Present: Tom Valente, Vice Mayor
Kenneth H. Mays, D.M.D., President Pro Tem
' V. A. Marks, M.D., Councilman
Judy M. Pierman, Councilman
Charles R. O'Meilia, Acting Village Manager
Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk
Absent: Craig Mundt, Mayor
Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager
Vice Mayor Valente called the Workshop Session to order at 7:56 ROLL CALL
p.m. All members of the Council were present except Mayor
Mundt, who was out of state. All members of staff were present
except Ray Howland, Village Manager, who was on vacation.
A discussion was held concerning award of bid to Municipal BID AWARD -
Equipment Company, Orlando, FL, for 1,000 ft, of four and FIRE HOSE
one-half inch fire hose for the Public Safety Department in the
amount of $6,750 to be expended from Account No. 10-522-022-66490
(Fire Department Capital). A resolution on this bid will be
typed and placed on the regular session agenda of February 26,
' A discussion was held concerning the acceptance of a Proposal PROPOSAL -
from Charles S. Whiteside, Inc., Lake Worth, FL, for 30 tons of ASPHALT WORK -
asphalt for the North Palm Beach Country Club in the amount of NPBCC
$3,000 to be expended from Account No. 41-572-111-34680 (R & M -
Streets, Roads & Paths). There were certain questions that had
to be answered and Steve Sandusky, who could have answered them,
was on vacation. Therefore, this item will be placed on the
workshop session agenda of February 26, 1987 for further
A discussion was held concerning the acceptance of a Proposal STORM PANELS -
from B. H. Folding Shutters, Jupiter, FL, for storm panels for NPB LIBRARY
the upstairs and downstairs foyer area windows at the Library in
the amount of $2,754 to be expended as follows: $2,700 from
Account No. 10-571-041-66000 (Capital) and $54 from Account No.
10-571-041-35214 (R & M -Building Maintenance). This item will
be placed on the regular session agenda of February 26, 1981.
A discussion was held concerning award of contract to Material ENERGY MONITOR
Control, Inc., Aurora, IL, for an energy monitor in the amount of
$2,500 to be expended from Account No. 10-519-032-66000
(Capital). This item will be placed on the regular session
agenda of February 26, 1987.
' A discussion was held concerning construction of two permanent PERMANENT HOUSING
houses for State Park employees at MacArthur State Park. A AT MAC ARTHUR
resolution will be prepared by our Village Attorney regarding STATE PARK
the wastewater disposal by aerobic process for these houses and
will be placed on the regular session agenda of February 26,
A discussion was held concerning the construction of the sanitary NATURE CENTER &
disposal facilities for the nature center and restrooms on the RESTROOMS AT
beach at Mac Arthur State Park. A resolution will be prepared by MAC ARTHUR STATE
our Village Attorney regarding the wastewater disposal by aerobic PARK
process and a waterless composting system and will be placed on
the regular session agenda of February 26, 1987.
Minutes of Workshop Session
Held Thursday, February 12, 1987
Page 2
There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURNMENT
meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p, m.
Minutes recorded by: ~A1/u~ ~~jj ('
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