Engle, Todd (I) X Freedman, Richard (I) X Marks, Susan Romero, Daisy (Signature) BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 5 total (3 regular & 2 alternates) Requirements: 1 must be civil engineer, 1 must be NPB business Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Corvelli, Jill Cross, Cory (I) Engle, Todd (I) Freedman, Richard (I) ~ Marks, Susan Romero, Daisy • BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 5 total (3 regular & 2 alternates) Requirements: 1 must be civil engineer, 1 must be NPB business Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Corvelli, Jill Cross, Cory (I) Engle, Todd (I) Freedman, Richard (I) -~'" Marks, Susan Romero, Daisy -~'.---~ ~. (Signature) • BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 5 total (3 regular & 2 alternates) Requirements: 1 must be civil engineer, 1 must be NPB business Round 1 Round 2 Round 3. Corvelli, Jill Cross, Cory (I) _~ Engle, Todd (I) ~~ Freedman, Richard (I) ~~ Marks, Susan Romero, Daisy ~• L .CLERK'S TALLY SHEET RECREATIO~1 ADVISORY BOARD • April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Beach, Paul (I) ~_ Finney, Mark (I) `~ Mahoney, Brian (I) / l7~ Mays, Mark (I) Stone, Carolyn (Signature) ~G ~" l (Signature) BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 2 Round 3 Beach, Paul (I) Finney, Mark (I) Mahoney, Brian' (I) Mays, Mark (I) Stone, Carolyn C • BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Beach, Paul (I) Finney, Mark (I) Mahoney, Brian (I) Mays, Mark (I) Stone, Carolyn Round 2 Round 3 r~ BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Beach, Paul (I) l/ Finney, Mark (I) y Mahoney, Brian (I) ~ Mays, Mark (I) 1/ Stone, Carolyn Round 3 C7 • BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Apri 128, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Beach, Paul (I) ~C Finney, Mark (I) Mahoney, Brian (I) Mays, Mark (I) }~ Stone, Carolyn (Signature) Round 3 • C7 BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Beach, Paul (I) Finney, Mark (I) Mahoney, Brian (I) ~/ Mays, Mark (I) Stone, Carolyn `'(Signature) ,~ Round 3 • t CLERK'S TALLY SHEET ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Bukowski, Ted l ~c ~ Chapin, Roy (I) Carvajal, Peter (I) ~_ Lakin, Hope Reeves, Dianne (I) ~~ i (Signature) i ~~~~~~o~. /~~ (Signature) Round 3 • BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Bukowski, Ted Chapin, Roy (I) Carvajal, Peter (I) ~~' Lakin, Hope Reeves, Dianne I v () ~~~ "(Signature) J Round 2 .Round 3 • n U BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Roun 1 Round 2 Bukowski, Ted Chapin, Roy (I) ~ Carva"al Peter I J ~ () Lakin, Hope Reeves, Dianne (I) Round 3 • • BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Bukowski, Ted Chapin, Roy (I) X Carvajal, Peter (I) X Lakin, Hope Reeves, Dianne (I) ~ (Signature) Round 3 • BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Bukowski, Ted ~~ Chapin, Roy (I) l./' Carvajal, Peter (I) / Lakin, Hope Reeves, Dianne (I) ~L (`g ature) Round 2 Round 3 • BALLOT c ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 28, 2005 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular and 2 alternates) Round 1 Round 2 Bukowski, Ted ~ Chapin, Roy (I) / Carvajal, Peter (I) / Lakin, Hope Reeves, Dianne (I) / Round 3