05-13-1976 VC WS-M i } MINUTES OF WORKSHOP OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM HELD THURSDAY, MAY 13, Present: SESSION BEACH, FLORIDA 1976 Ronald L. Heraty, Mayor Mervin H. McIntyre, Vice Mayor V. A. Marks, President Pro Tem M. C. Love, Jr., Councilman Alvin C. Moore, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Heraty called the Workshop Session to order at 9:00 P.M. All members of Council were present. Discussion was held concerning modification of the lease greement between the Village and the Archdiocese of Maimi for the use of St. Clare's tract and authority for the Mayor to execute said agreement. After considerable discussion, it was decided that this item will appear on the May 27, 1976 Regular Agenda. Discussion was held concerning the addition of two new positions to the Public Safety Department to be expended from existing funds. These positions are to be EMT's as well as PSO's. The Village Manager presented to Council his findings from comparisons of neighboring communities i.e. population opposed to Public Safety employees. After considerable discussion, it was decided that this item would appear on the May 27, 1976 Regular Agenda. ROLL CALL LEASE AGREEMENT VILLAGE OF NPB & ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI NEW POSITIONS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY Discussion was held concerning the installation and use of TELEMETRY BASE a telemetry base station and antenna to be erected on the STATION AND roof of Marina Tower at Old Port Cove. This item will ANTENNA appear on the May 27, 1976 Regular Agenda. Discussion was held concerning Village participation in SUPPORT OF WPB "201" facilities planning for the East Central Region of AS "LEAD AGENCY" Palm Beach County to adequately plan future waste water IN "201" treatment requirements and support the City of West Palm FACILITIES PIANNI Beach as the designated "Lead Agency." This item will be on the May 27 Regular Agenda. The Village Manager brought to the attention of the Council REQUEST TO a letter from the attorney for the County PBA requesting VOLUNTARILY voluntary recognition of this organization by the Village. RECOGNIZE PBA It was agreed by Council that this organization would not be recognized voluntarily. The Village Manager requested of Council that they consider SUMMER INTERN hiring a summer intern to work in the Manager's office. FOR VILLAGE MGR. It would cost the Village approximately $800 for this period. This item will appear on the May 27 Regular Agenda; a transfer of funds will be necessary to imple- ment this program. A discussion was held concerning the status of Vice Mayor VICE MAYOR TO Mclntyre's seat on the Village Council should he decide to RUN FOR COUNTY file for the County Commission in the upcoming fall COMMISSION election. According to the Village Attorney, Vice Mayor McIntyre could resign 10 days prior to filing for this election but his resignation need not be effective until such time as he is sworn in as a County Commissioner. The Council gave the Vice Mayor their blessing in-this endeavor. u Minutes of Workshop Session held May 13, 1976 Page 2 Councilman Marks questioned the anti-noise machine use. He does not see any difference in the noise level in the Village, only that there is more of it. The Village Manager advised that the one machine is shared by Public Services and Public Safety. Public Safety does not keep the unit as a rule, they only have it when the need is made known. He advised that another unit is being requested in next year's budget. Councilman Marks expressed a desire to have the present machine made available to Public Safety in the very near future to help with this problem. ANTI-NOISE MACHINE Several letters were brought to the attention of the APPOINTMENTS TO Council of persons desiring appointment to the Recreation REC. AD. BD. Advisory Board. It was secided that this item will be on the May 27 Regular Agenda. The requirements will be changed on the Resolution citing the number of men vs. women on this Board. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Minutes recorded by: Betty C. Green, Deputy Village Clerk ADJOURNMENT