Present: V, A. Marks, M.D., Mayor
Al Moore, Vice Mayor
Tan Valente, President Pro Ten
William H. Brown, Councilman
Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman
Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager
Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
' Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk
Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk
Mayor Marks called the Workshop Sessior- to order at 9.:26 p.m. All ROLL CALL
memUers of the Council and Staff were present.
A discussion was held concerning a proposed ordinance regulating BILL N0. 374
smoking of tobacco products in those places within the corporate REGULATING SNDKING
limits of the Village of North Palm Beach where the public is invited
to congregate for meetings, dining, drinking, entertairanett, education
and similar purposes; requiring those parties that invite the public
to such places to exercise all reasonable efforts to provide non-
smokers with areas where snaking is not permitted while providing
persons who desire to smoke with areas where smoking may be permitted.
It was the desire of Council that proprietors should be encotffaged
to deal with smokers and non-smokers in their establishments by
sectioning off certain areas for this purpose. The Village Attorney
was requested to revise the proposed ordinance and bring it back to
be placed on the Regular Agenda of 12-11-80.
A brief discussion was held concerning a proposed ordinance amending BILL N0. 375
Chapter 19 of the Code by prohibiting the landing of aircraft AMENDING CHAPTER 19
within the corporate limits of the Village of North Palm Beach, OF THE OODE
except in case of emergency. It was the consensus of Council that
this ordinance was not needed; therefore, no action was taken.
e Acceptance of the contracts let by Palm Beach County far Various RESOLUTION -COUNTY
public works' materials and labor for fiscal 1980-81 was discussed. ANNUAL CONTRACTS
This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 12-11-80.
A brief discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution RESOLUTION -
appointing Village officers. This item will be on the Regular APPOINTING VILLAGE
agenda of 12-11-80. OFFICERS
Vice Mayor Moore suggested that the people who wlunteered to be on WIDTIER CLUB
this committee, be appointed as an Ad Hoc Committee to cane up with CONI~IITTEE
the by-laws, duties and responsibilities of said committee and perhaps
obtain information from other municipalities who may have such a
committee. All members of the Council were in agreement and asked
that said committee report back to Council,
Due to the lack of response, it was suggested that the request for 25TH ANNIVERSARY
wlunteers for this committee should appear in the December CONA7TTTEE
NEWSLITiER. The committee will formulate plans for the celebration
scheduled for July 4th, tentatively. There is no money budgeted for
this. Council wishes to be apprised at the 12-11-80 meeting as to
the number of wlunteers.
A discussion was held concerning a report on costs to make all
necessary repairs to the marina and a new fee schedule. The majority
of Council wted to scratch the fourth mod}ile and use the funds
($15,000), get $8,000 from the Caaity and $8,000 from the bond issue ~7~
to make the necessary repairs. The wet storage fee is $187.20 and
our dry storage is $45.00; considering the facilities and conditions,
they are getting their money's worth.
Concerning the proposed P.B.A, contract, the Village Manager has been
negotiating with the understanding that the contract is subject to
Council's approval. It is also understood that the negotiations
should be ccxnpleted prior to budget approval next year. .There were
several areas in the contract that the Cotcicil could not agree to
and which perhaps should be rewritten for clarification.