2005 Public Safety Annual Report 2005 Public Safety Department Annual Report
Village of North Palm Beach
Department of Public Safety
2005 Annual Report
Ill 10
i g �
Chief Jimmy Knight
U~'l:.R~r If~tf:
This report vas prepared by the Village of North Palm Beach
Department of Public Safety to provide an overview o('the ac-
tivities in the ~~illage duri-tg 20(15. 'this report is not inclusive or
all activities but highlights the initiatives and activities per-
formed by members of the Deparunent of Public Safety that
have made a si~.~nilicant impact for the residents in the Village of
North Pahu Beach_
Department command staff personnel will ahvays be available to
discuss in detail any concerns that arc not addressed in this
i~~lission Statement
We, ilte \orth Palm Reach Public Safety Department, are com-
mitted to proyidin~~ the highest quality of public safety services
by maintaining respect litr indi~ idea) rights and human dignity
and by empowering our members and the community to work in
partnership ~yith the ~~oal of improrin~; the quality of life ~~ ithin
our community.
Transitional Issues:
In \oyember 200-1. C'hiefJinunv Kni~~ht was hired to serve as
the Director of Public Safety oyerseein~~ both Police Services
and Firc Rescue in the ~-i11a~~eol~North Palm Reach.
Chiei'Knight has brought to the Village progressive Public
Safety sere ice spannin~~ over 27 years with a balance of adminis-
U~ative, inccsti~iati~e and tactual field command experience.
An assessment of both the adminisu•ative and operational poli-
ciesand `.:Dais of the Department u:ts immediately conducted.
't'he Depnruneiu of Public Safety org,ant/allanal SIrUCltlfe tyaS
realigned Stith greater emphasis on accountability. Pau'ol shifts
were adjusted eliminating the practice of "scheduled" overtime.
~tininunn sta(7ing procedures ~ti•ere established Ibr bath Police
and fire Rescue services. A realignment ofduties and responsi-
bilities achieved autonomy liet~~~een the respective professional
"Che Palm Beach County Level of Service requirement was
achieved chu~ing, this period almost twa years earlier than re-
quired, throu~~h partnerships' with Palm Beach Gardens and
County Fire. level of Seri ice has brought wish it "Automatic
Aid" with our partnered accncies, interopcrability on an 10U
y~IHi radio system and emergency medical dispatch (EMD).
The tiorth Sub-Station project has progressed with land acquisi-
tion adjacent to the 13enjatuin School property. Request for pro-
posals tRFP) to identify contractors have been published and
Federal grant applications submitted. This project should see
ground breaking in Tate 20oG.
Community Involvement:
The Village of North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety believes strongly in working
closely with the community in order to ascertain and meet their needs. The Department has
identified all existing neighborhood groups and worked diligently to form neighborhood
associations where there were none. To date, one hundred and three (103) homeowner and
Neighborhood Watch associations throughout the Village have been formed and a liaison with
them has been created. The Department maintains a list of all meeting dates and has created a
policy requiring department personnel to attend all neighborhood meetings.
In addition to attending neighborhood meetings, the Department has been involved in numerous
community-based programs. The Department has also been involved with all Village schools
both private and public by attending PTA/PTO meetings, D.A.R.E. graduations and other school
The below list of community
review, it is just a few of the
BEACON LIGHT: The North Palm
Department of Public Safety offers our
residents the Emergency Beacon Light.
The Emergency Beacon Aids Emergency
Response Personnel in locating your home.
The light is a standard 60 watts bulb that
blinks when activated.
CHILDREN: The North Palm Beach
Department of Public Safety collects
unwanted bicycles that will be then donated
to needy children. The bikes are presented
to children whose families cannot afford to
purchase a bike for their youngster.
This program involves juveniles and adults
registering their bicycles with the Village of
North Palm Beach Department of Public
Safety, via the bicycle serial number, to
assist Officers in reducing the number of
bicycles stolen and to help identify stolen
bicycles. A sticker, with a corresponding
based initiatives along with a bri
programs currently in place here
number, is placed on the bicycle that will
identify the owner.
Beach Department of Public Safety recycles
empty ink jet and laser printer cartridges for
cash which is then donated to North Palm
Beach Elementary School.
C.A.T. Program: The "Combat Auto
Theft" program is utilized to fight back
against auto theft. Upon registration with
proof of vehicle ownership and drivers
license, the vehicle owner signs a consent
form authorizing North Palm Beach Police
Officers to conduct a traffic stop on their
vehicle if their vehicle is being operated
between the hours of 1:OOam and 5:OOam.
A yellow C.A.T. sticker is placed on the
owner's rear windshield notifying Officers of
participation in this program.
of description is provided for
in the Village of North Palm
C'!-I .I.I'llO?~I~a~rOSI:NIOIt`~ I'lu)(iltntil:
I hu Uupnrununt eulluut. cull phones, ++hich
arc then passed out w senior citiirm thmugh-
out the area tar emrr:;unuv usu.
C'Itl\1L !'ltl:A'I~:;si~l I!)?~ (Y)Iy1\~Lt'sil C1"
i\11 1 f11(i~: I rained I'uhlic tialcty Ucpart-
ntettt OIl Irr11 Cltntlltel el'In1C pl'C\'CttUun mrel-
ittg. iu cctmnuntitics and discuss what pruh-
lrm. Wray hr occurring and +~`ays to help one
anotltrr uumhat uritnu. I hix is an upon tlia-
lo~~ur hrta'ecn all parties invohud tintling so-
Itttirms to issues.
t\t'l.UR1~.R 1'ItOGIZM~I_~I"his program is for
individuals but+vuun the ages of 1=) to 12;, l hr
participants +vill he inU'oduuud to the many
facets ol• I;-+r cnloruumcnt anti ummguncy sur-
vicuti. l hu I:~plorurs +vork hand and hand ++ith
OIliucts and uasist in the cunnnunity policin~~
philosophy. This program is diructrd to+vards
individuals +rhu arc inturustctl in law cnli,rru-
munt and +vant to learn about the rusponsihili-
tius untailud. I:auh I":xplurur mull moat curtain
rcyuiruntrnts hrloru hrin~, arcr{ttrtl into the
(it ,N I .C )('Kti: North Palm Brach I)cpurt-
ntrnl ol` I'lIhI1C S;IIrIV rnCltltl'a~'rS sale ~~lln
ac,ragc in home, to pruvunt the likulihootl of
u'uciu auuidcnts. !\ loukin~ tluviru. +rhun in-
aallctl un a lirvarm ant) suuurud h+~• a kuv or
oomhinuUon lock. pruvcnts the gun 1•rom being
tlisuhar~~ud +vithuut lira rcnuwin~~ the tlcvicu.
Kurth Palm Beach 1'uliuu I)upartntrnt hands
out I Itl:1: gun Icx:ks to anyone o+vning a gun.
OI'I~-It.-~V"IlON C'lltl.l :Opuratian ('hill is a pr~-
gram in utn.junutiun with ? I;luvun and the
Kurth I'ulm 13uuuh IhparUnunt of Public
tiat4ty. >\urth Palm 13rauh 1'ulicu O17iuurs
hands out I IZI 1: "tilurpuu" coupons to thusu
uhildrun +vuarutg those hiuvrlc hulntutzl
S~\l~l~.ll'.A~':'\KINI~:~~ I'ltO(iK~AM: We
hustud suvural spousal ~ulvly r\+varunuss I'ro-
~~rams li,r c,ur rr.itlrnt, ++hirh inrlutlyd topics
un sex ollcntlcrs, inturnut sality, crime u'rnd
and hurricane preparation.
tit:( l'Itl 11' ~liK\'I Y~; - IIO'\[I::\NI) 13t1~1-
Nlati: tipcuially u-uincd Village of Kurth Palm
13cuch I)upartntunt ufl'uhlie Salcty OIlirurs
alter ti•uu rusiduntial and husinuss security sur-
+uv~ to lu„rn the uhanuu ufa hruak-in to your
rr,idcncr or bu.inusa.
