Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor
Al Moore, Vice Mayor
Tan Valente, President Pro Tem
William H. Brawn, Councilman
Harriet Nolan, Councilwanan
' Raymond J. Haaland, Village Manager
' Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk
Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk
Mayor Marks called the Wbrkshop Session to order at 9:45 p.m. All ROLL CALL
members of the Council and Staff were present.
A discussion was held concerning amend Chapter 6 of the Village BIId. NJ. 373
Code, the Sign Code, by exempting fran tTie provisions of the Code
prohibiting changeable copy panels all changeable copy panels
permitted and in existence prior to May 22, 1980. This item will
appear an the Regular agenda of 10-9-80.
Council asked Mr. O'Meilia to respond to Herb Watt's letter which
was addressed to them, dated September 16, 1980, ixa which Mr. Watt
suggested that Council review the present Sign Code. If Mr. Watt
has additional questions concerniin~ag~ this matter, it was s sated
that he be invited to attend a Workshop Session to enable Cotmcil
to respond to his inquiries.
The Council authorized the Village Manager to go out to bid for CART PATHS - NPBCC
the construction/repair of cart paths at the Country Club.
The Village Attorney stated that there is no legal requirement for
' the Village Manager to place an item on the Workshop agenda,
authorizing him to go out to bid for a particular item; that it is
just a precautionary measure in case there is any question fran
Council; that if the Village Manager would go out to bid and Council
decided that they didn't want said item, he would ,just be spending
his time and energy for nothing; that after the bid, if one bid is
acceptable, then said item will appear on Workshop with the amotmt
to be expended and the accowtt number.
Council authorized the Village Manager to seek bids for the purchase FIRE TRUCK
of a fire track, including all the equipmant on it.
The Mayor praised the Village Attorney for the letter that he sent SEAOOAST UiTLITIFS
to the Cauncil regarding Seacoast. Councilman Brown suggested
that Howard Osterman be asked to attend the Tri-city meeting on
October 14 at Village Hall, to let Seacoast and Palm Beach Gardens
know that the Village is serious and is taking a firm position; that
if Palm Beach Gardens does not want to go ahead with purchasing
Seacoast, that the Village and Lake Park wish to proceed. Mr. Gildan
will contact Mr. Osterman and coordinate this with Ray Howland.
Following a lengthy discussion between the Council and John Perry, PERRY CABLE
President of Perry Cable TJ Corp., regarding Perry Cable's request TV CORPORATION
for an increase in their rates, it was decided that this item will
appear on the Regular agenda on 10-9-80.
' Vice Mayor Moore asked the Village Manager if Council will have a 1980-81 BUDC~T
final copy of the budget before the October 7th Budget Workshop,
and when Council could expect it. The Village Manager asked if the
Vice Mayor meant the final copy or new schedules. Mr. Nbore's
response was the final copy since Council will have it on first
reading on the 9th. The Village Manager stated that the Finance
Director was incapacitated but he said that they were ready, so
we'll shoot for Tuesday of next week (September 30, 1980).
There being no further business to come before Council, the meeting ADJOURAMENT
was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
idinutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk