03-11-1982 VC WS-MMINUPES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VTfSAI_F' COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIAA HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1982 1 i 1 Present: Al Moore, Mayor W. H. Brawn, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolan, President Pm Tem V. A. Marks, M.D., Councilman Tam Valente, Councilmanann Mayor Moore called the Workshop Session to order at 9:10 p.m. All ROLL CALL m~nbers of the Council and staff were present. Mr. Tan Monaghan, 548 Gulf Road wished to discuss two subjects; STATEMENLS FROM 1) the swale area in front of the i1PB Elemantary School, voicing his THE PUBLIC concern of the children who may be harmed by the cars parked in this area, darting from behind, between, etc. Suggestion was made by Council that the Village Manager meet with the Director of Public Safety and the School officials to reach a satisfactory solution of this problem. 2) at Anchorage Park, the view of the Seacoast Utilities facility is not the most pleasant. Perhaps a hedge could be planted on the park side, in conjunction with Seacoast, to make this area more pleasing to the eye. Suggestion was made by Council that the Clerk notify the Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board look into this proposal and make a recamiendation to the Council. A discussion was held cancerrung Review of the Audit of September 30, REVIEW OF THE AUDIT 1981. Mr. Paul Bremrer, the Village Auditor, answered several questions fran Council concerning this subject. Vice Mayor Brawn gave a report on his recent trip to Tallahassee concerning the J.D. and Catherine T. MacArthur County and State Park A discussion was held concerning the Reconsideration of Perry Cable TV Rate Increase -the hiring of an expert to imrestigate the rate increase application of Perry Cable TV. This item will be placed on the next Regular Session of March 25, 1982. It was suggested that the Clerk put this information in the newspaper along with the present rates and what will be asked for with the increase. A discussion was held concerning the payment of a ltunp sum 5% probationary of $500 to Jane Bliss Lerner of the Public Safety Department. 'This increase was not given her after her initial probationary period with the Village. After several questions to the Village Manager, it was agreed that one check in the amotnt of $500 would be paid to Mrs. Lerner, with no change to her basic salary. VICE MAYOR BROWN'S REPORT ON TPSiAHA.S TRIP REOONSIDERATION OF HIRING EXPERT TO REVIEW PERRY CABLE TV'S RATE INCREASE REQUEST REQUEST FR~I PUBLIC SAFETY - PAYME[1I' OF LLR~ SUM TO JANE LERNER -PROBATION A discussion was held on the expendit~me of $269 from the forfeiture PUBLIC SAFETY section of the Law Lhforcemeitt Trust Find for a Cadillac at Lyons IMPOUDIDID VEHICLE Towing. It will then be stored somewhere else intil the forfeiture procedure can be ccxnpleted and the car sold. This will be done. Out of the same account, the Public Safety Department would like to PROPOSID TRIP TO send Detective Pauldine to a Forensic Crime Scene School in Atlanta ATLANTA -DETECTIVE for two days. The trip was approved on a 3-2 vote, Mayor Moore and PAULDINE Cotmcilman Valente opposed to send Detective Pauldine to Atlanta - the Village paying only for the Actual Copse and lodging. A discussion was held concerning the purchase of a new desk for the Finance Department. This proposal was turned down. A discussion was held concerning setting a meeting date for labor relations and personnel rules and regulations. It was decided that Pionday, March 22nd at 7:30 p.m. will be reserved for this meeting. DESK FOR FINANCE DEPT MEETING RATE SET FUR LABOR RELATIONS AND PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1 1 Minutes of the Workshop Session Held March 11, 1982 Page 2 President Pro Tem Nolan requested that she be allowed to reconsider her vote regarding Detective Pauldine's Atlanta trip. The trip was turned down on a 3-2 wte, Marks and Brown being for the trip. REOONSIDERATION OF DETECTIVE PAULDINE'S ATLANTA TRIP There being no further business to carte before the Council, the ADJOURAALENT meeting was adjourned. at 10:50 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Betty C. Green Deputy Village Clerk