O1'tiuurs +vill provide important tips un dour
lurk., alarm systrnt~, lighting, luntlseulting,
and other uruus that nary help prcecm huuum-
in~ ;t +'Ietlnt.
titl~q~.11":It C.1~91' I'r\R'I~II'IC.~CI~ION: Our
O17icurs visit sununur ruttps tlu•uu~.;huut our
conununity. C'hildren are taught about tiU•an4~-
ur I T,mgur. ~) 111•:mrrgunuy Culls. 13icyulu
tiuloty, and arbor thunus that unuhlu our chil-
drun to hr sale anti to protect them li-om harm.
"Cl I1~: 01.1113" (i1V1~.;1\1~'AYS: In rtaponsu to
21n :IIV;t hit\'Ing im aunt C1'Intr pt'uhlcnl, lhr
1'uhlic tialcty f)upurununt +vill provide'`"1'hc
Club" givra+~~ays to u++'nurs ol`~chirlr,, in the
target uru;t, that are uwnw•s of unu ul` the "fOI'
11) stolen cchiclcs in our ucnnuv. " I"hu Club" i~
an anti-auto thcl`t dc~ iuc that lucks the stcrrin~~
+a-heel dutcrring of(cndurs from attumptin~s to
steal a vuhiclc.
I I(I:~p~\titi I'IZO(iKt\-\1: VillaLC of North
I'ulm 13uauh 1)rttarUttunt ut`Puhlic tiali;ty "Nu
frespassing" suns are placed un huiltiings in
visible locations authorising Oli'irrts to act as
u~cuts for the huildint~ c,+vnurs untl aivinz= UI'-
ticurs the authority to ruyuust a parson(s) to
vacutu the premises. OIl'iurrs must atlvisu the
puru,n(s) that lailuru to (uavu the area nt;ty
result in arrest. I hr ou'nrr, prior to hiring pro-
vitiutl u-uspuss si~~ns for his huildin~.;, must sign
an ulliduvit giving uonsunt li,r OIliuur, to art
as un agent.
V.1.N. 1 I CI IIN(i: "I his program is an anti-auto
crime initiative +vhuru the vuhiulu idunti!'iua-
tion numhur is utrhud iron +;u•iuus {lams uf` the
vchirlu such as all +vindu+vs anti door:. I his
•~~ill ussia Ofticcrs in identil~ing vehicle parts
that may hu stolen and~or pl;tuutl unto anothm
vehicle. This pru~~rum may also help dutur vc-
hiulu parts theft and auto thulis in ~~rrn:ral as
the purpruator Wray ohsurvc the V.I.V. num-
hurs displayutl thruu~:hout the vuhiulu untl
ulnu,su not to steal the vuhiulr.
\VOkKI:IZ~ ON \\~':\'1011 (\1'.O.\\',): this pro-
gram cncuuragus the many cmpluycus of the
Village to remain vizilant autl inunutliatuly
rupuri all upiciuus activity to la++ unGtruc-
ntunt. lhr pru4~rant is a uoopurativu ul'lort hu-
tw•uun the Ucpartmcnt of'1'uhliu ~ufcty and the
oihcr rntitius ++•ithin the Villaur to prevent
crime and assist with duality of lilt issues.
Crime Initiatives:
The Department has made a tremendous impact on the amount of crime in the Village of North
Palm Beach during calendar year 2005. Due to the efforts of our hard working Officers and in
partnership with the community, crime has been reduced by 19.1% compared to 2004. This is
especially significant as the areas to our South (Lake Park) and West (Palm Beach Gardens)
posted an increase in crime of 26.2% and 16.7% respectively according to the Semi-Annual
UCR report. The Village of North Palm Beach Public Safety Department works hard at
identifying and effectively responding to criminal activity within the Village. This is evidenced by
the excellent results we have obtained during this period.
The following are graphs reflecting the impact on crime in the Village.
Burglaries -The burglaries in the Village have been reduced by 8.9% in year 2005 compared
to that of 2004 from 101 to 92 incidents. The clearance rate for this crime has increased from
3.9% to 25.0% during this same time period.
Grand Total 92 23
Grand Total 101 4
Larcenies -The larcenies in the Village have been reduced by 21.1 % in year 2005 compared
to that of 2004 from 249 to 189 incidents. The clearance rate for this crime has increased from
6.0% to 11.1% during this same time period.
2005 2004
Grand Total 189 21
Robbery -The robberies in the
Robberies were not as prevalen
decreased slightly in year 2005.
Grand Total 12 2
Grand Total 249 15
~ 6.0% ~
Village were reduced by only one incident however Bank
t as years past. Clearance rates for this crime category
BANK 3 1
Grand Total 13 3
Auto Crimes -The auto crimes (auto theft, burglary conveyance) in the Village have been
reduced by 27.5% in year 2005 compared to that of 2004 from 120 to 87 incidents. The
clearance rate for this crime has increased from 10.0% to 17.2% during this same time period.
Grand Total 87 15
Grand Total 120 12
Crime Clearances in the Village have increased by 114% from that of the previous year.
20.8% of the overall crime incidents were cleared in 2005 compared to 9.7% in year 2004. The
Village crime clearance rate exceeds that of both the Palm Beach County and State of Florida
Arrest Statistics
The Department has made a total of 302 arrests in year 2005 compared to 250 arrests for the
same period last year. This is a 20.8% increase in arrests during this time frame.
Traffrc Safety:
One of the primary objectives for the Department is to provide safe streets to the Village's
residents. This is accomplished through aggressive traffic enforcement, the use of deterrents
and by educating the drivers in our Village.
To achieve accident reduction and increase safety compliance, our crime analysts monitor the
time and location of traffic crashes in order to target specific areas or intersections for
enforcement and educational programs.
The Village has hosted and participated in several traffic enforcement "blitzes" through the
cooperative efforts of N.A.M.A.C. These traffic blitzes target "problematic" roadways and/or
intersections with saturation enforcement with the hopes of educating the motoring public. The
Village also participated in several DUI checkpoints and seat belt education/enforcement
Traffic Citation Issuance in 2005 is up by 85.4% from that of the previous year. During this
period 4,718 traffic citations were issued compared to 2,545 issued in year 2004. It is the policy
and belief of your current Administration that "safety" not revenue will always drive our
enforcement initiatives.
FIKE IzescuE
The Fire Rescue Division went through a number of changes in 2005. in
Fact, the name Fire Rescue is itself a change. The Public Safety Depart-
ment had functioned far years under three Divisions: Police, Fire and
EMIS. Ina ^iove to reorganize the Department, Fire and EMS were
merged into Fire Rescue.
This merger brings the department in line with the operational methods
of the mode171 (ire service. In order to provide a higher level of service to
the residents and guests of the ~%illage, the Fire Resoue Division now
stag's athree-person Atlvancecl Life Support Engine and a two-person
Advanced t_ife Support Ambulance as the dully lllllllmnln. rIl1S allO~vs a
five-person sta11'ta respond to alt emergencies and, if the ambulance is
transporting a patient to the hospital (they u~ansport all Basic Life Sup-
port and Advanced Life Support patients) the Engine is still available to
respond to a second call for help.
'Phis merger also brought a realignment of our chain of command. "i~he
Fire Chief heads this merged Division and the former ER~iS Nianager is
now titled as the Assistant lire Chief. The "team Leaders have been re-
designated as Fire Rescue lieutenants. 'these are more accurate descrip-
tions of their job responsibilities anti align their job titles with the other
area departments.
All afthese changes work hand-in-hand with the Countywide fire Level
of'Se-~~ice Standard. Near year's end an agreement was signed between
the Village, Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County establishing
boundaries for automatic aid antl included provisions far cunimon dis-
patch through Palm Beach County. ~~Vhat this means on a day-to-day
basis is more efficient use of the employees' time. Along with emergency
response, Fire Rescue personnel have responsibilities tier (ire inspec-
tions, pre-tire planning, public education and training. In 2005, fire in-
spections increased by 147°ro and u•ainins; hours increased SO°~b while re-
sponsetime to emergencies decreased by 22 seconds.
