04-25-2006 VC SP-MMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION • VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 25, 2006 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor . Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor William Manuel, President Pro Tem Manny Grinn, Councilman Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk Absent: Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman ROLL CALL Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All members of Council were present, except Councilman O'Meilia who was absent due to illness. The Village Clerk was present. PURPOSE OF THE SPECIAL SESSION The purpose of the Special Session was to interview applicants and make appointments to various Village Boards. The following persons were interviewed by the Village Council - Harold Krane Arnold Hess Angela Davis Kerry Keena Kerry Diaz Carolyn Stone Vice Mayor Eissey moved that all presently serving Board members who wish for reappointment be appointed to their respective positions. The motion failed for lack of a second. AUDIT COMMITTEE Vice Mayor Eissey moved to reappoint Amy Dean, Emery Newell, and Richard Podell to the Audit Committee, with Ms. Dean and Mr. Podell to serve as regular members and Mr. Newell as 1st alternate, and to appoint David Talley as 2nd alternate. Councilman Grinn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Thereafter, the names of Amy Dean, Emery Newell, and David Talley were entered into Resolution 2006-29. LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Councilman Grinn moved to reappoint incumbent members to the Library Advisory Board. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Thereafter, the • names of Mary Annis, Peter Carvajal, Susan Ellrich, Kari Foster, and Natalie McKenna were entered into Resolution 2006-29. MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION HELD APRIL 25, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION • Councilman Grinn moved to reappoint incumbent members to the Planning Commission. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Thereafter, the names of Richard Freedman, Tim Hullihan, Susan Marks, and William Whiteford were entered into Resolution 2006-29. WATERWAYS BOARD Vice Mayor Eissey moved to reappoint Jerauld Carron and Kenneth Wright to the Waterways Board. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Thereafter, the names of both incumbents were entered into Resolution 2006-29. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Vice Mayor Eissey moved to reappoint incumbents members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Thereafter, the names of Ted Bukowski, Peter Carvajal, Roy Chapin, Louis Daniello, and Curtis Witters were entered into Resolution 2006-29. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Vice Mayor Eissey moved to reappoint incumbent members to the Code Enforcement Board. The motion failed for lack of a second. By written ballot, a copy of which is attached to the copy of record, the Council reappointed Ed Nessenthaler and Margaret Turney to the Code Enforcement Board. Thereafter, the names of both incumbents were entered into Resolution 2006-29. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS By written ballot, a copy of which is attached to the copy of record, the Council reappointed incumbent members Anthony Agrusa, Harry Ackerman, and Charles Giacomelli to the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals. The position of HVAC contractor remains vacant at this time. Thereafter, the names of those appointed were entered into Resolution 2006-29. COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD By written ballot, a copy of which is attached to the copy of record, the Council reappointed incumbent members Jim Bender, Joseph O'Hagan, and Lewis Piccioli, and appointed Kerry Diaz to the Country Club Advisory Board. Vice Mayor Eissey moved to table the appointment of a member for the remainder of Mr. Karambelas' term to the May 11, 2006 Regular Session. Councilman Grinn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Thereafter, the names of those appointed were entered into Resolution 2006-29. RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD By written ballot, a copy of which is attached to the copy of record, the Council reappointed incumbent members Paul Beach, Bob Bell, Bruce Emery, Mark Finney, and Donald Grill, and • appointed Carolyn Stone to the Recreation Advisory Board. Councilman Grinn made a motion to move Paul Beach to the regular position, and to appoint Mark Finney as 1st Alternate and Carolyn Stone as 2nd alternate. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Thereafter, the names ofthose appointed were entered into Resolution 2006-29. 2 MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION HELD APRIL 25, 2006 RESOLUTION 2006-29 ADOPTED -APPOINTING MEMBERS TO VILLAGE BOARDS • Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Resolution 2006-29 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE AUDIT COMMITTEE, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS, COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD, LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD, PLANNING COMMISSION, RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD, WATERWAYS BOARD, AND ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT be adopted. