07-13-2006 VC REG-MMINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION • VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 13, 2006 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor William Manuel, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Mark Bates, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present, except Councilman Grinn, who passed away suddenly on June 28, 2006 All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND- FLEDGE-OF-ALLEGIANCE- __-_ ---_ Vice Mayor Eissey gave the invocation, and Councilman O'Meilia led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Mayor Norris noted that, prior to the Council meeting, a ceremony was held dedicating and naming the Public Safety Facility for former Chief John S. Atwater. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion of Vice Mayor Eissey, second by Councilman O'Meilia, with all present voting aye, the Minutes of the Regular Session held 6/22/06 were approved as written. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Bob Brandner addressed the Council concerning the Accounting Policies and Procedures. The Village Manager was directed to report back on the issues of bonds and those authorized to sign Village checks. RESOLUTION 2006-46 ADOPTED -JUDY PIERMAN APPOINTED TO FILL COUNCIL VACANCY IN GROUP 3 Item 6.E.5. was moved forward on the agenda at this time. Mayor Norris asked that each Councilman write down names of candidates who are willing to serve. The Village Attorney and Village Clerk compiled a list of the suggested candidates, as follows: • Tom Magill, Judy Pierman, Bob DiGloria, Kris Garrison, Emery Newell, and Dianna Craven. MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD JULY 13, 2006 Whereupon, each Councilman circled two names from the list of candidates, with Tom Magill, • Judy Pierman, and Emery Newell receiving 2 votes each Thereafter, each Councilman circled one name, resulting in a 2 - 2 tie vote for Tom Magill and Judy Pierman. The fourth round of voting also produced a tie vote, whereupon Councilman O'Meilia nominated Tom Magill and Vice Mayor Eissey nominated Judy Pierman. Vice Mayor Eissey moved to appoint Judy Pierman. Mayor Norris passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Eissey and seconded the motion, which failed 2 - 2, with Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Norris voting aye and President Pro Tem Manuel and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. President Pro Tem Manuel moved to appoint Tom Magill. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, which failed 2 - 2, with President Pro Tem Manuel and Councilman O'Meilia voting aye, and Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Norris voting nay. Discussion ensued on selecting another individual. At this time, Mr. Magill withdrew his name from consideration. Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Resolution 2006-46 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, FILLING THE VACANCY IN THE_VILLAGE COUNCIL IN GROUP 3 CREATED BY THE UNTIMELY DEATH OF M:ANNY GRINN ON JUNE 28, 2006; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be adopted. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BILL 1204 -GENERAL FUND AND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT - ENACTED AS ORDINANCE 2006-10 Councilman O'Meilia moved that Bi111204 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND AND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET ORDINANCE 20-2005 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM UNRESERVED UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $700,000 TO THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND AND TRANSFERRING $15,000 FROM GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION - SANITATION ACCOUNT A7020-12210 TO SPECIAL LEGAL SERVICES ACCOUNT A5105-33112 be placed on second reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Councilman O'Meilia moved to enact Bill 1204 as Ordinance 2006-10. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. BILL 1205 -COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET AMENDMENT -ENACTED AS ORDINANCE 2006-11 Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Bill 1205 entitled: • 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD JULY 13, 2006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING • THE NORTH PALM COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET ORDINANCE 20-2005 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 AND CREATING A CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET FOR USE OF BANK LOAN PROCEEDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,893,673 FOR CAPITAL PROJECT GOLF COURSE RENOVATION INCLUDING TRANSFERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $150,000 TO COUNTRY CLUB FUND FOR COURSE CLOSURE EXPENDITURES be placed on second reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Vice Mayor Eissey moved to enact Bill 1205 as Ordinance 2006-11. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BILL 1206 -COUNTRY CLUB RATES FOR GOLF PLAY AND MEMBERSHIP -PLACED ON FIRST READING Village Clerk Melissa Teal distributed revised copies of the proposed ordinance. Village Attorney George Baldwin noted that the caption and Section 1 of the ordinance were revised subsequent to its inclusion in the Council agenda packet to make it clear that the rates commence 10/1/06. Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Bill 1206 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE 2006-2007 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB RATES FOR GOLF PLAY AND MEMBERSHIP COMMENCING FY 2006-2007; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be placed on first reading and read by title alone. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion. Councilman O'Meilia moved to reduce the walking fee from $12.00 to $10.00 for 18 holes and from $10.00 to $8.00 for 9 holes, per Council consensus at its 7/12/06 Budget Workshop Session. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Discussion took place on greens fees and cart fees. Thereafter, the original motion, as amended, passed unanimously. Discussion was held on priority for memberships. Council consensus was that first right of refusal on memberships should be in order as follows: resident members, residents, non-resident members, non-residents. RESOLUTION 2006-47 ADOPTED -COMPREHENSIVE PAY PLAN AMENDMENT Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Resolution 2006-47 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FY 2005-2006 COMPREHENSIVE PAY PLAN TO ADD ONE (1) "COURSE MANAGER" POSITION AT THE COUNTRY CLUB, IN PAY GRADE 28; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE • be adopted. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion. Councilman O'Meilia moved to amend the resolution to specify that the position be titled "Deputy Superintendent." Vice Mayor Eissey 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD JULY 13, 2006 seconded the motion. Discussion ensued on pay grades for the Golf Course Superintendent, • Deputy Superintendent, and Country Club Director. Thereafter the motion to amend passed unanimously, and the original motion, as amended, passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2006-48 ADOPTED -FERTILIZER BID AWARD Councilman O'Meilia moved that Resolution 2006-43 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY AS SET FORTH ON THE FERTILIZER TABULATION SHEET ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" WHICH BID IS FOR THE FURNISHING OF FERTILIZER FOR THE GRASSING PHASE OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE RENOVATION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be adopted. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. RECESS The meeting recessed at 9:12 p.m. and reconvened at 9:25 p.m. RESOLUTION 2006-49 -NORTH SUBSTATION AGREEMENT Councilman O'Meilia moved that Resolution 2006-49 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH STEPHEN L. BORUFF, AIA, ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS, INC., ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR DESIGN, PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, PERMITTING, BIDDING ASSISTANCE AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR THE NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC SAFETY NORTH SUBSTATION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be adopted. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. Discussion ensued on Articles 1.5.3, 1.5.4, and 1.5.5 on page 1-11 of the Agreement. Vice Mayor Eissey moved to amend the Agreement to delete Articles 1.5.3 and 1.5.4, and with regard to Article 1.5.5, that if the Architect does not incur $4,000 in expenses, the difference is to be deducted from the total compensation. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion to amend, which passed 3 - 1, with Vice Mayor Eissey, President Pro Tem Manuel, and Mayor Norris voting aye, and Councilman O'Meilia opposed. Thereafter, the original motion, as amended, passed unanimously. FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES FOR NORTH SUBSTATION LOAN FINANCING Vice Mayor Eissey moved to engage Spectrum Municipal Services as Financial Advisor to solicit loan proposals for financing of the Public Safety North Substation. Councilman O'Meilia • seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD JULY 13, 2006 RESOLUTION 2006-50 ADOPTED - SFRN PROPOSAL - RFP FOR LIGHTHOUSE AND • MONET BRIDGE REPAIRS Councilman O'Meilia moved that Resolution 2006-50 entitled; A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE PROPOSAL OF SFRN, INC., ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH PROPOSAL PROVIDES FOR THE PREPARATION OF OUR VILLAGE RFP FOR THE REPAIR BID OF THE LIGHTHOUSE BRIDGE AND MONET BRIDGE AS SPECIFIED IN AN INSPECTION REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be adopted. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2006-51 ADOPTED - NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD STREETSCAPE PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS Councilman O'Meilia moved that Resolution 2006-51 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND AS AGENT FOR TIE NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD TASK FORCE, AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDERS WITH TAYCON CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, INC., FOR PHASE I STREETSCAPE PROJECT FOR THE NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD CORRIDOR ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be adopted. President Pro Tem Manuel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS Discussion took place on the use of a Special Master to handle certain Code Enforcement cases. Village Attorney George Baldwin noted that Florida Statutes allow for use of a Code Enforcement Board or Special Master or both. Council consensus was to keep the Code Enforcement Board. The Village Clerk will research which cities use both a Special Master and Code Enforcement~Board, and the criteria used to determine when each is used. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS Mr. Bates reported on the status of hiring a new Library Director. Mr. Bates gave an update on the lease amendment with Nextel. Council directed that further negotiations be held. Mr. Bates briefly reviewed the proposed budget with regard to the General Fund operating highlights. Mr. Bates recommended setting the tentative millage rate at 6.6 mills. The Clerk was directed to poll the Council to set a date for a Budget Workshop in the next week. 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD JULY 13, 2006 Discussion took place on the purchasing policy with regard to increasing the level of purchase ~• requiring quotations from purchases exceeding $500 to purchases exceeding $1,000. Council consensus favored increasing the threshold for purchases requiring quotations to those purchases exceeding $1,000. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY BOARDS Mayor Norris acknowledged receipt by the Council of the following Board minutes: Minutes of 50th Anniversary Committee meeting held 4/26/06 Minutes of General Employees Pension Board meeting held 6/7/06 Minutes of Country Club Advisory Board meeting held 6/12/06 Minutes of 50th Anniversary Committee meeting held 6/26/06 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m. _ ~_ ~~~ Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk • 6 ~I • f., y;' OATH OF OFFICE State of Florida ) County of Palm Beach ) Village of North Palm Beach ) ss. I, Judy M. Pierman, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; and that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as Councilman during my continuance therein, so help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of July, 2006. ~`r °IY %,, MELISSA A. TEAL Notary Public ~~','(~~', ~`~'-: p:qY COMMISSIOti # OD 437560 -`: y~,~i :x EXPIRES. Duly 13, 2009 Netar Public undenvrtten ?~OF ~;;3c~ Sor~]ed ThN Y .. .. ... _ •