03-25-1982 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1982 ilr~ 1 1 Present: A1.Moore, Mayor W. H. Brown, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem V. A. Marks, M.D., Councilman Tom Valente, Cotmcilman Mayor Moore called the Workshop Session to order at 9:15 p.m. All ROLL CALL members of the Council and staff were present. Under statements from the public, Bob wined concern over "live-aboards" at that the waters are being polluted by by these boats and that there seem to what is allowed on a full time basis. Code Enforcement Officer make a perio the next two weeks and report back to Russell of Old Port Cove the Marina in OPC. He feels waste materials being expelled be more "live-aboards" than Council suggested that the Lic check of these vessels for the Council at that time. STATEME[JLS FROM 1HE PUBLIC Charlie O'Meilia, Public Services Director, advised Council that he has a letter from the doclanaster concerning this sub3ect and would make this information available to Coiu-cil. President Pro Tem Nolan suggested that the Ordinance pertaining to this situation be discussed at the next Workshop Session, April 8. This item will be placed on that agenda -Ordinance 14-76 (Section 5-20 in Code Book). Discussion was held concerning Bill ,1k397 -Limiting Term of Office of Mayor. It was decided 3-2 to put this item on the next Regular Session of April 8. Councilmen Marks and Valente wished to change the length of time to one year as opposed to two. ORDINANCE 14-76 PLACID ON NEXT WORKSHOP BILL ~k397 Discussion was held concerning the Village's support for the Metro- METROPOLITAN politan Planning Organization's "Unified Planning Work Program." PLANNING COMMISSION It was decided that the Village Manager would write a letter wicing UNLFIID PLANNING the Village's support to this organization. WORK PROGRAM Discussion was held concerning the Royal American proposal fora PROPOSAL OF ROYAL 72" drainage pipe under Prosperity Fartns Road. This item will be AMERICAN - 72" PIPE brought back to the Workshop of April 8 for further discussion, along with additional information asked for by Crnncil. Vice Mayor Brown reported on a meeting with the Area Planning Board and 20S Committee of March 24, 1982. Discussion was held concerning a letter from Mr. Anthony C. Reiger, M.D. who was questioning a $9.82 charge per mmth for water even though no one would be on the premises making use of this water for umnths at a time. It was decided that a letter would be sent to Mr. Reiger from the Clerk's office explaining that there was nothing that could be done regarding this charge. A discussion was held concerning the Recreation Sign-up Program. The Village Manager advised the Council after some discussion that the problem had already been straightened out. There being no further business the Workshop Session was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. REPORT FRIXI VICE MAYOR LETTER CONCERNING SEAOOAST G'Ei.ARGE RECREATION SIGN-UP PROGRAM ADJOURI~IT Minutes recorded by: Betty C. Green Deputy Village Clerk