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ~- _~~~'s~ ~ C ~~il C~ Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk • 3 CLERK'S TALLY SHEET CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 2 (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Krane, Harold Nessenthaler, Ed (!) /~/~ Tumey, Margaret (I) f~~ Round 3 --- (Signature)- - - -- -_ ---- (Signature) • BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 2 (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Krane, Harold Nessenthaler, Ed (I) ' Tumey, Margaret (I) Round 3 BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Apri125, 2006 Vacancies: 2 (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Krane, Harold Nessenthaler, Ed (I) Tumey, Margaret (I) (Signature) • BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Apri125, 2006 Vacancies: 2 (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Kra ~ Nessenthaler Ed I ~ Turney, Margaret (I) ~~ -- G~ti -~ (Signature Round 3 • BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 2 (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Krane, Harold Nessenthaler, Ed (I) Tumey, Margaret (I) Round 2 Round 3 • CLERK'S TALLY SHEET CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS April 25, 2006 • Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular ~ 2 alternate) Requirements: 1 member must be a licensed HVAC Contractor (I) =Incumbent Ackerman, Harry (I) Agrusa, Anthony (I) Giacomelli, Charles CZ~ Krane, Harold. Round 1 r~ ~~~~ ~ (Signature) (Signature) Round 2 Round 3 BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular & 2 alternate) Requirements: 1 Regular member must be a licensed HVAC Contractor (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Ackerman, Harry (I) _ Agrusa, Anthony (I) Giacomelli, Charles (I) Krane, Harold Round 2 Round 3 • BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular & 2 alternate) Requirements: 1 Regular member must be a licensed HVAC.Contractor (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Ackerman, Hany (I) Agrusa, Anthony (I) ~~~~ Giacomelli, Charles (I) C~~ Krane, Harold ( ignature) Round 2 Round 3 • r~ BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular & 2 alternate) Requirements: 1 Regular member must be a licensed HVAC Contractor (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Ackerman, Harry (I) --G~ Agrusa, Anthony (I) Giacomelli Charles I () Krane, Harold v¢~ (Signatur • BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 4 total (2 regular & 2 alternate) Requirements: 1 Regular member must be a licensed HVAC Contractor (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 __ Ackerman, Harry (I) Agrusa, Anthony (I) Giacomelli, Charles (I) Krane, Harold Round 3 • CLERK'S TALLY SHEET COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 5 Requirements: 1 must golf member (I) =Incumbent Bender, Jim (I) Davis, Angela Diaz, Keny Hess, Arnold Keena, Kerry O'Hagan, Joseph (I) Piccioli, Lewis (I) T David ~~~ ~,/(~` Truesdell, Rosemary (I) Round 1 Il ii i~ IL ~~~~ __--- (Signature) • ~ G~ (Signature) Round 2 Round 3 ~ BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 5 Requirements: 1 must golf member (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bender i ,Jm(I) Davis, Angela Diaz, Kerry ~/ Hess, Arnold Keena, Keny O'Hagan, Joseph (I) Piccioli, Lewis (I) k~~,~v~ Ta avid ~t/~~ Truesdell, Rosemary (I) r (Sig ture) • ` c BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 5 Requirements: 1 must golf member (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bender, Jim (I) `~. T Davis, Angela Diaz, Kerry Hess, Arnold Keena, Kerry _~ O'Hagan, Joseph (I) Piccioli, Lewis (I) _~~ Tal avid ?~~~ G~ Truesdell, Rosemary (1) • BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 5 Requirements: 1 must golf member (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bender, Jim () Davis, Angela Diaz, Kerry Hess, Arnold ~ ~ v Keena, Keay O'Ha an Jose h 9 ~ P () Piccioli, Lewis (I) ~,~,~r-/ Tall vid ~1~~ Truesdell, Rosemary (I) ~~~~ • ~_ (Signature) BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD Apri125, 2006 Vacancies: 5 Requirements: 1 must golf member (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bender, Jim (I) Davis, Angela ___ -___ Diaz, Keny v Hess, Amoid Keena, Keay 1~ O'Hagan, Joseph (I) Piccioli, Lewis (1) Talle , avid ~~-~~ Truesdell, Rosemary (I) ~J CLERK'S TALLY SHEET RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 6 total (4 regular and 2 alternate) (I) =Incumbent Beach, Paul (I) Bell, Bob (I) Coleman, Robert Emery, Bruce (!) • Finney, Mark (I) Grill, Donald (I) Stone, Carolyn Round 1 Round 2 ~~~~ ~~~ -II~ ~I l f ~~~~~~.~~o/ (Signature) G~/ (Signature) Round 3 BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 6 total (4 regular and 2 alternate) (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Beach, Paul (I) Bell, Bob (I) Coleman, Robert Emery, Bruce (I) _ ,~ Finney, Mark (I) Grill, Donald (I) __L~ Stone, Carolyn _~~`~ • BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 6 total (4 regular and 2 alternate) (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 "V B each, Paul (I) Bell, Bob (I) -/ Coleman, Robert E B I ' mery, ruce ( ) Fi M V nney, ark (I) Grill, Donald (I) Stone, Carolyn t/ ~% /~ c~ (Signature) BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 6 total (4 regular and 2 alternate) (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Beach Pa I I ,~~ u () Bell, Bob (I) ~ Coleman, Robert ~ Emery, Bruce (I) Finney, Mark (I) Grill Donal I d() v Stone, Carolyn /,~ C~ ~ _ ~,~~~~ ~ (Signature) Round 3 • BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 25, 2006 Vacancies: 6 total (4 regular and 2 alternate) (I) =Incumbent Round 1 Round 2 Beach, Paul (I) I~~ t/ Bell, Bob (I) Coleman, Robert Emery, Bruce (I) 1 Finney, Mark (I) ~ t Grill, Donald (I) ~~,q Stone, Carolyn ~~- ~~ Round 3 •