02-12-1981 VC WS-M MINULES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILiAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FiARIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1981 Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Al Nbare, Vice Mayor Tam Valente, President Pro Tem William H. Brown, Councilmnan Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager ' Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:25 p.m. All members of the Council and Staff were present. A brief discussion was held concerning awarding the bid for a new law tarp dishwasher for the Country Club to Boynton Restaurant Supply, Inc. This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 2-26-81. A discussion was held concern the cost to caiplete Module ~k4 at Anchorage Park. The original~an was that this was in the budget and the Village would receive p$15,000 Eton the County but the County said that it would only give us $7,000 or $8,000. At a previous Council meeting it was agreed that the mmney should be used to repair the marina. the Recreation Advisory Board indicated that they would still like to build the fourth module and Mr. O'Meilia stated that he had much of the material and could complete Module ~~4 cheaper; thus, the figures presented to Council are the costs to complete Module ~~4. It was the consensus of the Council that, at present, the first priority is the work on the Valerie Delacorte Comninity Center. The Village Manager stated that the unappropriated fund balance in Federal Revenue Sharing is $11,661.56. President Pro Tem Valente, Councilwoman Nolan and Councilman Brown agreed that ccxnpletion of the fourth nodule should be postponed; Mayor Marks conctffred. The Mayor placed this item an the agenda; discussion concerning the way the customers' bills are figured -- sewage vs. water -- by Seacoast Utilities. lie stated that it does not cost any more to use the water for drinking or flushing the toilet; that he feels until they change the rate structure, nothing can be done. He feels that the rate for the sewage should not be tied to the water gallons. Councilman Brawn stated that residents can get a separate meter for their sprinkler systems. It was the consensus of Council that a letter be written to the Public Service Carndssiam expressing their views on the present rate structure. A discussion was held concerning the Village taking over the dining roam and bar at the NPBCC. The Village Manager and Country Club Business Administrator have been working on this and have abaft four prospective parties who are interested in taking over the dining room and bar. The Village Manager stated that he should have a definite answer by the first of the month; that a mom on utility rates, where these people are asking and where he thinks they ought to be will be sent the first part of next week. A brief discussion was held concerning establishing the Village of North Palm Beach Law Enforcement Trust Fund. The Department of Public Safety has been awarded various. articles of contraband through ' appropriate legal seizure; that the proceeds from these seizures and awards must be appropriately secured in a Law Fhforce~nent Trust Fund. This will be the seed money for a Crime Prevention Unit in the commnity. There being no further business to cane before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ROLL CALL BID AWARD -LOW TE2'!P DISHWASHER FOR NPBCC COST FOR NODULE ~p4 SEACOAST UTILITIES NPBCC N.P.B. L4W ENFORCII~'II~NT TRUST ADJOURNMENT t~r Minutes transcribed by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk