04-24-1980 VC WS-M''J MINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1980 Present: V, A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, President Pro Tem William H. Brown, Councilman Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager . Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:15 p,m. ROLL CALL All members of the Council and Staff were present, A discussion was held concerning modification of the existing franchise with Texgas Corporation to allow for franchisement of Florida Public Utilities, Inc. Gordon Jerauld, Senior Vice President of F.P.U.C, told the Council that his corpora- tion is buying the interests of the Texgas Corp, in most areas of the Village; however, the purchase is contingent on the willingness of the Village Council for franchise with Texgas being transferred to F,P.U.C. Jerauld also stated that his company already has its natural gas lines into Lake Park so there would be no major problem involved in bringing them into the Village. Based on current rates, the switch from propane gas supplied by Texgas to natural gas supplied by F.P,U.C. would mean an estimated savings to the typical Village household of 3096-40•~ on their monthly bills. The Village Attorney will confer with F,P.U.C, legal counsel on the wording of one clause in the proposed ordinance. Section 10 states " ..a court of competent jurisdietion...shall have found that Grantee has failed to comply in a substantial respect with any of the provisions of this franchise, and the Grantee shall have six (6) months after the final detezmination of the question to make good the default before a forfeiture shall result with the right in Grantor at its descretion to grant such additional time to Grantee for compliance as necessities in the case require." It was Mr. GildanTS contention that allowing Grantee six months to make good the default was totally unreasonable; i.e., if it is the judgment of a court that Grantee failed to comply with any of the provisions, a period of six months to make good the default is much too much time; that Grantee should be required to comply promptly. FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES FRANCHISE A brief discussion was held concerning a program for short- INVESTMENT POLICY term and long-term investments of Village Funds not needed for current governmental operations. It was the consensus of the Council to bring this back for further discussion on Workshop when the Finance Director is present. Councilwoman Nolan stated that the restroom facilities are locked at various times. She feels that when we have a facility there, it should be unlocked 24 hours a day due to the numerous sporting events scheduled and unscheduled activities at Osborne Park. The Village Manager stated that the key was given to the operator of the concession stand; however, it was pointed out that said key was lost some time ago. The Village Manager will have a new key made. It was agreed by all that said facilities could not be left unlocked due to the probability of vandalism. Vice Mayor Moore expressed the need for a Resolution commending Geoffrey Birt for his reporting of Village news. Said Resolution will be presented at the regular session of 5/22/80 and it is hoped that a photographer will be present to take Mr. Birt's picture. RESTROOM FACILITIES AT OSBORNE PARK RESOLUTION FOR GEOFFREY BIRT OF WEEKDAY NEWS The Village Clerk requested that Council consider amending the RAISING THE ordinance to raise the filing fee for candidates of Village FILING FEE elections. The present fee is $10.00. Vice Mayor Moore suggested that this be done at the same time that a Uniform Election date is determined. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p,m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins _Deputy Vi11aQe Clerk ADJOURNMENT