Present: Tom Valente, Mayor
V.A. Marks, M.D., Vice Mayor
' Judy M. Pierman, President Pro Tem
Kenneth H. Mays, D.M.D., Councilman
Craig Mundt, Councilman
Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager
Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk
Mayor Valente called the Workshop Session to order at 10:07 p.m.
All members of the Council and the staff were present.
A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 527, a proposed ordinance
annexing to the Village certain areas of property; providing a legal
description of the property proposed to be annexed; redefining the
boundaries of the Village to include said property; and providing
an effective date. The proposed ordinance will be placed on the
regular session agenda of January 28, 1988.
BILL 527
A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 530, a proposed ordinance BILL 530
amending the North Palm Beach General Fund budget for fiscal year
1987-88 to correct the Public Safety fringe benefit budgeted amount.
The proposed ordinance will be placed on the regular session agenda
of January 28, 1988.
A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 531, a proposed ordinance
' amending the NPBCC budget for fiscal year 1987-88 by appropriation
transfer from the Improvement Revenue Bond Fund 1981 Series to
purchase a 1/2 ton pickup truck for the golf course maintenance
department. The proposed ordinance will be placed on the regular
session agenda of January 28, 1988.
A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 532, a proposed ordinance
amending the NPBCC budget for fiscal year 1987-88 by appropriation
transfer from the Improvement Revenue Bond 1981 Series for the
emergency repair to water line supplying the NPBCC golf course.
The proposed ordinance will be placed on the regular session agenda
of January 28, 1988.
BILL 531
BILL 532
A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 533, a proposed ordinance BILL 533
amending Chapter 22 of the Village Code, the Plumbing Code for
the Village, specifically the Standard Plumbing Code, 1985 Edition.
The proposed ordinance will be placed on the regular session agenda
of January 28, 1988.
The item concerning the Review of Audit was removed from the agenda
and will be placed on the January 28, 1988 Workshop agenda.
A discussion concerning review of County proposal requesting
Village comments for rezoning at A-1-A and Richard Road, and also
' a proposed rezoning on the west side of Prosperity Farms Road,
300 ft, north of Northlake Blvd. This item will be placed on
regular session agenda of January 28, 1988.
A discussion was held concerning the transfer of $170,050.00 from
the 1981 Bond Issue Reserve Account to the Restricted Capital Im-
provements Account and Unrestricted Expenditure Account to trans-
fer the 57% General Fund Share of Released Fund from Debt Ser-
vice Reserve. This item will be placed on the January 28, 1988
regular agenda.
Minutes of the Workshop Session
Held Thursday, January 14, 1988
Page 2
A discussion was held concerning the transfer of $3,200 from Account R&M WATER LINE
No. 10-519-061-49911 (Council Contingency) as follows: $1,600 to
Account No. 10-541-034-34688 (R&M Water Line) to cover emergency repair
of water line. This item will be placed on the January 28, 1988
regular agenda.
' A discussion was held concerning the purchase of a 1/2 ton pickup TRUCK FOR GOLF
truck for golf course maintenance in the amount of $10,288.20 to COURSE MAINTENANCE
be expended from the 1981 Bond Issue Renewal Capital Projects
Account. This item will be placed on the .January 28, 1988
regular agenda.
A discussion was held concerning a request from Allamanda Ele- ALLAMANDA SCHOOL
mentary School to erect signs in the road right-of-way on Pros- SIGN REQUEST
perity Farms Road, north and south of Burns Road. A resolution
will be drafted and will be placed on the January 28, 1988 regu-
lar agenda.
Mayor Valente requested Steve Sandusky to discuss with the Country GOLF BENEFIT FOR
Club Advisory Board at their meeting of January 19, 1988, having KARL STRAYER
a golf tournament for Karl Strayer to help defray his medical ex-
There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURNMENT
meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
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Minutes recorded by: DoTore~alker, CMC, Village Clerk
' Minutes typed by: Mary S. Baldwin, Asst. to Village Clerk