06-27-1985 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1985 Present: Tom Valente, Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem V. A. Marks, M. D., Councilman ' Craig Mundt, Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Phillip C. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Valente called the Workshop Session to order at 9:01 p.m. ROLL CALL All members of the Council and the staff were present. A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 466, a proposed BILL NO. 466 - ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Village of North Palm Beach AMENDING ELECTRI- Code, the Electrical Code for the Village, by adopting by CAL CODE FOR THE reference thereto the National Electric Code, 1984 Edition, and VILLAGE setting forth amendments to said National Elecric Code. This item will appear on the Regular Session agenda of July 11, 1985. Mr. Robert A. Holley, Robert Holley Associates, was not present COMMUNITY at the workshop session; therefore, Council did not discuss his CENTER report on the acoustical problem at the North Palm Beach ACOUSTICS Community Center. This item will appear on the July 11th Workshop Session Agenda. A discussion was held concerning the problem of the roof at the AUTHORIZATION North Palm Beach Library leaking so badly. Repairs to the roof FOR BIDS - ' have been made to no avail. Therefore, Council authorized the LIBRARY ROOF Village Manager to prepare specifications and go out to bid for a new roof for the Library. A discussion was held concerning Perry Cable's proposed increase PERRY CABLE from $8.40 per month to $9.95 per month for basic cable, and an PROPOSED RATE increase from $20.00 to $33.00 for connections. This item will INCREASE appear on the July 11th Regular Session agenda. A discussion was held concerning execution of the Interlocal INTERLOCAL Agreement between Palm Beach County and the Village of North Palm AGREEMENT - Beach concerning the Palm Beach County Countywide Beaches and P.B. COUNTY Shores Council. The Village Clerk was directed by Council to COUNTYWIDE check Sec. 163.01 (3) of the Florida Statutes, which was referred BEACHES & to in the Agreement, and advise the Council what this statute SHORES COUNCIL pertained to before they took action on the Agreement at the July 11th Regular Session. A discussion was held concerning the immediate initiation of TRAFFIC talks with Palm Beach County concerning transfer of title of the SIGNALS six traffic signals owned by the Village from the Village to the County. This item will appear on the July 11th Regular Session agenda. ' A discussion was held concerning the Village Attorney drafting a NEW ORD. TO single ordinance to replace Ordinance Nos. 133-66, 8-77 and REPLACE OR DS. 147-67, concerning the regulation of beer, wine and liquor OMITTED FROM licenses, which Municipal Code Corporation inadvertently omitted VILLAGE CODE during the codification process. The Village Attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance for the Workshop Session of July 11th for Council's consideration. ~i II LJ Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, June 27, 1985 Page 2 A discussion was held concerning standardizing starting times for budget workshops, and also discussing the protocol for handling the budget. This item was for discussion only and no action is necessary. A discussion was held concerning John Atwater, the Director of Public Safety, hiring an experienced person in his department to be a fire leader due to the resignation of Larry Joyce, former Fire Chief. The Council authorized Mr. Atwater to seek a person with the necessary experience at a salary range of between $22,000-$24,000 per year, but not to give him the title of Fire Chief. Upon finding such a person, Mr. Atwater is to advise Council, give them all the necessary information, and then we will place the item on a Regular Session agenda for Council action. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Minutes recorded bye%~C,/4~-c+--..~~~~,L~.~r, C./7~c, 0 ores Wa er, i7 aTge ~ eT~ BUDGET WORKSHOPS HIRING FIRE LEADER FOR PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT. ADJOURNMENT