01-28-1982 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE LdORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1982 Present. Tom Valente, Vice Mayor William H. Brown, President Pro Tem Al Moore, Councilman Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman ' Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Vice Mayor Valente called the Workshop Session to order at 8:45 P.M. All members of the Council and staff were present except Mayor Marks. i7r. Doug Trettien, a registered landscape architect, office at 636 U.S. Cpl, addressed the Council regarding the stacking lane proposed on U.S. ~kl (which the Council had acted on during the January 14 Regular Session). Mr. Trettien stated that he was representing his client, Mr. Richard Hasner. Both Mr. Trettien and Pir. Hasner were aware of Council's action on this subject. Mr. Trettien stated that he would liL:e to show, by visual aids, what this stacking lane would mean to Mr. Hamer and the effect it would have on U.S. Cpl. He then proceeded to do so. A discussion was held concerning the latest proposal of Howard Osterman of Diversified Utility Services for consult- , ing services for the possible acquisition of Seacoast Utilities. The Council requested Mr. Gildan, Mr. Howland and Mr. O'Meilia meet with Mr. Osterman and Mr. Searcy to iron out any difficulties before this subject is presented to Council again. A workshop is tentatively scheduled for March. A discussion was held concerning a street light conversion agreement with Florida Power and Light. Bill Allen was present representing FP&L and answered various questions from the Council. This item will be on the February 11, 1982, Regular Session. A discussion was held concerning the bid award for a top- dressing machine for the North Palm Beach Country Club to DeBra Turf and Equipment. This item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda for February 11, 1982. A discussion was held concerning the bid award for three wheel utility vehicles. This item will be on the Regular Session of February 11, 1982. A discussion was held concerning the bid award for the annual slurry seal program to J & B Slurry Seal Co., Rockingham, N.C. A suggestion was made to spend the entire ' amount of money in Account ~k34-541-46.81 and do as many streets in the Village as possible rather than the few streets covered by this bid. This item will be on the Regular Session agenda of February 11, 1982, spending the entire amount. A discussion was held concerning the bid award for one mowing tractor to Palm Beach Turf, North Palm Beach. This item will be on Regular Session of February 11, 1982. ROLL CALL STATEMENTS SEACOAST UTILITIES FP&L STREET LIGHT CONVER- SION AGREEMENT BID AWARD TOPDRESSING MACHINE - NPBCC BID AWARD THREE WHEEL VEHICLES BID AWARD SLURRY SEAL BID AWARD MOWING TRACTOR 1 1 1 1 Minutes of Workshop Session held January 28, 1982 Page 2 A discussion was held concerning the bid award for vehicles BID AWARD to Coastal Ford Truck. The scow body is to be omitted from VEHICLES this bid. This item will be placed on Regular Session of February 11, 1982. A discussion was held concerning beginning negotiations now PBA CONTRACT for the PBA contract which will be expiring later this year. The Village Manager was requested to check the cost of an outside negotiator and to obtain copies of other surrounding municipalities' contracts with their Public Safety Departments. idhen this information is ready, then a meeting will be set up to discuss this subject. A discussion was held concerning the amendment to the PBA CONTRACT- existing PBA contract regarding the $7.00 per hour salary CRIME PREVEN- to off-duty officers who wish to take part in the Crime TION Prevention Program (BAT). This item will be placed on the Regular Session of February 11, 1982. A discussion was held concerning the Crime Prevention CRIME PREVEN- Program. After a brief discussion of what could and could TION PROGRAM- not be deleted from the submitted list of necessary items, OUTFITTING OF it was decided that this item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda for February 11, 1982. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Minutes recorded by: Betty C. Green Deputy Village Clerk