02-11-1982 VC WS-MMINUit;S OF THE [,IORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BFACIi, FIARILIA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1982 Yrescnt; V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Tam Valente, Vice Mayor William H. Brown, President Pro Tem Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney ' Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Dolores R, Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Al Moore, Councilmen Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:25 p.m. All ROLL CALL mmbers of the Council and staff were present except Al Moore. 1 1 Discussion was held conceniitig the Driving Range Lease at the NPB DRIVING RANGE Country Club with Peter Finlayson. This item will be placed on the LEASE - NPBCC 12egular Session agenda of February 25 - with the changes suggested by Cotmcil included. Discussion Boas held concerning the Perry Cable TV rate increase and the hiring of Lorne W. I-hmsberger, CPA to investigate this increase. Mr, Policheck, Mr. Kelliher and Mr. Rutherford, all of Shore Court, asked to be heard individually regarding this matter. This item will be placed on the Regular Agenda for the 25th of February. (the hiring of a CPA and dete~+*~in~na source of funds.) PERRY CABLE - HIRINGI OF CPA BY VII.TIIGE Discussion was held concerning the use of the NPB Country Club Golf AMF.RiCAN CANCER Course by the Airerican Cancer Society for participation in their Golf SOCIETI' - GOLF Card Program. The Council asked Peter Finlayson several questions CARD PROGRAM regarding this matter. This item will be placed on the Regular Session Agenda of February 25. Discussion was held concerning the Floor Plans received from the Yeckes-Luchner firm for the Valerie Delacorte Com rnmity Center. This item will go out for bid. The bid opening is scheduled for March 29, 1982. Discussion was held concerning the Air-Conditioning problem at the Library in the Director's office. It was decided to have Public Services proceed with modifications to the duct system to help alleviate the problem. Discussion was held regarding the bid award for Maintenance of Connanzi.cations Equipment. This item will be placed on the Regular Session Agenda of February 25. DELAGORTE CONPiUNITY CENTER - FIAOR PINS LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S OFFICE - AIR OONDITIONING PROBli BID AWARD - MAINPENANCE OF CONAitTYICATIONS EQUIPMENT Discussion was held regarding the letter from Mr. George Danner asking GEORGE DANNER - acceptance of his resignation. It was suggested that the Mayor write RESIGNATION a letter to Mr. Danner thanking him for his letter and accepting his resignation. Mr. Howland and b1r. Gildan will draft a letter to go to Mr. Danner over the Mayor's signature. There being no further business to cones before the Cotmcil, the meet- ADJOURN~:NP ing was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Minutes recorded by Betty C. Green Deputy Village Clerk