Not everything has changed. Volunteers are still an integral part of the
operation. [n 200, eighteen volunteers provided over 2600 hours of sta-
tion time and still managed to assist ~~ith the Annual Safety Fair, Holiday
Boat Parade. Fourth of July, 1-leritage Day and other activities too nu-
nlt'rOUS t0 1nCntlOn.
2005 Fire Rescue Calls for Service
~ Structure Fire ^ Vehicle Fire ^ Other Fire ^ False Alarm
^ Smoke Scare ^ Vehicle Crash ^ Medical ^ Hazardous Materia
Special Events and Natural Disaster(s):
This "Year End" report would not be complete without mentioning those events that had
the greatest impact on both Departmental and Village resources during calendar year
2005. We again experienced firsthand the wrath of "mother nature" with the arrival of
hurricanes Katrina and Wilma.
On Tuesday August 23~d Tropical Storm #12 /Hurricane Katrina came upon the
Florida east coast very rapidly and necessitated swift and deliberate action. The Public
Safety Department immediately began preparations in accordance with the established
Village of North Palm Beach, 2005/2006 Hurricane Plan.
Subsequent to the initial Watch and through the storms progression to Hurricane status,
all Village Departments worked in collaboration in preparing both personnel and Village
assets for the impending storm. All established Protocols were followed with one major
incident. The Generator "switching panel" at Public Safety exploded and caught fire
upon the scheduled "Load" test. The damage was catastrophic and the power to the
building was completely disrupted. The battery back-up supply provided for dispatch
and 911 service for approximately 90 minutes. All emergency and administrative
telephone lines along with dispatch had to be rerouted to Palm Beach Gardens until
power could be restored to the building.
The storm exhibited uncharacteristic patterns with the most severe weather being on
the southeast quadrant of the storm. The storm's projected path was to be westerly with
a slight northern movement with landfall near the Broward /Palm Beach County line. As
we know the storm came ashore at points just south of this projection and moved west
southwest. This change in direction and location of the severe weather made for a
relatively uneventful incident here in North Palm Beach.
On Saturday October 22"d a Hurricane Watch was issued for Hurricane Wilma, and the
Public Safety Department, once again immediately began preparations in accordance
with the Village of North Palm Beach 2005/2006 Hurricane Plan. Emergency personnel
were brought into headquarters to ride the storm out in the Village. Immediately
following the storm's passage, Public Safety personnel participated with other Village
employees in an Initial Damage Assessment and clearance of debris from Village roads,
both of which were completed before nightfall. The E.O.C. remained operational and
adequate personnel remained on duty to provide extra security during the curfew that
had been established, in addition to handling normal police, fire and emergency medical
service duties and until power was completely restored in the Village. Three curfew
arrests were made and Fire/Rescue ran a total of 73 calls during the period between
October 23~d and 31St.
The Village of North Palm Beach Public Safety Department has made a
tremendous impact in the Village of North Palm Beach during this reporting year
(2005). The Crime Analysis process utilized by the Department has proven to be
an effective tool in addressing crime issues. Although areas surrounding the
Village have posted crime rate increases during this period, your Department of
Public Safety has reduced crime by 19.1 % in the Village compared to last year.
This is being accomplished utilizing the same number of officers and personnel
as last year. These Officers now work harder, smarter, and have taken
ownership in their assigned communities.
The Village's Fire Rescue Division remains one of the best outfitted and staffed
agencies within Palm Beach County. All Fire Rescue personnel have attained the
necessary Federal NIMS/ICS certifications almost a year earlier than required.
The Fire Rescue Division was awarded the RFSI Life Safety Achievement Award
during 2005. The professional commitment exhibited by both our career and
volunteer Firefighters is second to none.
Response times continue to be well below the County's acceptable "response
time" which is currently eight (8) minutes. In fact, the Village's Fire Rescue
response time average is just four minutes and twenty-three seconds (4.23)
almost half the time!
A big reason for the successes we have experienced in the Village is our
partnerships with the communities that have developed during this year. Through
this partnership, we meet on a regular basis, determine the community needs,
and provide an effective response to community issues.
This is just a beginning of a long-term relationship the Department of Public
Safety hopes to have with Village residents. We look forward to continually
providing highly effective and professional public safety services to the residents
of the Village of North Palm Beach.