THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1984
Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor
Al Moore, Vice Mayor
Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem
Craig Mundt, Councilman
Tom Valente, Councilman
Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager
Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
Joan C. Bernola, Finance Director
Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk
Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:15 p.m. ROLL CALL
All members of the Council and the staff were present.
A discussion was held concerning the award of bid to Zambelli BID AWARD -
Fireworks Mfg. Co., New Castle, Pa., for the 4th of July FIREWORKS
Fireworks Display in the amount of $2,790.00 to be expended from
Account No. 43-572-49.32 (Special Events). This item will be
placed on the regular session agenda of May 24, 1984.
Discussion was held concerning the award of bid to Coastal Ford BID AWARD -
Truck Sales, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, for one packer truck in PACKER TRUCK
the amount of $39,675.20, to be expended from Federal Revenue
Sharing Account No. 33-534-64.10.
Discussion was held concerning the award of bid to DeBra Turf & BID AWARD -
Industrial Equipment Company, Hollywood, FL, for two dumpster THREE WHEEL
type Cushman vehicles in the amount of $9,830.00, with trade-in, UTILITY VEHICLES
to be expended from Federal Revenue Sharing Account No.
33-534-64.10, and for one cargo type Cushman vehicle in the
amount of $3,948.00, to be expended from Account No.
32-519-64.10 (Auto Equipment).
An emergency ordinance will have to be prepared for the purchase EMERGENCY ORD.
of the Packer Truck and two Three Wheel Utility Vehicles. The TO BE PREPARED
money will have to be transferred from the Council Contingency
Account because we will not have the Federal Revenue Sharing
Funds on hand at the time these vehicles are ordered. This
ordinance and the bid awards on these vehicles will be placed on
the regular session agenda of May 24, 1984.
The Council discussed at great length the status of the Pension PENSION FUND
Fund for employees of the Village with Investment Counsel
Company. Mr. Tom Lloyd of Investment Counsel Company was present
at the meeting to answer any questions from the Council. The
Council requested additional information from the Finance
Director regarding this fund and indicated that there would be
another meeting on this matter in the future.
The Council discussed the recently granted pool rebates and the REBATES -
proposed golf rebates at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Swim NPBCC
members will be credited 25% of the membership fee for this year
' once their memberships are renewed. A decision for the golf
member credit will be decided at the Council budget hearings for
fiscal year 1984-85. Information on the decision will be sent
out with the September monthly billing.
Since the workshop session was so long and the hour was late, POLICE/FIRE
Council decided that they would hold a special workshop on PENSION ORD.
revisions to the Police/Fire Pension Ordinance and have the PBA
representatives present to discuss this matter.
Minutes of Workshop Session
Held Thursday, May 10, 1984
Page 2
Council discussed new headquarters for Emergency Medical
Services. Several places were suggested but no decision was
made. Councilman Mundt stated that he felt we should move ahead
with some sort of urgency so that we have made some commitments.
The Village Manager will look into this and get back with Council
as soon as possible.
The Council discussed volunteers for community service.
Councilman Mundt stated he would like to get some volunteers
stimulated again in the Village. He said we have people who are
so talented and they seem to be reluctant to come forward at
this time. The Council instructed the Village Manager to look
into this, put it in the Newsletter and get some things working.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, CMC
Village Clerk