2003-068 Evaluation Policy for CClub VendorsRESOLUTION NO. 68-2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A POLICY AND FORMAT FOR THE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS OF THE POOL CONTRACTOR, TENNIS CONTRACTOR AND RESTAURANT CONTRACTOR AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Country Club Director shall provide in February of each calendar year written performance evaluations of the pool contractor, tennis contractor and restaurant contractor at the North Palm Beach Country Club utilizing the Performance Evaluation Form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A". Section 2. Upon completion of the Performance Evaluation Forms, the Country Club Director shall submit the forms to the Country Club Advisory Board for its review and written comments, which are to be placed upon or attached to each evaluation form. Section 3. Upon the Country Club Advisory Board's reviewing and providing written comments, the Country Club Director shall furnish the pool contractor, tennis contractor and restaurant contractor with their respective evaluation forms and review the evaluations with each contractor. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ ~tI,TH ~-~DA ---- , ~ _. ,. (Village Seal) ~~`~~~-- - ;~~~ l MAYOR „_ ATY~ST~ ,~~ ~'TLLAGE CLERK rasolutio r,v~lr~u'ciun-Form NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB VENDOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION NAME (LAST,FIRST,MI) DEPARTMENT OVERALL RATING CONTRACT PERIOD FROM: TO: EVALUATION PERIOD FROM: TO: DATE OF REVIEW: EVALUATION TYPE: ANNUAL, RATING GUIDE: (4) OUTSTANDING A rating for individuals whose work leaves little or nothing to be desired. Repeatedly makes contributions to the Club far beyond the contract requirements. (3) EXCEEDS Generally ezceeds requirements with minimum PERFORMANCE guidance. Takes initiative in running the EXPECTATIONS respective Club area. (2) ACCEPTABLE Responsibilities are met in a satisfactory manner. Normal guidance is required. Is reliable in following directions and meeting deadlines. In short, vendor is doing the job. (1) BELOW Improvements are needed in some key areas. EXPECTATIONS Supervision is required. (0) UNACCEPTABLE Does not meet requirements of contract; immediate improvement is ezpected. (2) VENDOR: DEPARTMENT: COMMUNICATIONA/WORItING RELATIONSHIP WITH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: FACILITIES CONDITIONS/ APPEARANCE/MAINTAINENCE: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: MEMBER/NON-MEMBER RELATIONS: PERFORMANCE/ACTIVITY CHARTS: PERSONAL APPEARANCE: RATING ADAPTABILITY/FLEXIBILITY VENDOR: DEPARTMENT: STRENGTHS: AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT: SUMMARY: VENDOR COMMENTS: VENDOR SIGNATURE: PREPARED BY (3) DATE: DATE: REVIEWED BY CCAB: DATE: COMMENTS: (4) REVIEWED BY: DATE: