10-09-1980 VC WS-MrLIN[rrES of L+~RICSHOP SESSION VIIZAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAiM BFACH, FLARIDA IR;IID TH[JRSAAY, OCTUBER 9, 1980 Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Tan Valente, President Pro Ten William H. Brown, Councilman Harriet Nolan, Councilwanan Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager . Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk `Mayor L•4arks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:01 p.m. All ROLL CALL members of the Council and Staff were present. A discussion was held concerning those persons who shall sign and countersign checks or withdrawal orders on all depositories of funds of the Village. It was the consensus of Council that all checks in excess of $1,000 shall be signed by two authorized individuals; that Pesolution No. 28-79 be retyped to reflect this correction; that all banks and the Village Auditors, Ernst & Whinney, will be notified of this change and that the signature cards at all banking institutions shall be brought up-to-date. This item will appear on the Regular Agenda of 10-23-80. AUTHORIZID SIGNATURES I ON VILLAGE BANK ACCOUNIS A brief discussion was held concerning the Winter Club Restoration LJINTER CLIJB Committee structure. The Village Attorney was directed to prepare a resolution setting forth guidelines. This item will be placed on the Workshop agenda upon receipt fran the Village Attorney. There was a brief discussion concerning the 1980-81 employee holidays. This item will appear on the Regular Agenda of 10-23-80. Per a letter from Peggy Enders, Council aaggreed that the building, ' rmst Frequently used by senior citizens, should have a sign placed on it which reads, "SENIOR CITI7.ENS AND CCNMJNITY BUIIDTNG" to eliminate any doubt in anyone's mind that it is to be used by all residents of the Village. Resolution No. 25-80, emending the personnel regulations for Village amoloyees by changing the requirements for annual leave, will be amended and placed on the Regular Agenda of. 10-23-80. EI~LAYEE HOLIDAYS SENIOR CITIZIIVS AND OOM~'IIR~ITY BUILDING PERSONNEL REGULATIONS I ANNUAL. I~.SVE The Village Attorney reported on the status of the donation to the GEORGE DELACORTE Village by George Delacorte. Upon receipt of the executed agreement with 24r. Delacorte, Council will proceed by exercising its option on the 10-acre building site. It vas suggested that the P.B.A, submit it's proposals after Council's P.B.A. NEGOTIATIONS first budget hearing next year. There being no further business to cane before Council, the meeting ADJOURrM~T was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk Vice Mayor Moore placed this item on the agenda and cam~lted on VILLAGE M4RINA the piles of dirt and holes in the road; that the insurance company stated there are certain areas that need to be fixed and one was the regular maintenance program for the marina and perhaps another $25,000 added to the bond issue would not hurt us one bit. Councilman Brawn made anon-site inspection and said that the piles of dirt did not interfere with the parking area; instead, the area is an open invitation for anyone to steal, vandalize, ar whatever; that the second to last dock on the south side needs repair and the ramq~ is covered with slippery matter. Mr. O'Meilia stated that Seacoast owns the road and the Village uses it as an access road (right-of-way) and they (Seacoast) repairs said road with shell rock regularly. 'Ihe compensation to the Village is 50,000 yards of free fill (approximately worth $200,000) and that we need the fill on the south end of the marina along the Earn~n River. Further, that the people using our marina are not paying enough money for what they are getting. The rates on dry storage are $36 per year and the boat slips are $150. He noted that the rates at Lake Park, which has a full-time dock master, are $1 per foot per month with a minimum of $20; The rates for residents are half as much as outs but for nom-residents, they are almost double and they don't have any dry storage. TWo years ago, Mr. Nicoletti asked Mr. O'Meilia to perform an analysis of the expenses at the marina. At that point, the rates went fran $25 to $36 and $125 to $150 and we are probably spending $5,000 more than the incane at that marina with a waiting list o£ 50 people. Council requested a report on the cost to make all the necessary repairs to the marina as well as anew fee schedule and thie matter will be placed on the l+brkshop agenda of 11-13-80. The Mayor stated that we need a central clearinghouse to prevent PERSOI~IIVEf. RECORD6 Village employees who resign or retire fran being overpaid when they leave. Council requested that the Village Manager came back to than with a system wherein at the end of each year the records will reflect vacation time, compensation time and sick leave taken and balance, if any, for Village employees. There being no further business to cane before Council, the meeting ADJOURNMEidT was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk -2-