• APRIL 8, 2010
Present: William L. Manuel, Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Len Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staff were present.
Discussion was held concerning the Prosperity Farms Road Corridor Study -South Segment.
Mr. Knight explained that the Prosperity Farms Road Corridor Study was prompted by the recent
land use change application for the vacant property located at the southwest corner of Allamanda
Drive and Prosperity Farms Road. Mr. Knight advised that the Study would serve to assist the
Village by defining the current characteristics of the Prosperity Farms Road corridor and
clarifying potential development and redevelopment opportunities, and to guide staff in
preparing objectives that reflect and maintain compatibility with the overall character of the
Village. Mr. Knight noted that by Village ordinance any rezoning or change in land use must be
publicly noticed, which includes requirements for notice by mail, posting, and newspaper advertising.
Discussion took place concerning suggestions for appropriate development on Prosperity Farms
Road in the area between the Earman River and Northlake Boulevard.
Village Planning Consultant Jim Fleischmann, Land Research Management, Inc. was present to
answer questions concerning the Prosperity Farms Road Corridor Study. Mr. Fleischmann
reviewed the estimated number of trips per day for multiple family and single family dwelling
units, and commercial or office units.
Mr. Knight recommended against proceeding with a Prosperity Farms Road Overlay District,
and suggested that the Study be received by resolution as a planning document and used by the
Planning Commission and the Village Council to evaluate land-use change applications on a
case-by-case basis.
Mr. Knight displayed the proposed route for the extension of Congress Avenue to Alternate AIA.
It was requested that the Future Land Use Atlas Map be revised to reflect the current residential
use of the parcels of land adjacent to the Chabad House Lubavitch of Palm Beach at Pelican
Road and Prosperity Farms Road. Mr. Fleischmann will make the revision during the next
• Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) cycle.
A resolution receiving the Prosperity Farms Road Corridor Study as a planning document will be
placed on an upcoming agenda.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held April 8, 2010 Page 2 of 2
Discussion took place concerning funding sources for the Country Club Pool resurfacing project
and the proposed Veterans Memorial.
Mr. Knight reported on applications for two Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program
(FRDAP) grants -one non-matching grant in the amount of $50,000 for a Veterans Memorial
and one $150,000 grant (with a 25% match) for resurfacing of the municipal pool. Mr. Knight
advised that the low bid for the pool resurfacing project was $198,000. Mr. Knight reviewed the
components of the project and noted that although $65,000 was originally set aside for painting
the pool, bids were solicited for an aggregate surface, which is more durable. Additionally,
Mr. Knight advised that new federal requirements for pool drain safety must be addressed. Mr. Knight
estimated the total project cost at up to $225,000. Mr. Knight advocated using available
developer funds received from the Domani project, as there is no guazantee that the Village will
receive the FRDAP grants. Mr. Knight stated that any grant funding received subsequently
would be used to offset the monies expended by the Village. Mr. Knight advised that
notification concerning any FRDAP grant awazds should be received in about two months.
Mr. Knight reviewed the timeline for the pool project, which would commence when the new
school session begins in August.
Discussion ensued on repairs to the pool house. Mr. Knight reported on continued efforts to
engage a contractor for this work.
Mr. Knight described the proposed Veterans Memorial, which would be a park azea immediately
north of the Library and contain shade structures, benches, and a memorial wall on which all five
branches of the military would be represented. Mr. Knight noted the need for a survey and
conceptual plan for this project.
Council consensus was to move forward with the bid awazd for the pool resurfacing project, and
to obtain a survey and develop a conceptual plan for the Veterans Memorial Park, along with a
cost estimate.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
G~ ~i~~~
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village lerk