05-14-1982 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1982 1 1 Present: Al Moore, Mayor W. H. Brown, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem V. A. Marks, M.D., Councilman Absent: Tom Valente, Councilman Mayor Moore called the Workshop Session to order at 8:10 ROLL CALL p.m. All present with the exception of Councilman Valente, who was excused. Discussion was held concerning Ordinance 30-80 which ORDINANCE 30-80 regulates hours of operation for public parks and recreational facilities in the Village. It was agreed that the opening hour of operation, Sunday only, should be 9:00 a.m. for all parks in the Village. This item will be placed on Regular Session of May 27. Discussion was held concerning the re-creation of a RE-CREATION OF beautification committee. It was decided that this BEAUTIFICATION committee would not be re-created. COMMITTEE Discussion was held concerning closing of the North MONDAY CLOSING Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course on Mondays beginning NPB COUNTRY CLUB the first Monday in June thru the second Monday in GOLF COURSE October. With the exclusion of July 5 and Labor Day, September 6. This item will be placed on Regular Session of May 27. Discussion was held concerning the telephone system at the NPB Country Club. It was decided that a new system should be looked into for the Club and Village Hall. TELEPHONE SYSTEM,I IMPROVEMENT OF Discussion was held concerning a letter from J.R. MAC ARTHUR BEACH MacArthur to Ney Landrum regarding the MacArthur Beach NUDIST PROBLEM nudist situation. It was decided that Vice Mayor Brown would write a letter in answer to this letter. Discussion was held regarding a meeting with Representa- bSEETING WITH tive Jim Watt subject being his annual post legislative REP. JIM WATT session. It was decided that a late afternoon date would be most convenient, on either Monday or Wednesday. Discussion was held concerning the school crossing SCHOOL CROSSING guards salaries being the responsibility of the Village GUARDS SALARY rather than County. It was decided that Mr. Gildan would draft a letter to be signed by C.R, O'Meilia as Acting Village Mgr. Discussion was held regarding a letter from Mr. Kitterman LIGHTING OF THE concerning a light being placed in the pool area of the CC POOL AT NIGHT Country Club so as to possibly dissuade its use by unauthorized persons during the night. It was decided that this matter would be routed to the Country Club Advisory Board for their recommendation. Minutes of Workshop Session Held May 13, 1982 Page 2 1 1 n I~ Discussion was held regarding the satellite disks that SATELLITE DISKS have been suggested for use in and around the Village. It was stated that the Village has no juristiction over these other than the same restrictions that apply for TV antenna. Discussion was held concerning memo from Village Manager PROMOTIONS concerning several promotions that needed to be made. It was decided that this matter could be taken care of withoug being placed on the Council's agenda. The Village Manager discussed with Council plans for BUDGET MEETING budget meetings. It was decided that July 12 - 16 and DATES SET July 19 - 21 would be good times for all concerned. There being no further business the Workshop Session was ADJOURNMENT adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Betty C. Green Deputy Village Clerk