02-28-1985 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1985 Present: V. A. Marks, M. D., Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem Craig Mundt, Councilman Tom Valente, Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 8:45 p.m. ROLL CALL All members of the Council and staff were present. A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 458.- sale, lease or BILL N0. 458 improvement of certain Village owned real property. It was decided that after revisions had been made the bill was to be brought back before the council. A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 460 - satellite television BILL N0. 460 - antennas. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that the bill SATELLITE TV. should be revised and brought back before the Council at a later ANTENNAS date. A discussion was held concerning the proposal of the U. S. Coast PARKER BRIDGE - ' Guard for regulatory hours for the Parker Bridge. It was decided DRAWBRIDGE HOURS that a letter is to be written by the Village Manager acknowledging the Council's support of the proposal, but stipulating that we would still prefer having the bridge open every hour and every half hour. A discussion was held concerning the purchase of the former gas ANCHORAGE PARK tank sight at Anchorage Park. It was decided that Mr. Schwenke GAS TANK SITE was to be contacted to see if he would be interested in donating the site. A discussion was held concerning proposals from the potential labor LABOR RELATIONS negotiators for the Village. It was decided that this item will NEGOTIATOR be placed on regular session agenda of March 14, 1985 for approval. The agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and North AGREEMENT - Palm Beach Presbyterian Church concerning parking areas was placed VILLAGE & NPB on the Regular Session agenda and was approved. PRESBYTERIAN There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURNMENT meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, CMC, Village Clerk ' Minutes transcribed by: Beverly J. Kiselewski